
A 3T Erotic Short Story By:
Autumn, 2013
Though the
hallway lay dormant, unmoving, and otherwise silent, one steady, at
times rapid, at others more slowly, a single noise was repeating
itself in the distance...yet drawing closer with each repetition.
At one of the
hallway, a grand, curving, and sweeping staircase, crafted of marble,
not quite white, but not quite cream ascended and then disappeared,
meshing with the floor lying above it.
Suddenly, a hand
gripped the polished, carved, opulent, Art Nouveau influenced
The hand, small,
a rich brown and tipped with nails long enough to be noticed, but not
so long as to be considered vulgar, all painted a deep, nude pink,
save for both index fingers, sparkling with chunky silver glitter.
Stepping onto the
marble landing and starting down the steps was a lone woman.
A gorgeous
creature she was, tall, statuesque by some descriptions, with a
generous, voluptuous figure, verging in that grey area between what
constituted as “normal” and “plus” sized.
Her face, was
quite arresting and pleasing to any and all who laid eyes upon it:
oval and smooth, with large, piercing dark eyes, slightly slanted
above a small, yet flared nose. Beneath it, large, plump lips,
sparkled dully, everything accented with natural tones complimentary
to her complexion.
Nothing over
done, just enough to make all of her proud, African features stand
out all the more for admiration.
A simple wrap
dress of forest green satin transformed over her curves, barely
containing an ample and pert bosom, clinging to wide hips,
accentuating every inch of her hourglass form.
With each step
taken in the green satin stilettos, the back of which had been
adorned with placard of crystals, mimicking that on the clutch in her
free hand and competing with three diamond tennis bracelets on her
fine wrist, the high silt of the skirt swayed displaying a flash of
toned, shimmery thigh.
Reaching the
final step, the woman stumbled a bit, but managed to catch herself
before she fell, her tresses, a shining raven black, smoothed and
parted deeply on the left side swished around her shoulders.
At the opposite
end of the hall, a set of frosted glass doors, set in a curling,
swirling wood that echoed the banister.
As she neared the
door, two human-shaped blobs, one in a brilliant red, the other in a
vibrant blue went by the glass, on the other side and vanished from
Just outside the
doors, the woman paused, her head lowering with trepidation for a
fleeting moment.
Then summoning
courage from somewhere in the recesses and depths of her soul she
laid a hand on the curved brass knob.
This had to be
It could no
longer be avoid, put off and willfully ignored.
It had to be
It simply had to.
Opening the door,
she slipped into the room, promptly shutting it behind her.
In front of her,
a dressing room, rather plain and painted in the neither white, nor
cream color, revealed itself.
Against a the
wall closest to her, two guitars, one acoustic, the other electric,
had been propped.
Next to them a
rolling rack, containing various clothing in different degrees, of
black and grey hung, waiting to be worn.
Across her the
opposing wall was a bank of ten vanities, replete with lighted
mirrors and director style chairs.
Only one, at the
very end, was occupied.
A man, draped in
a pale amber robe sat, inspecting his appearance, a small pick in
hand, dutifully arranging the tuft of curls tumbling from the crown
of his head.
Easing towards
him, the woman watched, in silence, as the pick was set down and a
large, strong hand, a few veins visible on it, dipped into a small
jar, the whitish pomade inside rubbed between both, before being
distributed over the curls to hold them in place.
Creeping up
behind him, as he picked up a squat, black glass bottle, and removed
the cap, in the shape of a Pharaoh's head, the woman geared up to
make her presence known.
And instantly
recoiled as, eyes shutting, the man enveloped himself in a veritable
cloud of woodsy, fresh scent, heavily based with raw musk.
At the sound of
the sneeze, the man startled, dropping the bottle and swung around in
the chair, his eyes widening up at her.
His lips quivered
a moment, then allowed her name to pass,
Head lowering,
Heather nodded, a weak, yet audible sob escaping her, only his name
being uttered,
Unable to speak
any further, articulate herself verbally, she brought her hands up,
pushing her locks behind her ears.
Revealing the
large, dangling diamond and emerald earrings that had been concealed
by her hair.
Jaw sagging
slightly, Taj gazed at her, his eyes locked with hers several
moments, before drifting to the door in the far corner of the room.
Where the two
other men, in a red and blue robe, respectively, stared out at them,
similar expressions on their faces.
So little had
been said, but it screamed volumes just the same.
A pair of
earrings... shiny rocks held together by polished metal...
Had just answered
each and every question that had ever been asked.
One Week
New South Wales, Australia
is upon us, and though cooler temperatures will soon reign supreme
once more, don't rush to put away all those miniskirts just yet,
girls. No! Deeper, more muted florals are what the very smartest
dressed of women are wearing this season; and paired with a variety
of sweaters, tights, leggings, boots and booties, the possibilities
are virtually endless! Be bold! Be daring! Make the look your very
back and forth, barefoot, across the plush, shag carpet covering the
otherwise chilled hardwood beneath her, Heather Treherne examined the
paragraph, scrawled hastily in her fine, swooping script, across the
pale, water-colored pages of the small, lavender leather-bound
journal in her right hand.
left clutched an ostentatious ink pen, stark white and topped by a
large plume. The feather grazed her chin as she paused in the middle
of her bedroom.
stunningly beautiful and with a figure most else starved towards or
paid dearly to have augmented by surgical means, Heather, by all
appearances could have passed for a model.
idling beyond the foot of her bed, both Heather and her surroundings
seemed more a set for a photoshoot, rather than an actual, lived-in
in a soft peach, it was an overwhelmingly feminine room, from the
delicate Lucite and beded glass chandelier dangling above her cream
satin dressed bed, to the mirrored furniture, to the tiny, snow-white
Pomeranian nestled in a doggie bed alongside her lit vanity,
overflowing with meticulously arranged cosmetics.
her, on the quilted bedspread, her laptop, its surface covered in
thousands of clear Swarovski crystals sparkled and competed along
with the somewhat gaudy case of her smartphone, adorned in black, hot
pink, electric blue and neon yellow crystals, forming a loud leopard
pattern, its upper right corner bearing a huge hot pink crystal bow.
there, still pondering her next words carefully, Heather's exquisite
form was kept somewhere near decency, draped in a skimpy pink and
black dotted silk cami and matching boyshorts.
from one foot to the next, Heather's hair, gathered in a messy bun
atop her head swayed, but did not come loose. A sleep mask, in the
same fine material as her sleepwear was worn like something of a
headband, to be pulled down over her eyes whenever she decided to
call it a night.
when working towards a deadline, as she was then, a “night”
usually occurred sometime after the dawn.)
she had declined numerous offers to model, Heather Treherne was still
making her presence known in the fashion world, as a blogger.
the last three years she had personally written and was the face of
Heather's Hot Mess, a web log that documented her life,
and offered the beauty forecast along with a litany of how-to hair
and makeup videos.
the site had, at first, been launched to attract other Black women
such as herself, Heather had gained popularity globally, with over a
million followers and devotees, of all races, being hailed as
something of a beauty/fashion guru.
by all accounts, it seemed Heather's life had indeed been an open
book to her fans.
Heather, a native of Biloxi, Mississippi in the United
States—Southern accent and all—had moved to Sydney as an exchange
student at the age of fourteen, where she had remained ever since.
a stint studying journalism in university, and writing for several
Aussie and Kiwi-based magazines, Heather launched her blog.
while everyone thought they knew everything about Heather,
there was one secret she held dearly and guarded as fiercely as
though it were worth its weight in gold.
it was.
was known for expensive tastes, and living quite high on the hog, and
while yes, she did live off a trust, her parents had set up for her
back home, and from the salary she drew from her blog, most of her
possessions and walking around dough came from her elsewhere.
being her three young benefactors.
still brushing her chin, Heather crossed her room to her
mirror-fronted nightstand and lifted the sterling framed portrait,
mixed among a few of her parents and herself as a child to avoid
drawing unwarranted attention.
often shot her how-to videos in her room and didn't want the portrait
of her boyfriends to be in plain view.
the photo, a soft, pleased sigh escaped Heather's lips, her bosom
rising and falling, as the air whooshed from her.
was her favorite portrait of them, shot in black and white, all three
of them in black and draping a black leather armchair.
Jackson Brothers, Taj, Taryll and TJ, the handsome, witty, mildly
pampered sons of Tito, whom made his fortune through a vintage
luxury car restoration business, had been involved with Heather for
nearly ten years.
dashing men they were, curly, dark-haired creatures.
had always been crazy about men with naturally curly hair!
sculpted features, serious, thoughtful...
had all run across one another when the Teez, as Heather
affectionately called then, had gotten lost and she had pointed them
in the right direction.
it had been on from then.
four were tangled in a strange relationship, with the brothers
regularly traveling out from their home in Beverly Hills to visit, up
to two weeks at a time.
was a free-wheeling, casual relationship that had blossomed and
continued without hesitation.
as men will do when wooing a lady, “gifts” had begun to show up
out of thin air.
she'd purchased the house and beach-backed property herself,all of
the furnishings, her car, a Mercedes-Benz, and even her dog had been
tokens of... love?...bestowed by her sacred three.
that was just what had come as a group. Every so often, items from
the individual brothers would also appear.
their faces with a long, nail, painted a glossy dark grey, Heather
pondered them, a smug smile curling her lips.
did spoil her so...
weren't men supposed to spoil their women?
in this case, their woman.
noise, so sharp in the abrupt silence, caught Heather off-guard and
she nearly threw her beloved portrait in fright.
it was her phone as its screen, once darkened was now lit, her eyes
rolled at her being silly over a harmless message, and she replaced
the photo on its stand.
back and crawling up into her massive bed, each move she made causing
her to sink several inches into the extra soft mattress, Heather
found a simple text:
“Face Spot
Me. Taj.”
should have known.
was the most tech-savvy of the three, keeping in touch with Heather
via text, email, voice calls or in this instance, video chat. Hardly
a day went by without some form of contact from him. And more
sporadically, his brothers.
stacking overstuffed pillows against the headboard, she propped
herself against them, pulling her computer into her lap and turning
it on, taking a second to admire the same picture, set as the
device's background.
the two never got mixed up, Heather exclusively used the video
calling service, Face Spotter for her men and Skype for
her parents and everyone else.
with a flew clicks, a digitized version of a telephone line ringing
was trilling softly, a box taking up most the screen setting black,
as the other party had to answer.
six trills, Heather reached for her phone, intent on texting Taj back
to tell him to answer.
old New York...was once New Amsterdam...but why they changed it, I
can't say...I guess they liked it better that way...!”
the screen remained black, Heather's ears picked up the alternative
rock music of They Might Be Giants.
band Taj liked and had playing in the background of their chats
questioned curiously and smiled when she heard him, whisper loudly,
along with some muffled thuds,
was moved and Heather was greeted with a familiar sight: the interior
of Taj Jackson's master bedroom, as viewed from the top of his desk,
in the far corner of the room.
room itself was rather plain, painted a pale grey, with solid, heavy
furniture in a lacquered, gleaming black.
the far wall, a King-sizd bed was neatly made, the sheets and
comforter black, white and grey plaid. In the center of the pillows,
a vibrant green Incredible Hulk plush laid askew.
only real color to the room came from the dozens of framed (copies)
of superhero comic book covers lining the walls, Superman, Batman,
Wonder Woman, The X-Men, The Silver Surfer...
name it, Taj had read it.
in his basement, stored away in a climate-controlled bunker, a
collection of prized comics worth thousands sat to be admired, never
touched, and frequently added too, as Taj Jackson's one weakness were
those little graphic novels from the Golden and Silver Ages of
weakness Taj spared no expense in indulging.
Marvel, etc, etc, he had no discrimination when it came to the
hey, where was her favorite geek?
repeated and the large empty leather desk chair wiggled, with a hand
coming up and waving.
hand she knew all too well: big, slightly vein-y, with a small
circular scar, a few shades deeper than the rest of a light bronze
“One second,
of sight, Taj's voice, soft, mild, deliberate and cultured reached
her ears, and Heather's heart automatically picked up pace.
voice never did fail to excite her.
later the owner of the voice stood, balling up a linen napkin in his
was so fetching in the plain, pale blue tee and striped pajama
bottoms hanging loosely off of his thickset, strong figure, making
his skin glow.
frame bounced once more as Taj quickly sat and adjusted the screen to
show the upper portion of his torso, and face.
he turned, so that he was in profile, Heather admired his full,
rounded cheeks, showing a smattering of freckles, that lent to him a
youthful look years belying his nearly forty years of age, one of his
prominent ears sticking out, he lifted a goblet of orange juice to
his lips, drawing a deep sip, Adam's Apple quivering as he swallowed.
lingered moment, same hand coming up and picking at the close
cropped, black spirals adoring the crown of his head.
the camera, for a brief instance, his face was serious and
contemplative, eyes dipping at the corners and appearing a tad
sleepy, under sparse, yet groomed brows.
mouth, in a perfect little cupid's bow, was set as he reached out,
the frame coming closer as he brought the computer nearer the edge of
his desk.
expression rapidly switched to one of joy as he took note of the
sweet face peering back at him.
eyes lit, tiredness vacating and his mouth, once stern, became a
doting grin.
my beautiful little Hershey's Kiss...”
snickered and Heather was aware of the brief interval his eyes left
her face, focusing in on her bosom, hugged by the polka-dot silk.
are you, Sugar?”
eyes returned to hers and his brows went up expecting her reply.
possessed a way of looking at her that went past her eyes and
somewhere off into her soul that would leave Heather tied-tongued at
are you, Taj?”
Taj trailed off, gaze falling as he absently ran his hand along the
edge of his keyboard.
you, of course.”
miss you, too Taj...” Heather admitted weakly, heart skipping four
or five beats at a time.
discussed how to remedy that problem numerous times, Heather,” He
remarked, putting a hand out and coming up with a long, nearly burnt
strip of bacon, crunching on it loudly.
her eyes dropped to her lap, with her stammering,
still not sure about all that--”
“Bro, what
the HELL is this? I asked for a Caramel Latte, not
Vanilla! What the fuc--”
the distance a voice screamed, with what sounded like a door
“They ran
out of Caramel!” A second
voice announced just as angrily,“I told you to go down
there yourself!”
“I was
ass-naked in the shower! I'll be damned if I go to Starbucks, naked
as a newborn! It was funny when I did it on my birthday last year,
but I was drunk on Grey Goose! I ain't walking my big ass down there,
Jesus!” Taj grumbled more to
himself than her, turning in his chair to face his open bedroom door.
And will you close that goddamn robe? I don't need to see all your
of a Fuzzy Vienna Sausage, nahhhh!”
to Hell!”
“You first,
and save me a seat!”
the door, a figure came storming, face twisted into a scowl, going
crimson in aggravation, a white and green Starbucks cup steaming in
each hand.
your Venti Hazelnut Latte, with the extra shot of Espresso!” The
man declared, all but slamming the cup down on the desk.
goofy ass can remember all that, but can't think to call me to tell
me they're out of Caramel! Dumbass! Dumbass! Dumbass!”
He continued, placing a hand on his plump hip, through the loosely
tied robe, showing a gold on gold windowpane-check pattern,
accentuating his own complexion, a bit more tanned than Taj's.
tossed his head arrogantly, the blackish brown curls on his head,
still damp, with a few beads glistening.
the hell out of me for wanting to shower. I ran for ninety minutes on
the treadmill this morning and the funk was about to lay me out! Now
if TJ wants to inhale the scent of my sweaty ass, and moist balls--”
declared as his brother, two years his junior, tilted his unwanted
Vanilla concoction to his mouth grimacing.
Taryll was unbothered, taking another sip.
choked when Taj pointed out, frowning.
quite sure the lady doesn't want to hear about your moist balls!”
Taryll echoed and Taj pointed to the screen, where Heather waved.
Instantly he was hanging onto the back of Taj's chair returning the
to start my day, seeing my Princess—Hey Baby!”
Taryll” Heather cooed and winked.
was devilishly handsome.
bore a stronger resemblance to their father, while Taryll's face and
features echoed that of the Teez's mother, Delores.
cheerful hazel eyes, the sweeping, sharply arched brows, upturned
nose and full mouth were distinctly his own, and went unfound on his
TJ.” Taj ordered thoughtlessly, reaching back and patting Taryll's
started to giggle when, instead of leaving the room and fetching the
youngest of the three in person, Taryll threw his head back yowling,
Joe! Get your skinny, ashy, knock-kneed ass in here now!”
working on my last good, goddamned nerve this morning! If I have to
take a poke at your jaw...”
last of the trio entered, fists clenched at his sides, the only one
not still in his pajamas.
Joe, known as asTJ colloquially, was five years younger than Taj, and
his youth showed as unapologetically as it did with his brothers
and easily able to pass for twenty-five, TJ was the tallest and
slimmest of the three.
Taj, he facially favored Tito more than Delores, but his complexion
was also that of Tito, a few shades darker than his siblings, making
his mixed background of Black and Latin less evident.
was traditionally handsome, almost too handsome, with chiseled
features, a fine nose and excessively thick brows over his playful
dark eyes.
lips curled back over white teeth as he grabbed Taryll's arm and
started to swing him around, intent on picking up the argument where
it had been left off.
you calling ashy, when you put on so much cocoa butter you're like a
greased hog?”
Taryll huffed, fists coming up. “I'll show you a hog--”
“I'll knock
the Bacon Bits out yo' ass so fast--”
“You're not
about to turn my room into the damn MMA!”
his chair back, Taj was on his feet, a hand on the back of the necks
of each brother, yanking them apart, TJ stumbling and falling out of
the screen.
cried, afraid that they'd all go to tangling right then and there.
(She had witnessed it several times before.)
there a point to this, or did you just want me to see a battle to the
death tonight? It is after one a.m. in Sydney and I still have
a deadline to meet!
TJ, grabbing onto Taj, pulled himself upright, peering at the screen
brows shooting up at the sight of his lover.
Dias Bonita—how do you like the good news?”
good news?” Heather demanded and noticed Cheshire Cat-like grins
curling their mouths.
three sly boots were up to something...
why I wanted to talk to you...” Taj announced, sitting again.
“...we're coming back to Sydney...”
paused long enough to allow Heather ample time to react happily,
clapping her hands and squealing.
know how me and these fools are trying to get into the film
production business?”
Heather bobbed her head, as she was familiar with the handful of
amateur films the men had shot and marketed online. They did have a
decent following in the cyberworld.
we just got our biggest break yet.” Taj continued, eating another
strip of bacon. “There's a documentary filmmaker who wants us to
produce his picture about the Aboriginal culture 'down under'--”
once he heard we scored all our own pictures, he wants us to score
his film too. We've already written and recorded some stuff.”
Taryll butted in, before being pushed aside by TJ who added,
be playing The Flamingo Room of the Luxor Club, on Saturday--”
will you be here?” Heather interrupted, her mind already racing to
decide what to wear to the upscale, yet highly restricted nightspot.
the filmmaker was had to be a big deal to do his partying at the
Luxor, the premiere club in all of New South Wales!
fly out in about an hour!” Taj beamed, as more shrieks erupted.
“We'll be in Sydney by about one in the afternoon your time. We're
hopping a red-eye!”
my God! That's so soon!” Heather brought her hands to her cheeks in
bet it is!”
bring your appetite!” TJ commanded. “As soon as we land we're
taking you to lunch!”
Taj and Taryll concurred and Heather nodded jubilantly.
“It's a
be flying into Queen Victoria Airport! Gate 333 coming from Los
be there with bells on! I love you!” Heather blew a kiss, which aas
eagerly returned. “Fly safe!”
love you too Honey! Can't wait to see you!”
the screen faded to black the call ending.
warm and tingly all over, Heather tucked her arms behind her head,
looking over at the dog sleeping across from her.
well, well Wolfie...” She commented softly. “...your daddies are
coming back and before this over, we'll be having it out again...we
always do.”
* *
Several Hours
Queen Victoria
International Airport
9155 from Los Angeles is now landing...Flight 9155 from Los Angeles
is now landing...”
against the huge, tinted glass window that overlooked the expansive,
rolling cement runway, Heather Treherne was doing her very best to
compose herself.
was a difficult task, as only a few hundred yards away, the
tremendous Boeing 747, with the American flag printed on its tail,
was slowly taxiing towards the long white tube that would connect the
plane to the terminal and allow the passengers to walk across to Gate
only a few moments, Taj, Taryll and TJ would step off that jumbo jet
and back into her life!
clenched together over her bosom, each breath staggered and erratic,
Heather turned, eyes seeking out the shut door leading to the tube,
waiting for it open at any second.
small crowd had gathered on either side of the door, mostly comprised
of your garden variety of spouses, children and extended family.
per usual, in a sea of denim and cotton tees, Heather stood apart
from the crowd.
others had dressed more for comfort than anything else, Heather
Treherne, true to form, had dressed to impress.
surely, every so often, a passerby would give her a head to toe
glance as they went about their merry way.
taken her own fashion advice in regards to the wearing of dark
florals, Heather wore a short, flouncy black skirt, printed over with
large white rosettes. A thin, ribbed, boat-necked white sweater clung
to her, making her figure the focal point above all else.
a foot, clad in a black leather bootie, it's heel stacked and clear,
tapped against the tiled floor.
back and forth the wide, polished white-gold of her cuff bracelet
reflected light, as did the matching button earrings, just barely
peeking through her hair, arranged in a huge mass of carefree, beachy
a last minute attempt to assure her entire look struck the note she
wanted, Heather pulled the small, striped clutch from beneath her arm
and whipped out a gold compact, giving her make up a sweeping once
over: the silver shadow, the winged liner, the touch of blush, and
the clear, sparkling pout.
her false lashes were a bit too dramatic in hindsight, but it was too
late to yank them off now, nor would she. The lashes were made of
genuine mink, cost into the hundreds and she had glued her eye shut
that morning applying them. The lashes would remain.
very few hairs not attached to Heather's head rose in anticipation as
the hydraulic lock on the door unlatched, and was slowly swung open
by a stewardess in a blue uniform.
“Thank you
choosing American Airlines...we hope you enjoyed your flight...”
smiled, repeating the phrase intermittently, as weary travelers began
to trickle off and were greeted by their prospective parties.
up on tiptoe, as if that single action would cause the fliers to exit
the plane any more swiftly, Heather squinted, her eyes searching for
any and every one of her“Teez”.
breath caught in her throat as a lone man came sauntering off, head
lowered, as he thumbed after the lit screen of his white-gold encased
smartphone, vaguely removed fro, his surroundings.
her striped clutch, several pings from her own phone, tucked away,
were muffled, messages of a safe landing flooding in.
may have looked a tiny bit peaked, his grey hoodie, maroon tee and
baggy jeans mildly rumpled from the trip, but Heather knew that tall,
broad shouldered gent anywhere.
the sound of his name, Taryll, who had started away from her,
continuing to pick at his phone whirled around, hazel eyes going
emerald with rapture.
spread, he sprinted at top speed towards her and in seconds they were
bundled against one another, with him squeezing tightly, lifting and
spinning her, laughter escaping him..
feet had barely found the ground when Taryll's hands, soft and
smelling lightly of his spicy cologne, were cradling her face, lips
smashing hers openly, shamelessly, sweetly.
mouth was everything Heather had remembered, thought of, and dreamt
about each time she'd laid her head down to sleep: tender, moist,
tasting loudly of spearmint.
“Oh my God!
Baby, it's so good to see you! Oh God, how I've missed you!”
mumbled pecking her cheek, embracing her even harder, with Heather
able to feel his heart pounding in his chest like a three-mile drum.
he feel hers?
releasing her, Taryll took a step back, phone up to take a photo.
at you...Beautiful Baby...smile for me....” He murmured and
posing, hand on her hip, a small shutter noise echoed, with Taryll
coming forward, smooching her rouged cheek a second time.
wore his emotions so plainly, the joy on his face causing his skin to
glow from within and he was so attractive, it was nearly painful!
can hardly contain myself, you look so good...fucking sexy...”
He whispered heatedly, lips on her flesh once more, cheeks flushing
look good too--”
A voice shouted her Spanish pet name and she was scooped up, gripped
against TJ Jackson's warm body, dressed in a plain black sweatsuit.
Girl...” Was all he got out before his mouth found hers.
kisses were brisker, more frenzied, tasting sharply of cinnamon.
me look at you!”
hands squeezed hers, fingers intertwining, as he leaned back giving
her an all over look, lips sucking in, his bushy brows up, eyes wide,
the golden flecks typically hidden in them catching the light.
was so boyishly handsome.
feel like I'm dreaming...” TJ cooed, pulling her against him
and nuzzling his cheek to hers.
I could think about was being with you again...and now I am...”
do come true...” Heather started, and trailed off.
a short distance, she was being watched.
behind TJ, looking on at the scene unfolding was Taj.
as it had been the night before, his face was set and stoic, with him
peering out at her from beneath the brim of the plain black ball cap
covering his curls, and clashing with the navy hoodie and jeans he
go of TJ, patting his chest absently, Heather regarded Taj a long
in his round-cheeked face, the light smattering of freckles on his
left cheek.
he approached her, intense gaze never breaking.
could one man look so calm yet so dangerous at the same time?
never failed to perplex, and unnerve Heather.
the stare intrigue d her for some reason.
was a strange, intriguing man...and Heather liked that.
she did get something of a kick out of how he managed to frighten her
at times.
her wearing heels, Taj fell a few inches shorter than Heather, but
that didn't stop him from raising up, eyes peering not only into, but
through hers.
lips met.
his brothers who had shut their eyes kissing her, Taj's remained
open, consuming her as his mouth did.
manner was calm, unhurried, his mouth reeking of peppermint.
he did pull back, her bottom lip stretched as he sucked on it,
popping wetly.
stared a moment longer, tongue gliding between his lips, dampening
you ready to go?” He questioned darkly, eyes going over her figure
resting on her bosom.
um...” Heather glanced over the trio, and aside from their
phones—TJ was obviously shooting her backside with his, gleaming
black and embossed with his initials—they carried nothing else.
you guys have any luggage?”
already at the hotel, The Widmark...” Taryll spoke up, taking one
of her hands, while TJ grasped at the other, pulling her along.
place.” Heather snickered, falling in step with them.
of Taj's hands, pressed her waist from behind, all three of her men
touching her in someway.
the best, of course.” TJ beamed down at her, lips curling
into a Joker-esque smile. “Wouldn't dream of anything less.”
sounding stuck up...” Taryll pointed out as the escalator to the
ground floor came into view.
than the sound of me sticking my foot up your ass--” TJ growled,
then remembering who he was with, looked down and smiled.
Widmark has an excellent restaurant, Nosh...we're taking you to
dinner there.” He completed his initial thought, bending and
kissing her smooth forehead.
gonna jump in the shower and change into something more
complimentary. Can't take our girl out in jeans and sweats.” Taryll
chimed in, in agreement, chuckling.
know that's right!” TJ agreed, wiggling his brows. “Have to do it
up right!”
back over her shoulder, as the foursome stepped onto the escalator,
Heather observed Taj, and found him still as stone, staring back at
her, mouth puckered in consternation.
knew exactly what caused him to look so contrary, and it wouldn't be
very long before she heard why, either.
Two Hours
Bistro de Nosh
the long, thin straw sticking out from her Rosemary Meyer Lemon Gin
Fizz, the last thing on Heather's mind was getting a citrusy buzz.
at the still vacant chairs pressed against the intimate round table,
a single low candle flickering for ambiance, Heather's mind was on
the oldest of her Jacksons.
barely spoken a word to her since his arrival, but he didn't need to.
face had shown all too well what had been on his mind.
years, Taj Jackson had had a single idea about Heather and it was
only a matter of time before the sordid topic reared its ugly head.
It was generally the reason that drove Taj flying back to California,
his brothers in tow, amid flaming ugly words, worse attitudes and on
occasion, tears.
was quite stubborn and for a man who spent four decades rarely
hearing the word “no” uttered in his direction, couldn't handle
the concept.
once tempers had cooled, just as they had this time, he always would
Sweet Cheeks...”
voice stated from behind her, and stooping, TJ, followed by Taryll
smacked after her mouth, pulling out the chairs catty-corner to her,
each holding a beverage.
men were dressed down, in all black, with tees, trousers and coats,
Taryll's a blazer and TJ's a sportier jacket of leather and knit
Taj?” She wondered sensing the impending doom.
the bar. He got a martini like us, but the doofy bartender dropped
it. Making a fresh one for him.”
picked up the tiny sword adorning his drink, which a green olive and
pearl onion had been skewered through, plucking them off with his
you get the text to order the food ahead?” Taryll patted at her
and all the trimmings--” She was cut off as Taj, black as his
siblings, but wearing a boxy leather jacket, leaned around, kissing
cap had been removed, his curls shining with pomade, a few draping
his forehead, as he took the last seat, directly across from her.
drink okay? Want to cover it in bubble wrap this time?” Taryll
snorted poking at Taj's glass, garnering only a rolling of the eyes.
to take out an insurance policy, Bro--”
Kobe Steaks, three medium, one medium-rare, all with Grilled
Brocolini Hollandaise and Pancetta Gouda Hasselback Potatoes, who
gets the medium-rare?”
waiter, pushing a small cart arrived, plates exuding wisps of
fragrant steam.
one still mooing is for me!” Taryll cackled, clapping his hands
blissfully as the meals were divvied up.
you are, Sir.”
permeated the group as silverware collided with fine china.
me, Baby Doll...”
Reaching over, TJ began cutting up Heather's steak into manageable
cubes while Taryll's fork and knife invaded slicing her Brocolini.
sat back, smiling in spite of herself.
did spoil her so.
the two sets of hands worked, the last set extended, a long, thin
gift-wrapped box perched on the fingertips.
a birthday coming up, don't you?”
inquired, brows raising, mouth showing a smile for the first time
since he'd landed.
month--Oh, what is it?” Heather tittered, examining the glossy,
magenta paper affixed with a huge white bow, as Taj produced his
phone, emblazoned with the Superman logo in black diamonds on
a white enamel background.
aimed to capture her reaction, as he so often did when bestowing
gifts on her.
it and see!” TJ urged, stealing a bite of her streak as Taryll
rested his cheek on his chin, watching.
was hastily torn away, revealing a black velvet box, that with a
small click, opened and caused Heather's shiny mouth to drop
in awe.
God...You didn't have to do this!”
gasped, reaching in and plucking a pair of dangling, diamond accented
emerald chandelier earrings from the box.
“I...I love
them...thank you.”
she went around the table hugging and kissing them.
knew you didn't care for your own birthstone—I like opals
myself...” TJ shrugged, having a swig of martini, “...but it only
seemed right to give you jewelry for your birthday.”
took her hand in his and traced the top of it with his fingertip.
not everyday you turn twenty-eight--”
Taryll corrected him calmly as Heather closed the box, resuming her
eating, with her left hand as TJ continued to hold her right.
shut the hell up.” TJ intoned flatly, eyes leaving Heather's
pleased visage and focusing on the smug one of his brother.
think I know my own girlfriend's age! She'll be twenty-eight--”
TJ” Taryll snorted sprinkling salt on his vegetables.
bullshitting!” A hand slapped the tabletop, causing all of the
stemware to tinkle and rattle. “Heather was born in eighty-five--”
Taryll was now outright grinning at his brother's blatant ignorance,
and Heather was doing her best to conceal her giggles.
stole a glance at Taj, who chose to wisely stay out of the fray and
was pushing a hunk of pink-centered beef into his mouth, chewing
eyes remained on Heather.
they ever left her?
know Heather's damn age!” TJ, cheeks darkening as his temper began
to fail, threw his hands up, voice dropping for secrecy,
first time...we...” He hesitated, gaze darting to her,
“...we...did...IT...was on her eighteenth
you're still wrong as two left shoes, Tito Joe!” Throwing his head
back, Taryll crowed at the ceiling.
the pearl onion off his sword, Taryll threw it in the air, catching
it in his mouth, gold and green flecks in his eyes flashing as he
focused on his sibling.
sit still, and listen to a history lesson, little bro...” He
chortled. “Now you remember how we first met Heather. Bringing that
old Bugatti Pops had restored for that dude to give to his wife as a
wedding present...first time we'd ever been in Sydney and we got
turned all the way around--”
got lost.” Taj corrected him, eating more steak, and Taryll
grimaced at him.
we didn't have GPS, sitting in a car made in the forties, and
then Heather went by in her school uniform...” A dreamy look came
to Taryll's face and Heather knew he was remembering her as she had
appeared ten years prior. “...and she was sweet enough to point us
in the right direction.”
not before you could ask for my phone number and where my dorm was
located!” Heather teased, reaching and pinching his cheek.
I move fast, what can I say?” Taryll beamed, shrugging, returning
the pinch.
I know all that!” TJ gnawed on a hunk of brocolini, bridge of his
nose wrinkling. “She was eighteen! 'Cause while we were laid over a
few days, Heather got Mercedes from her folks as a graduation
really are as ignorant as you look!” Taryll crowed some more.
“Heather got a graduation present—in the middle of a
hand was up and he smacked TJ on the back of the head. “Anyone
home? We were here two years AFTER that for her actual graduation!
That car was for her sixteenth birthday, Dumbass!”
Lord...” Eyes swelling, TJ mumbled, a hand coming to his
forehead, realization hitting him like a freight train. “...you
mean, I got some jailbait booty?”
Taryll hooted slapping his shoulder.
how the hell was I supposed to know?” TJ tried to defend himself.
“Girl walking around all cute and curvy and built like she was!
Well, it's too late now--”
laughter erupted.
is, save for one.
was silent, martini to his mouth, eyes peering at her from over the
the matter, Taj?”
inquired and immediately regretted opening that Pandora's Box.
glass was set down.
please...” Heather begged, all the fun of the moment dissipating,
her eyes dropping down to her plate. “...you haven't even been in
town for three hours, yet!”
really don't care, Heather.” Taj retorted, forking a piece of gooey
potato into his mouth. “I'm going to keep on asking until I hear
what I want to hear: You agreeing to come back to California with us!
I've been asking and you'll keep hearing me ask until I hear you say
in her seat, Heather threw her napkin onto the tabletop, pouting,
so wrong with me wanting to stay in Australia? I've lived her since I
was fourteen! It's ,y home--”
damn near twenty-six! Don't you think it's time you move to a new
place? Get some new scenery in front of you?” Taj leaned forward,
chin sticking out, eyes narrowing.
can't stay in one place forever!”
you can!” Heather scoffed, glowering back at him. “You were born
and raised in California, Taj! You still live there--”
No! No!” Taj shook his head violently, curls swaying.
“Every couple of months I fly out here and spend two
weeks at a time! I put the brakes on my life in California—the
production company, whatever film I'm shooting, promoting the film,
helping Pops with his restoration business, everything in my
life—all for you, Heather. I drop everything for you! I pack
up and fly halfway around the world for you!”
chair squeaked as Taj shoved his chair back, standing and stalking
around the table towards her.
TJ warned quietly, eyes glassy as Taj passed behind him. “Don't
do this, not in public, man!”
Taryll concurred, holding his forehead with one hand, the other
pinching at the bridge of his nose in anguish.
loomed over Heather, his ears growing crimson, jaw tightening, eyes
swelling in their sockets.
fly my plump ass over here to Australia because my hard-headed,
spoiled little girlfriend won't consent to the one thing that
will make me happy!” He snarled, hand on the table as he
leaned closer to her, chest brushing her shoulder, part of the zipper
on his opened jacket snagging her sweater.
do everything for you, I'd like the same consideration every
once in a while, Heather Grace--”
he really have to cal by bother her first and middle names?
fluttering, Heather stared ahead, quipping saltily, calling him by
his real first name,
one held a gun on you, Tariano; you didn't have to come.”
lips brushed her earlobe as he replied icily,
I won't come back, then.”
Heather turned in her seat to gape at him.
was the last time I told you how beautiful you were?”
brushing past his sibling, still scowling, asked, kissing Heather and
twirling a lock of her hair around his finger.
on the handsome, tanned face beaming at her, Heather winked, teasing,
in the last fifteen minutes!”
from Taryll, TJ leaned back in his chair, making a show of rubbing
his hands together, light bouncing off the yellow-gold Rolex circling
his wrist, moistening his lips seductively, eyes showing the devil in
plates are almost empty...” TJ said to no one in particular. “Don't
you think it's about time we get our hands on some dessert....?”
eyes traveled over Heather, a brow going up suggestively,
in the mood for some chocolate.”
too? My sweet tooth been throbbing since I got here!”
Taryll's expression became easy and lax, his arousal starting to
reveal itself, color tinting his cheeks.
been throbbing since before we left LAX...” TJ admitted
reaching into his jacket and coming out with a gold card.
check please!”
the waiter approached, small booklet containing the damage for the
gourmet meal in his hand, Taryll rose, hand out to Heather, but
addressing Taj, who remained with his mouth twisted, brow furrowed.
you really going to be stubborn as a mule and let it ruin a good
growled deeply from his chest, but said nothing more, that is until
Taryll exposed him in a single statement.
okay...” Taryll rubbed thoughtfully at the cleft in his chin a
on hush-mouth right now, but all during the flight, you acted like
you couldn't shut your mouth about Heather. Talking about how pretty
she looked on Face Spotter. How you couldn't wait to touch her, hug
her, kiss her...How this, how that! Get the stick out your ass!
You've been aching for her as badly as me and TJ!”
smokey eyes bulged with what looked to be complete murder in them at
his sibling, but he managed to keep a hold on his tongue while he
turned maroon from his hairline to where his chest met the neckline
of his shirt.
paid...” TJ announced joining them, hand sliding across
Heather's backside through her skirt, chin resting on her shoulder.
gonna go on up, or is Taj still pitching a hissy fit?”
his arms, Taj gave the appearance of standing his ground, but Heather
had known Taj Jackson entirely too long to buy into that ruse.
she knew just what it took to unravel him.
up to him, Heather let her eyes wash over his face, the frowning,
otherwise becoming visage and reaching, she took hold of his ears in
each hand, gently stroking the cartilage of his lobes.
her touch, his breathing became audible and heavy.
floor are you staying on this time?” Her eyes ran up and down him
like a searchlight.
was something so admirable about Taj when he was perturbed.
coming up and gripping at his chest through the silk of his tee, a
sign his nerves were wavering, Taj replied duskily,
shouldn't we be on our way?” Heather purred, thin brows raising.
“You can't wait,...and guess what? I can't wait either...”
both his ears, she turned to leave, looking back over her shoulder at
him expectantly as she went.
Christ, that girl knows how to turn a man on!Damn!”
heard Taj groan, and the scurrying of feet after her as she left the
restaurant and moved across the rolling sea of plum and gold marble
of the lobby towards the bank of brass fronted elevators, pushing the
Up button.
like all hell I can make it...” TJ commented and in the
reflection of the door, Heather saw he was already removing his
jacket, revealing his taut, toned arms in a short-sleeved shirt.
advantage of the fact Taj stood directly behind her, Heather reared
back, bumping her backside against his groin.
found a certain protrusion greeted her.
You're hard--”
hand clapped over her mouth and he leaned forward, lips on the back
of her neck, giving her chills.
smiled into his palm, watching the numbers light overhead as the
elevator descended.
four straightened as the doors opened and several people exited,
leaving the rectangle, papered in more plum and gold, like the lobby,
sooner has the last occupant come off than the four darted on, Taryll
mashing the button for the thirty-first floor.
this...” TJ hissed, his arm looping Heather's waist from
behind, allowing her to feel the swelling emerging from his crotch.
“I can't wait any longer!”
her head to the side as TJ attempted to kiss her, Heather pointed,
enough, sticking out from the upper most corner of the cubicle, a
black camera hung, its round lens trained on them.
With his free hand, TJ grabbed the device and turned it so it faced
the wall, leaving all of them out of view. “I don't give a shit
about a camera!”
jacket fell to his feet as he let go of it, arms wrapping Heather's
waist tighter, jerking her back against him, his bulge obvious as he
rubbed against her ass.
hand clutched at her throat, bringing her head back, lips colliding
with hers, tongue, warm and moist, pressing deeply into it.
growing heated, threw a hand back, caressing his long neck and
mussing his thick jet curls.
had been without him for so long...
too long.
touch, the scent of cologne...
want some of that.”
was suddenly in front of her, pulling her free of his younger
brother, moving so hastily, he slammed her against the back of the
elevator causing the entire chamber to sway.
beast!” Heather tittered, throwing her arms around his neck,
purse dropping, pulling him down on her, plunging her tongue into his
mouth, Taryll lifting the back of her skirt, exposing her cheeky
striped panties.
fingertips sank into her sinewy, rounded flesh, mashing both cheeks
in his strong hands, tugging upwards so hard, Heather was brought on
tiptoe by the action.
this sweet, sweet ass!” Taryll confided through grit teeth,
putting his inflamed lips to her neck, sucking loudly.
onto his broad shoulders, TJ's hand invading her thigh, while he
watched Taryll assaulting her throat, Heather noted one member of the
party not participating.
hung back, against the doors of the elevator, head slightly lowered,
staring at the spectacle before him. His forehead puckered and his
lips held in a tentative, set line.
Heather called, flagging at him over Taryll's shoulder.. “Don't you
want me?”
right hand falling to the distinctive outline in his trousers,
rubbing absently, Taj inhaled, his eyes shutting,
free hand slapped the control panel and the elevator jerked, with
them continuing on their way to the thirty-first floor.
to her, he pushed Taryll aside, taking her arm, and draped it around
her shoulders.
I'm not starting something I want to finish in this sardine can.”
her cheek, he lifted her easily, cradling her in his arms.
up the last few floors, TJ stooped retrieving the jackets and
handbag, Taryll running a finger around her left knee.
later the bell chimed, the door sliding open and hanging onto Taj,
his breaths warm and sweet against her face, Heather was carried out
into the long, silent corridor, Taryll and TJ in tow.
moments, the door to Room 3121 opened....
a frenzy commenced.
sooner had the door shut behind the four of them, Heather found
herself besieged.
mouths, they were all over here.
could barely keep track of whom was where the first few minutes.
ripped, flew and fell as freely as rain droplets all over the front
shirt here, a pair of satin boxers there, a brassiere hurled into the
the blink of an eye, Heather was nude, as were her three lovers.
her hands behind herself, Heather took a few steps back, leaning
against the spine of the beige divan in the center of the open living
room, chewing on her bottom lip anxiously.
the trio of carnal delights in front of her.
slouching against the shut doors of the room, hands on his hips, the
most toned of the bunch, shifted from one leg to the next. One hand
on his hip the other wrapped around the huge girl springing from his
loins, pubic hair trimmed down to a bare “landing strip”
flesh a deep, brilliant Nutella-brown was already starting to show a
sheen of sweat, though the room was heavily chilled, as evidenced by
how his deeper nipples stood at attention off his pecs.
his right, Taryll, noticeably thicker with a bit more weight than his
brother, was rounded in all the right places, from his widened hips
to his broad shoulders, his waist witting down between the two.
rosy all over, Taryll had his head lowered, both hands around
himself, exploding from a cloud of curls that showed black with dark
highlights, as his hair, stroking, strong hands gliding up and down
the veiny shaft, it's loud pink tip wagging.
was a touch hairier than both his siblings as thin masses of fur
showed on his chest, arms and legs.
breath caught in her throat, as Taj, shaped very much like Taryll,
but smoother as he took the pains to shave any hair not attached his
head, legs or nuts away.
had his hands up and further down his body, his cock, rock-solid and
pointing to the ceiling, bobbing with each step as he approached her.
He huffed into her face, his nose bumping hers as his mouth took
over, sucking mercilessly on hers, his hands first finding their way
onto her large, pert breasts, kneading them.
a fluid sweep, Taj put his hands under her arms and lifted her so
that she sat on the edge of the divan, her legs resting on either of
his hips.
please....” Heather murmured, his mouth tracing her jawline,
hands under her buttocks, spreading them.
hands came in for a landing as Taryll and TJ, climbing on to the
couch behind her, fondled her body, Taryll's on her bosom, pinching
the nipples, sending waves through her and tingles the length of her
spine, TJ snickering, one of his fingers disappearing between the
round cheeks.
my God...!”
cried, Taj putting his hands on her shoulders, giving her an abrupt
she did not fall, as she was caught by TJ and pulled down into his
arms on the couch, smothered in another kiss, while Taryll busied
himself pecking the searing flesh between her breasts down to her
dimpled belly.
he pecked, Taryll took her hand, placing it not on his penis, but
under it so she cupped his fuzzy “coin purse”.
bent over her, one of those little chocolaty nips in her mouth, his
hands grazing her sides.
girl....yes, Heather...oh girl....” He mumbled tongue flicking
against one of her globes.
was all maddening, the sensations....feelings she had been without.
she had needed.
the midst of such activity, Heather felt a weight near the opposite
end of the couch.
hand took the base of her spine, raising it just far enough for one
of the fringed, decorative throw pillows to be slid beneath it.
TJ by the neck, Heather pulled him away, and gazing over Taryll's
still bobbing head, she found Taj resting on his knees, eyes downward
at her little slit.
up his hands with only his index fingers extended, he slowly parted
them, the grin on his face verging on the maniacal, as Heather, used
to the gesture and its meaning, took her own sweet time putting her
legs up in the air, parting them.
paused, laying his head on her chest looking on, while TJ, wiggling
his fingers ran his fingers from her chin to her forehead, playfully
tapping her face.
found a strong hand on each leg as the younger of the three Jackson
brothers gripped one, Taryll's mouth finding her calf and sucking on
was a tense moment of silence, Taj paused, hand to his chest eyeing
not her, but her little triangle, tongue darting around his lips.
them hunched down, his arm curling and parting the tender pink and
brown folds.
God!” Heather squealed, burying her face in TJ's chest, hands
to her face, Taj's tongue, dam and slightly rough starting to dash
around. “Oh God...Taj!”
know, girl...I know...” TJ commented, kissing her forehead.
knew he was gonna do that. Spoke about it all on the plane...”
Taryll cackled, as Taj's head began to go up and down, his tongue
swiping around Heather's little triangle and flopping inside of it
without shame, producing a slurping noise.
always breaks his ass to eat her out first!” TJ was laughing
into Heather's forehead.
Taj, wait! Please!” Heather begged, going ignored as his nose
bumped against her, her hand tightening around the back of TJ's neck,
her eyes squinching shut.
his tongue, h was mashing flush against the little bulb!
to buck from the sudden sensation, Taryll lost his grip on her leg,
but TJ reached forward holding both of her legs open for his brother,
as Heather covered her face with her hands.
love watching her get wild. Sexiest thing! She always jumps around
when it's getting good!” Taryll chortled patting her cheek
do that! Taj! Tariano! Damn,
it Taj!”
cried dropping her hands in shock, Taj's lips curling around her
clit, sucking on it brightly.
a brief instant, she looked down her body at Taj.
was staring at her.
directly at her.
nose pressed flush to her pussy the rest of his face hidden, only his
eyes truly visible.
her as he kept on with his fervent, manic licking of her tiny hole.
gaze was broken as Taryll took her face and tilted to the side,
where he had his engorged dick poised and ready to go into her mouth.
The end of his name was muffled as the meat was pressed forward,
Taryll holding her face still, thrusting his hips at her, effectively
fucking her mouth.
yeah...like that...like that... yes...blow me...blow....blow me...”
Taryll, his head lowered, eyes, narrow slits in his head, teeth grit
urged her, fingers brushing her cheek.
was remarkably quiet, to say he'd been so eager earlier, only holding
her legs and observing his elder siblings enjoying themselves.
a loud pop that nearly deduced her to tears, Taj yanked his mouth
from her, a long trail of saliva dangling before breaking and
plopping on his chin.
lips were on Heather's inner thigh.
boring holes in her.
he was on his feet, behind Taryll.
turn...” He told his sibling and with a mild look of scorn,
Taryll withdrew himself from Heather's mouth, rubbing the wet mass.
arm was grasped and she was pulled up onto her feet.
girl....” Taj taunted, brows raising. “...look what you're
doing. Let me nibble all on your little snatch...”
Heather begged, before she was swallowed up in another kiss, Taj's
fingertips bumping around between her legs.
against him and the feeling he was providing, the pair spun.
Taj, on the couch, Taryll sat, in his own world, a leg up on the
cushions, eyes shut with his head back, humming in a low, steady
tone, a soft squishing noise emitted as he played with himself.
was in her eye line for a split second, then was gone.
presence was made known though as his face collided with his
She reared back just long enough to shout his name, feeling his
tongue sliding along her buttocks.
hand, tangling in her hair, forced her lips back onto his for another
smoldering peck.
was on his knees behind her, hugged to her, kissing away at her ass.
booty... loves the booty...”
overcome was speaking to the walls.
mouth was yanked from Taj's and his eyes burned into her with a
foreign intensity, like nothing she'd seen before.
want to fuck you.”
She gasped, feeling TJ sink his teeth into a cheek.
I fuck you?” Taj inquired, eyes growing with sex-crazed
Heather stammered and it was all the goading Taj Jackson needed.
she ever refused him?
of them?
flopped back onto the couch, pulling her with him.
on.... get on me.... you know you want...you want to...”
hissed, holding himself upright, eyes locking with Heather as she
started to straddle him.
than a foot away, the squishing Taryll was doing at first slowed then
stopped altogether, his head coming down, eyes glowing green on
licked at his lips, nostrils flaring with wanton.
hands were on her hips, helping to move the hourglass figure over
Taj's cock.
Heather gasped, as she came down, the weight of her body propelling
Taj's full length into her inner most folds, stretching around him
almost painfully.
He groaned head falling back. “Just as tight as the first
eyes opened, focusing on the ceiling, he added with a note of
going to make you cum all over me...”
arms wrapped Heather and she placed her head on his shoulder,
awaiting the pounding she knew was to come.
eyes flew open when she felt a weight on her back, the cushions
around Taj depressing as TJ started to balance himself behind her.
Oh! TJ!” She gasped trying to sit up and was immediately pulled
back down by Taj.
shrieked as TJ mashed his way into another hole one just as tight but
far rarely used than the one his brother was plugging.
arms were on either side of her, holding onto the back of the couch
to keep him from falling.
know you love it...” TJ accused, kissing at her neck, laying
himself against her.
was the calm before the storm.
Taj and TJ were ramming into her.
Ah! Ah! Ugh! Ah! Ah! Ah!” Heather cried into Taj's neck, both
frightened and delighted at the duo of sensations ravaging her.
shit....hmmm.... Yes! Yes! You're so good! You feel so good! Goddamn,
I'm gonna bust it in no time!” Taj shouted at the ceiling,
causing Heather's ear to ring.
all in your ass... you know I love your ass. Always have...Always
will...” TJ was considerably quieter, his trash talking coming
out at a whisper.
Yes! Oh Damn! Goddamn, Hell!”
held onto her possessively, bouncing in the couch, each thrust of his
hips becoming harder and harder, connecting with Heather in ways she
had nearly forgotten.
a loss of speech and sound, she pressed her cheek to his, eyes closed
her breathing labored, listening to him, feeling him, feeling the
droplets of perspiration starting to glide down his face.
much was going on.
clung to her his crotch repeatedly hitting her ass, causing the
cheeks to quiver and jiggle.
Look at that ass. Look at that ass shake! Pounding that ass! Yes,
Glory! UGH!”
was so quiet, so strangely quiet.
took quite a bit of effort, but Heather managed to steal a peek at
still reclined on the opposite end of the couch, hand fist curled to
his cheek, lips sucked in, brows raised, earnestly devouring the
spectacle visually.
did so like to watch, Heather remembered.
once told her, seeing his brothers all over her was like real life
porn, and better than anything he could ever view on the internet.
was totally different to be caught in the moment and experience it
another life, Taryll could have been a poet.
this one though, he was just a dirty spectator of an even dirtier
it was a point that could not be dwelt upon, not pondered.
Jesus, I can't take it! So good...the booty...Lord help me... I'm
pounced back and off of Heather, landing on his feet with the agility
of a feline, his hands in his hair, purposely taking a few steps away
to prevent himself from climaxing much too soon.
patted her backside laughing.
not over yet, Sugar. You know how it goes with us Jacksons...”
her chin he peered into her face, eyes sparkling demonically,
Heather looked first at Taj, then Taryll and finally TJ who's turned
back towards them.
intoned, recalling their intercourse motto as Taj extended, pulled
her down smacking her mouth.
right.” His lashes fluttered as he looked over her with an
expression that was oddly loving.
pillows were tossed onto the floor and another shove from Taj landed
her smack dab on them.
herself up and sitting on her heels, Heather watched as her men
huddled across the room, near the doors, just out of earshot
whispering back and forth, bare booties jiggling as they shifted back
and forth intermittently.
to her lips Heather admired them. How she did love a man with an
ass,and how lucky she was all three possessed such wonderful,
well-proportioned ones!
was the biggest, round and bouncy, a single mole in the center of the
left cheek, Taj's was nearly as big, but more of a heart shape, and
while Taryll had an obvious tan line from wearing Speedos in the
California sun, Taj had no tan lines as he was more apt to be by
a pool rather than in it.
his booty a little plump mass, was dark as the rest of him, brown and
bold, as it was no secret, he liked to skinny-dip and the rays from
the sky kissed him all over.
Heather at some point had kissed each of them all over!
first pouting then, smiling coyly, Heather ran the tip of her
fingernail around one of her nipples.
was nothing new to her for the Teez to have a mid-sex powwow to
figure out who went where and did what, before crash landing on her
at the same time.
dragged by with what looked to be a low argument erupting, every so
often a glance being sent back to her.
all three spun, declaring.
her hair, Heather smiled with the nefarious, the term familiar to
“Teez” had a cute habit of naming different positions the four of
them would share and the “Y-Formation” was among their favorites.
fell to his knees behind her, while Taryll and TJ dropped in front of
her, all tugging at their meat tubes.
pressing into her waist, Taj grunted lustily, as he connected with
Heather once more in the most intimate of ways.
would have likely made some form of sound, if she hadn't been crowded
by the other two “Teez”, alternating between them, blowing both
to Kingdom Come.
her mouth was occupied with Taryll, her hand was wrapped around TJ,
and vice versa.
time her mouth took in their manhoods a cry of ecstasy shook the
Ah! I forgot how she could suck! Sweet Jesus! Aaaaaaaaaah!”
wailed, hands to his nipples, mouth sagging, eyes bulging from their
sockets, strapping thigh muscles flexing at the head moving up and
down on him.
it was Taryll's turn to howl.
What are you doing to me? Baby, what are you doing? HEATHER!”
it....rub it... rub it out...” TJ was growling as Taryll
quivered, finger curled to his mouth, gazing at her, nostrils
only noise coming from Taj, buckled over Heather, his rhythm never
breaking, was that of steady, albeit labored and heavy breathing.
was breathing so hard, he was physically blowing her hair off her
went to take her mouth from Taryll and his hands intertwined behind
her head holding her onto him.
almost there. I'm almost there. Don't stop! For the love of all
things Holy, don't stop!” Taryll pleaded, prompting TJ,
slapping his own junk around to tease.
always shoot off first!”
UP!” Taryll started to curse his brother, but the feeling
chose right then to strike him.
My dick! My dick! I can't hold it! I can't hold it! HEATHER! I—I
his convulsing increasing, Heather pulled back, just in time.
Taryll screamed, an arc of hot whiteness exploding from the inflamed
tip of his penis, a few droplets grazing Heather's bottom lip.
Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!” Taryll fell on his back, narrowly
missing knocking himself cold on the edge of the carved coffee table
by inches.
the last bits of the sticky substance representing his passion free,
Taryll sighed loudly, gripping his plump thighs in an effort to
control his tremoring.
on, Honey...come on....” TJ started to direct himself to her
mouth, and halted abruptly.
hell!” Heather cried in dismay, as, without warning, TJ fired
off directly into her face, covering her visage in goo. “Not in
my damn face!”
shut up...you like when I put the icing on you....” TJ snorted,
running his hand over her face, poking his fingers into her mouth
allowing her a taste of his saltiness.
her face in his hands, TJ leaned down, pressing his lips to her a
long moment, tasting himself on her.
whined, as Taj wrapped his arms around her midriff, and flipped
himself backwards, taking her along with him, landing on his back on
the pillows with her on top of him.
even then, remarkably his rhythm never broke!
barked, a wheeze escaping him and obeying, Heather was upright, her
hands on his knees, grinding against him.
it...work it...work me...” Body shifting, Taj sat up, his hands
on her breasts, m sucking the tender area where her shoulder and neck
of a bitch!Aaaaaaah!”
on his back, Taryll screeched, digging his nails into his thighs, a
second orgasm wracking him, with him shooting directly into the air,
with it splashing back and landing on his heaving abdomen.
can't stop busting a nut! Good Lord!”
Taj was in her ear, licking at the lobe.
hand was traveling down the front of her body, fingertip stroking her
little clit again rubbing against it.
told her, drawing her head back.
sooner had he said it, than it happened.
delicately, simultaneously, the two met their orgasm together.
was no shouting, no screaming, no real sound of any kind.
that liquid love flowing between them, splashing and dampening Taj's
lips brushed her cheek.
love you, Heather....”
I love you too...” Heather whispered, sinking back into his arms.
love all of you.”
* * *
Something warm and wet flicking her chin.
That's what awakened Heather Treherne several
hours later: something warm and wet flicking her chin.
Heather's eyes, while still quite heavy with
drowsiness as brought on by exhaustion, fluttered several times as
the timid sensation continued.
At once, her eyes were attacked by the bright,
midday sunlight streaming into suite, as, across the room the
curtains on the large sliding glass doors to the balcony had been
left open.
Once her retinas had finally reverted back to
their normal size and the spots before them had waned, Heather caught
sight of the culprit messing with her chin.
A tiny, cheerful little ball of white fuzz
panted into her face, pink tongue hanging out of it's mouth.
“Wolfie?” Heather questioned in awe,
more shocked than anything to see her pet resting on its haunches
beside her.
Sitting up, for the first time Heather caught a
glimpse of the master bedroom of the suite her “Teez” were
occupying during their stay in Sydney. And it was the first time
she'd seen it in the light, as when she had wearily climbed into bed
some time before, all had been black and silent.
It was a nice room open, spacious, and like the
décor of the rest of the building, boasted shades of plum, maroon
and violet, with accents of gold here and there.
And as she shifted beneath the crosshatched
down-filled comforter, Heather took note that someone had been quite
busy while she had slumbered.
A few feet from the end of the bed, a rolling
rack had been set up, and was packed to near bursting with
her clothing, and arranged neatly beneath the
array of skirts dresses and trousers were about a dozen pairs of
shoes, next to which, Wolfie's bed and food dishes had been placed.
Further over, she found her jeweled laptop
placed atop her massive makeup case.
And even sitting up, Heather found a blue satin
nightie had been draped over her, hiding her nudity.
Her “Teez” had been busy and it went
without saying they intended for her to stay at the hotel with them,
rather than return to her home.
Tucking the pooch beneath her arm, Heather
threw the covers back and slipped from the bed, in search of her men.
She didn't have to go very far; they were right
in the living room.
Sprawled around the coffee table on the couch
and arm chairs, all in sweats and tees she found TJ, hunched over a
gleaming acoustic guitar, tuning it, Taryll, his back to her,
watching a cartoon on a small black laptop, and Taj, sitting on the
couch, his socked feet propped on the table, playing Pac-Man on his
On the coffee table, several boxes, all
gift-wrapped, much like her earrings had been the night prior, sat
waiting to be opened.
Venturing closer, she inquired, causing heads
to turn.
“Is...is that for me?”
“Yes...it's the outfit we'd like to see you
wear to the show Saturday.” Taj replied, tossing his phone aside
and rising to his feet. “You needed something to go with the
emeralds we gave you.”
Heather's breath caught in her throat as Taj
approached her, his brothers setting their distractions aside.
Taj's eyes burned into her a long moment and
she hugged Wolfie tighter, as if a dog weighing less than five pounds
could protect her.
“I meant what I said at the restaurant
last night...” He started,
reaching and scratching Wolfie's head. His own head dipped, and the
deep gold flecks in his eyes were revealed.
“...I really
do want you to come to California. To stay. All three of us do.”
Two fingers pressed her lips cutting her off.
“When we bought our house, six years ago,
Heather, we intended for you to be there with us. It's a nice house.
Two stories, four bedrooms, good neighborhood, gated community.
Perfect suburban house. No different from where you stay now,
His head lowered further and he stared down at
his feet, chest rising and falling as he breathed deeply.
you'd only be a few feet down a hall, instead of halfway around the
world, from me!”
hand quaked against his chest.
we're doing right now...it has to stop. Up and flying away for weeks
at a time. It has to stop. It's asinine! It's impractical! I don't
feel like a boyfriend to you, Heather. I feel like... like...”
His hand shook harder as he searched for the
right term.
feel like a high-priced call boy!” He finally sputtered. “I
fly out here, we make love a few times and then I'm gone. The only
difference is, you don't stuff twenties into my boxers when I'm
wait a minute--” Heather started and found the fingers on her mouth
“You wait a minute.” Taj retorted.
“Let me ask you something, Heather Grace: Do you love me and my
She stole a glance and Taryll and TJ, both of
whom were leaning forward, listening intently.
his hand away, Heather said,
course, you know that!”
you consider us your boyfriends?”
what is the hell is stopping you from being with us? Being where you
Not sure where to look Heather focused on
don't know, Taj...I just don't know.”
meant what I said.” Taj stiffened, taking his hands from her. “If
you don't come to California this time, I'm not coming back to
Sydney, ever.”
was Heather's turn to sputter.
you can't mean that--”
hell I don't!”
Taj snapped, leaning forward, invading her
personal space. “I know we make you happy. You're happy with us.
We're happy with you. This isn't how a relationship should
work—running around for an entire damn decade! And we're
still on the ground floor! I love you. God knows I love you Heather,
but I can't continue living like this. I just cant! I won't!”
His hand curled into a fist against his heaving
“I don't even want you to say it. You have
the earrings. If you wear them, that means you'll go home with us. If
not....” He trailed off, grimacing, eyes narrowing as his face
blazed scarlet.
“In four days, we play for the documentarian,
Johannes Siegler. And in four days, I want your answer, Heather. You
hear me? Four days! And if you want to throw away ten years,
an entire decade of our lives....”
He paused and sniffed loudly
“...then I'll have a better idea of just
exactly how you feel about me and my brothers.”
“Taj, please.” Heather laid a hand on his
arm only to have it jerked away.
Moving from her he stopped in front of the
couch picking up a pair of cross-trainers.
“If you're coming with us, we'll pack up
right after the show. If you're not...well...that's that.”
Squaring his shoulders, Taj crossed the room,
letting himself out into the hallway and slamming the door behind
Defeated, Heather stared at the door a tense,
silent while.
Then turned her attention to the remaining two.
“Do you feel that way? If I don't come to
California this time...is....is it over?” Her voice cracked
under the weight of her words, a pain sticking into her heart.
“We don't want it to be over....we really
don't.” Taryll reasoned, getting up and being followed by TJ,
remorseful expressions on their handsome faces.
“But Taj is right, it has been ten years.
That's a long time for a very long-distance relationship. I mean
we've been together since you were in high school.”
“And it has been trying.” TJ concurred,
patting her shoulder. “We look crazy every time we say we've got a
girlfriend and then when someone wants to meet you, we have to say
you're in Australia...”
“But this is my home! This is where I work--”
Heather began and was interrupted by Taryll.
“You're a beauty blogger, Baby. A blogger...”
He shook his head, bridge of his nose crinkling. “That means you
sit on a computer and type. You can blog just as easily in Los
Angeles as you do here in Sydney.”
“Now, I wouldn't have put it as bluntly as
Taj did...” TJ shrugged, rubbing at the back of his neck, “...but
he was kind of spot on with that male escort thing. It is kind of
like sex tourism, flying here and there.”
“You...you really want me to come back to
America that badly?” Heather whispered.
“Yes!” Taryll and TJ chorused
in unison.
“Your family is in Mississippi, and we'd be
in California, together. You need to be with us. That's all we've
ever wanted, you to come back with us.” Taryll pecked her cheek
while TJ kissed the other.
“We'd feel a lot better anyways, knowing
you're in a house with three strong men, instead of by yourself on
the other side of the world with just a glorified dustmop to protect
“You've got four days.” TJ reiterated, as
he and his brother moved past her, heading back to the main suite.
“And you've already had ten years...”
Heather gulped solemnly, listening to the door
opening and shutting behind her.
Leaving her alone.
And there she stood, four days later, in that
small dressing room, underneath the Luxor Club, a pair of costly
baubles rendering her long overdue decision without a word.
“You're wearing the earrings...” Taj
cried, clutching after his chest. “She's wearing the earrings!
Fellas, she's wearing the earrings”
Taj was on his feet.
“Oh! Oh, Heather, do you mean it? You're
coming back--”
“Yes!” She whimpered, coming forward
and throwing her arms around his thick body, feeling him embrace her.
She was squeezed harder as Taryll and TJ joined
the fray, hanging onto her, lips pressing her face joyously.
“Hey! Three Teez! You're on in ten
minutes! Ten minutes, Three Teez!”
A voice called and the foursome looked up in
time to see the stage manager easing the door shut.
“I...I almost forgot you had to play music
tonight...” Heather half laughed and half cried, as her men tossed
their robes off, and moved towards the rack of black clothing,
pulling outfits and starting to dress.
“I don't care about the set tonight. It
doesn't matter to me if Johannes Seigler wants our score for his
movie or not....” Taj jumped and sucked in his stomach, tucking a
basic black tee into his trousers.
“...I've got the best thing in the world: you
coming home with us, finally.”
“Yeah!” His brothers echoed, all smiling
with relief and pride.
It was true.
As the four of them mounted the marble stair,
three holding instruments, all destined for the Flamingo Room, the
famed documentarian's decision seemed so small to them
So very small.
As now, a decade of being indecisive,
wishy-washy and riding the fence was no longer between them.
It had successfully been eradicated, and when
the lights onstage dimmed, it would be not a trio flying back to Los
...it would be a loving quartet.