An old maxim once said that “Eyes are the windows to the soul.” And how true
that is when applied to Michael Jackson. I always found that no matter what he
was doing, he couldn’t hide the emotions in his eyes. If he was sad, it showed.
If he was happy, it showed. And so on. I’ve always loved how beautiful and
wonderful Michael’s eyes were and how I liked trying to figure out what was
going on behind them. In this story though, it’ll become swiftly apparent what’s
going on behind them to one young lady…

A Michael Jackson Erotic
Short Story By:
Café Noir
San Francisco,
November, 1991 Dark brown eyes.
That’s what he
had: dark brown eyes.
Staring up at me.
Leering as I took his order.
Every morning he ordered the exact same meal, seven days a week.
A large
mug of black coffee with hazelnut flavoring, and a plate of home fries topped
with shredded cheddar cheese.
His eyes never left me for a moment as I
prepared his food and drink.
Always there. Always present.
Watching from
the booth in the back corner of the restaurant.
He always thanked me
sweetly, when I returned with his meal.
And even though his meal amounted to
less than five dollars, he always paid with a twenty-dollar bill--leaving me the
change as a tip.
(A tip which would pile up immensely over a week’s time)
Also with the twenty, he’d leave behind his card.
A small black slip of
black paper with his name and occupation embossed in red:

So that was how he managed to
overpay me with more than a hundred dollars a week; he gave song and music
I never could avoid his eyes. It was impossible to miss them.
Impossible to miss Michael Jackson.
He came like clockwork. No later
that seven in the morning, and had for about the last eight months. When the
weather permitted, he’d be dressed simply, in practically the same outfit
consisting of a brightly colored oxford shirt, blue, red, green, black, yellow,
sometimes plaid, black or blue jeans, cuffed at the ankle to show a pair of
white socks, and patent leather loafers. Once it got cooler, a sleek black
trench coat and fedora were added.
Michael never said much; always kept to
himself in that back booth, watching me as he ate. He even did the same thing to
his food each time. Five spoons of sugar into the coffee, a dash of cream.
Smothered his fries in ketchup with a sprinkle of salt and black pepper.
the months progressed, I found myself starting to meet his gaze.
pleasured by it. Even craving it.
He was an attractive man.
Tall and
very trim, he possessed skin that was a fine, fair complexion, completely a
contrast from his dark eyes, set under thin, expertly arched brows and his long,
waved jet black hair. Always parted on the right, always with his fine hairs
gelled down into place.
His appearance was always neat and tidy, never
As he ate, eventually, one of his long, inhumanly large hands would
curl up against his pointed cheek, knuckles brushing his small nose.
eyes, following me as I tended to other patrons and bussed tables.
times I had wanted to ask him why he stared at me in such a way, and yet, I
never could muster the nerve. I don’t know why.
There was something about
his eyes…they just seemed to drain me of all the strength I possessed and made
me almost physically weak. I often found that if I met his gaze for longer than
a few seconds, my knees would give out and I’d have to cling to the nearest
table or counter for support.
The power Michael seemed to have over me.
I liked it. I relished the way he looked at me. The strange odd stare. The
open obvious way he looked. Never trying to divert his eyes, never trying to
mask them.
It was all such a strange exchange, only taking his order and
receiving a thank you. No long, drawn out conversation had ever laid between us.
And he was always gone once he’d overpaid for the meal.
Only staring back
and forth as he ate.
There was something there. I wasn’t sure what exactly,
but there was some particle of something there.
One morning in the middle of
November, I got a fair idea of just what that something was.
It was a brisk,
rainy morning, about a week before the Thanksgiving holiday. Bleak and grey it
was outside, and because of the inclement conditions, Café Noir was fairly
empty, with only a handful of patrons having breakfast.
I had been wiping
down the counter, and placing used cups in a plastic bin to be washed later that
afternoon when I heard it.
Still tending to the cups, I
glanced at the clock. Six fifty-one in the morning. Not quite seven.
Dropping my eyes from the clock, I saw the familiar figure, making its way
across the room, closing a cherry red umbrella.
Michael Jackson.
like a flatfoot detective in that trench and fedora as he got to “his” booth and
began taking off the outerwear. Draped in a black shirt with a bright blue satin
band around the right bicep and black pants.
I didn’t even need to go take
his order.
I knew it by heart.
I just took to preparing the potatoes,
the scent of frying spuds, onions and green bell peppers mixing with the already
pungent aroma of the coffee. Plating them, I threw on a generous amount of
cheese, more than any of my other patrons received. The other patrons weren’t
Michael Jackson.
I poured his steaming black coffee myself, adding more
hazelnut flavoring than usual.
A little extra for Michael. I always gave him
a little extra.
He always gave me a little extra.
Placing everything on
a tray, I started towards Michael.
Through the steam billowing from the
food, he was watching me.
Hand curled to his face, eyes lined heavily in
black and framed with lush lashes, blinking every so often as I got to him.
Set the food before him.
“Thank you…”
The meek utterance slipped
past those soft, and glossy rosy lips of his.
Nodding I started to go back
to the counter.
“Sit with me, please…”
I paused, feeling my brow go up
with curiosity. Trying to figure out if my ears weren’t playing tricks on me, I
turned back to Michael.
Tray still steaming in front of him, I saw he had
his hand extended, pointing at the vacant seat of the booth. He had asked me to
sit with him!
I gave the other few people there a glance. No one seemed to
need my assistance--for the moment, I was indeed free to join him.
Which I
Slipping onto the leather covered seat, I watched as a smile graced
those lips of his.
Grateful. He appeared grateful.
“Thank you, Natalie…”
He repeated softly and was reaching for the ketchup bottle.
As he covered
his potatoes in that tangy tomato sauce, I found his eyes were planted firmly on
“Why do you do that?” The question popped from my mouth before I could
stop myself.
Misunderstanding me, Michael was forking food into his mouth.
“The potatoes and cheese are really rich, the vinegar in the ketchup cuts
through it…and it all tastes really good.” He replied, smacking loudly.
Chuckling to myself, I shook my head.
“No…not the food, Michael. Why…
why do you stare at me like that? Stare so hard?”
Tending to his coffee,
Michael asked innocently,
“Am I staring? I hadn’t noticed.”
pinging as he swirled it in his mug, I pointed out,
“You’re staring right
now. You stare every time you‘re in here. Every day.”
Michael took the time
to tilt his mug to his mouth, taking a deep drink, before grinning at me.
“Forgive me for being rude. I know it’s rude to stare, but I can’t help it.
I’ve never seen a girl as breathtaking as you. I’m sorry.”
For the first
time since I had known him, Michael’s eyes left me and were on his food as he
It was my turn to stare. Had he just referred to me as breathtaking?
Me, sitting there in my brown uniform, without a stitch of make up, with my
hair tossed back in a butterfly clip?
How… how did he see that as
Michael’s eyes came up to mine again as he was quietly
“I can see it in your face you’re wondering how I find you
breathtaking.” He stated calmly, hitting the nail right on the head.
more, he added,
“I prefer women who are natural. I don’t go for all the
cosmetics piled on, seeking attention. All the fuss and fervor. I like how you
look. Just…yourself. Not trying to be something you’re not. I like that.”
Blushing, I stared at my hands, folded on the table top.
“You’re very
kind, Michael.” I whispered, my cheeks burning.
“And you’re very beautiful,
Natalie.” Came the serious reply. “Your pale skin, your freckles, your grey
eyes, your dark hair….its all beautiful. You should never try to cover it up.”
Drinking more coffee, he added,
“Natalie…I would like it very much if I
could see you once you got off work tonight. Maybe take you to dinner or
My heart instantly dropped at the request. He was asking me out!
Michael was asking me out! Jesus Christ!
And then a hurtful realization
hit me.
“Oh…oh, Michael…” I whimpered, sorrowfully gazing at him. “I can’t,
not tonight. I have to do the inventory.”
It was a task that I had been
putting off for months and needed to do before I absolutely did run out of
supplies and food.
Undaunted, the man suggested with a smile,
“I’ll come
here then. I can count past ten, I’ll help…if you don’t mind.”
Those eyes
focused on me and I simply could not refuse.
Couldn’t’ turn him down.
“I--I don’t mind.” I couldn’t get my voice above a whisper.
Picking up a
paper napkin, Michael wiped at his mouth.
“Then. I’ll come back around seven
Michael then rose and placed his money down on the table, for his
I felt my eyes widening at the bill.
It wasn’t my usual
He’d just set a crisp, one hundred dollar bill down.
‘Michael--I can’t take that! It’s too much!” I gasped as he slid the money
towards me. The twenties were fine, but that really was too much. Far too much.
“Yes you can--”
I stiffened as his lips, sticky from the sugar in his
coffee, brushed my cheek.
“--I want you to have it.”
He kissed me!
Michael had just kissed me! Lord!
As I warmed all over, a hand gripped my
“I’ll see you tonight.” The top my head was pecked before Michael
started to scoop up his hat and coat.
I watched him, twisting in my seat as
he donned his hat and coat, before braving the rain again.
Then he was gone.
I held a hand to my chest, where my heart was beating wildly and
I was taken, completely taken with Michael Jackson.
* *
“Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!”
I didn’t know how it happened.
I really,
honestly have no idea how it happened.
“Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!”
But there I was,
clad in nothing more than my bra and panties, pressed against one of the
shelving units of the pantry .
With Michael.
Michael Jackson wore even
less than I did, the only article of clothing on his thin frame was a pair of
dark grey silk boxers.
His pallid body, soft, smooth and shimmering slightly
in the lights, was pressed against mine, hugging me in a way.
Those lush
locks of hair falling my face as he pressed his cheek against mine.
I don’t
know how it happened.
All I remembered was that Michael had appeared a full
hour before our agreed upon meeting time. Instead of taking his both, he’d sat
at the counter, watching me as always.
Didn’t order anything. Didn’t ask for
a drink.
I don’t even recall him saying hello to me.
The hour passed and
Café Noir emptied out, and eventually closed.
He looked on as I cleared the
last few dishes for washing and told him, if he wanted to help me, I was going
into the pantry.
He smiled, and for the first time spoke, saying only
We’d walked in relative silence, to the large dry goods pantry in
the back of my restaurant, where I handed him a pad and pencil, to record the
items I counted.
I counted two different items out to Michael. Twenty-six
boxes of pancake mix and fifteen bottle of ketchup.
The pencil tip broke.
That was the meek declaration came from behind me. That’s what Michael had
said. That the tip of his pencil had broken off.
I turned to tell him where
a sharpener was, and almost instantly, the pencil, or even what a pencil was,
had left my mind.
He had undressed. Michael Jackson had undressed, and only
stood there in his underwear. His clothes lay in a neatly folded pile on a shelf
on the other side of the room.
He hadn’t written anything come to think of
it, as the pencil and blank pad laid on the floor. Tossed there carelessly.
I didn’t get a chance to say anything before Michael crossed the room,
backing me into the shelves, knocking some items to the floor and was kissing
Holding my face in those long hands, smothering my mouth with his.
Kissing. Sucking. Licking away at my mouth.
I didn’t try to stop him; I
let him kiss me.
He could kiss me all he wanted, until I our lips bled.
I didn’t care. His mouth tasted so good. His smooches, so thrilling.
was his for the taking.
It was evident he did want to take me.
clothes came off. I believe Michael took them off of me…I’m not sure, but I was
in my undergarments, being hugged some more and kissed at some more.
large hands roving and roaming my body. Squeezing at my breasts, patting my
bottom, stroking my thighs.
Eventually a hand found its way between my
Grabbing at me, touching me.
The hand disappearing in my
panties. A finger disappearing inside of me.
I didn’t try to stop him. Damn
it, I didn’t want to stop him.
Not for anything in this natural world.
And so there I was, mashed against the wall, in the back room, Michael
rubbing his cheek against mine, as he was forcing his long, slim middle finger
in and out of me.
Clinging to him as he was fondling me.
“Ugh, Ugh…Ah!”
I was breathless as he began to ease his finger from me.
That long hand
cupping my private area as Michael leaned back and was staring into my face. A
fierce, brightness to his eyes appearing.
Damp lips pressed my forehead,
before a request was whispered into my ear.
There was the sound of fabric tearing, as Michael broke the side
of my panties, pulling them from me, and yanked the center of my bra loose,
freeing my breasts.
I felt a gasp leave my mouth at the somewhat large
mounds of mammaries bounced wildly a few moments.
“Christ…you look like a
marble statue that belongs in a museum…”
The pant of admiration slipped from
Michael’s lips as his hands went up into his lustrous hair, nails audibly raking
his scalp, his eyes washed over me.
“Oh…God…” Michael murmured as those eyes
I loved so much swelled in his head ,his large hands came out and traced the
round shape of my flesh globes and rubbed against my abdomen before gripping my
I held my breath, wondering what he was going to do next.
so lovely Natalie…I’ve dreamed of this for so , so long. Too long…”
hands slipped from my waist and were now resting on Michael’s.
warning, rather boldly, the grey boxers were eased over Michael’s slender hips
and fell to his feet where he stepped from them.
My eyes now widened as I
took in his exposed groin.
Decorated with the barest tuft of jet curls, that
had been so impeccably trimmed they looked more like a shadow on him than
anything else.
And sprouting from those tender, bitable loins were a shaft
of flesh like I
had never before seen.
Thick, tan and boasting a dark
red tip, Michael’s d*ck bounced as he shifted back and forth, hand curling
around that massive meat and rubbing at it.
Absently maintaining the
erection that was gripping him at that moment.
“Ah!--” He exhaled sharply,
dropping himself before biting down on his finger, trying control himself.
If he was feeling anything like I was feeling, perhaps to strong a breath
may have brought on a simultaneous orgasm.
I was so hot, raw and a bit
woozy, I didn’t quite know what to do.
But Michael did…
please…touch me a little.” He cooed, and with a finger was indicating that
growth swinging from him. “I need to feel your touch.”
On shaky legs, I
managed to come forward and with hands shaking even more than my knees, I took
hold of him.
Feeling his warmth and hardness in my palms.
brought his hand up, licking at his finger tips, ribbing the moisture around my
hands, helping to lube it.
Then I was stroking him.
I was stroking
“Yes, yes! That’s it girl….that’s exactly it!” Michael’s voice was
now hushed, and higher, in his delight at what I was doing to him
His hands were squeezing after my bosom again and taken, I toled my head back.
“No--” I whimpered as his mouth came forward, pressing on my neck, sucking
and that sharp, tongue stabbing at my throat over and over again.
He was
certainly leaving me looking like a Dalmatian, covered in hickeys.
his mouth from me with a soft smack, Michael’s eyes found their way into mine.
Burning with the intensity of a billion solar flares.
“May…may I put
‘it’ in you?” He speaking was so meek, almost lying if compared to the way he
was looking at me.
This softness, tenderness, just didn’t seem to match the
stare he was giving me.
Like a lion stalking a gazelle, was how I was being
gazed upon.
Was this man really asking permission to do me?
Touching his
smooth cheek, I repeated the words he had whispered earlier.
Softly, gently, I was turned to face the shelving
unit before me
With Michael’s assistance, my hands were wrapped around a
metal pole to steady myself.
The next few moments were spent with Michael
positioning me before him, lightly spreading my legs apart.
Then Michael
said something, in a foreign language that I did not understand.
I did
understand it when I felt his lips peck my right buttock, and surprised, I
stared back at him, in time to see his tongue flap against it, before he
That length of meat in his hand.
One hand resting on my
hip to steady himself.
He spoke again, in English, but more to himself than
“I only hope I can stay hard long enough to enjoy this…I’m so wound up I
might explode any second!”
“Aw--Mike!” I cried out as slowly, deliberately,
Michael began inching his way into me.
“I know Baby…I know…’ He cooed,
grabbing the clip in my hair and letting it loose down my back, rubbing at it.
“I know it’s big…”
Big was an understatement. It felt like a freight train
was trying to park inside of me.
He was so large. So in humanly large.
How could someone so thin be so large, damn it?
“Oh Michael…Michael,
wait…” I begged as he finally reached my inner depths, his crotch bumping my
One arm wrapped my waist and his free hand clutched at my throat.
I felt his pointed chin pressing my shoulder and warm, moist breath hit my
face as he laughed, half-crazed,
“I can’t wait. I have to f*ck you now. I
have to give my c*ck to you, Baby!”
That’s what Michael began
doing: pounding away into me.
“Oh! Oh! OH! Michael! Michael, stop! No--”
I was holding onto the shelving until for dear life with Michael tearing
into me so hard that with each thrust everything on the shelves rattled.
“Take it! Take it! Aaow! Hee! Aaow! I want you to take it! Take me! Have me!
Take this big, hard c*ck!”
With a loud smack he had kissed my cheek.
Another smack resounded as he slapped my backside several times before
leaning back, off me, and pinching, tweaking my nipples to ripe soreness.
can’t take it!” I wailed as he paused to yank on my hair.
“Yes you can! You
can! You’ve got a tight little p*ssy, that’s why you’re not used to a d*ck like
this! “ He insisted as was plunging deeper and deeper into me.
“Aaaah!” I
screamed as Michael ripped himself from me.
Without a second to catch my
breath, he had whirled me to face him, wrapping his arms around me, kissing me
fiercely, tongue halfway down my esophagus.
In the next instant, I was lifted
up, hugged to Michael, him placing my legs around his hips.
Holding me up,
unsupported, and driving away into me.
“Ugh, ugh ugh…damn, you’re so good to
me girl…ugh…” Michael threw his head back and yelled to the rafters and I cupped
his reddening face in my hands.
“I love you Michael!” I cried and pecked at
his mouth.
Brows went up and he laughed.
“Sh*t….I love you too Natalie!”
He exclaimed and whacked my ass again.
“UGH! UGH!” Michael cried became more
intense, and gently, I was set back on the floor.
Michael pleaded, his voice tight, as he was lightly hitting at the tip of his
engorged member.
As I dropped to my knees on the cool cement, Michael
reached over my head, breathing hard, and came up with an un opened, bear-shaped
bottle of honey.
Michael set a record for opening a bottle of honey, ripping
the top off and throwing it behind him.
Holding himself with one hand, with
the other he poured honey all over his slicked, shiny shaft.
Dropping the
bottle, Michael threw his head back as I leaned forward and slid my mouth down
him, tasting the mixture of sweetness that was the golden honey and the
saltiness that was his pale skin.
Hands on his head, Michael shrieked,
“DAMN IT! That’s it! That’s it! Baby! Oh, Baby! It’s almost there! It’s
almost there!”
Grasping his hips as I let him go further and further down my
throat, I became aware of the sensation of Michael beginning to tremble.
skin was damper too--he was sweating.
“Aaow! Aaow! Aaow!” Michael was biting
his hand again, trying to silence his screams. “Holy sh*t….Natalie! Natalie!
Michael pulled himself out of my mouth so hard, it hurt my teeth.
“I can’t stand it! I can’t stand it… I have to come! I gotta come.
Goddamn, I gotta--”
Michael Jackson exploded.
A high, loud, almost
female shriek, came from his open mouth as his eyes snapped shut and his teeth
He managed to rub his d*ck exactly three times before it began
shooting hot white globs.
Globs that collided with my face and chin, causing
my to protest, more flying in my mouth as I cursed.
The rest was directed at
my breasts. Effectively soaking them.
Michael dropped to his
knees at my side and proceeded to wipe at his miss, pressing as much as he could
get up, into my mouth.
Forcing me to taste him.
“Come on, get it all
Baby…you like it… you like your Michael. You love me.”
He pecked my lips and
was surely tasting himself on me.
“I love you…” He mumbled into my mouth and
we wrapped our arms around each other.
* * *
The follow morning
was almost like all the mornings that had come before it.
I got up, at the
crack of dawn, dragged myself from bed, and made it down to my Café to start
cooking breakfast for all my hungry patrons.
And most mornings, I usually
did everything alone.
But not this morning.
Not at all.
Right there,
behind the counter, next to me, staring as he helped me with every thing, was
Michael Jackson.
Still staring at me.
With those loving, dark brown
The End