quite sure that many of you reading this spend a portion of your day
watching the content provided on video sharing sites such as Youtube,
Vimeo and the like. And like me, I'm sure you have your favorite
chef, makeup guru, or comedian and like me, you might even have a
crush or two on a few of those online personalities. I was inspired
by the latter idea—a crush on a video star, being taken to the next
level. It's incredible way the line between fan and fave can become
so utterly blurred, when you “invite” a person into your home on
a near daily basis. What is scary though, is that while this is pure
fiction for nothing more than amusement, a few fucks and giggles, I
can guarantee, right now, in real time, the very same scenario could
be possibly playing out, perhaps many times over across the globe.
"The Vlogger"

A Taryll Jackson Erotic Short Story By:
Leaf, California
Spring, 2013
was an unseasonably cold, brisk evening, late in March.
began to settle over that still, picturesque suburban neighborhood in
Northern California, where in the waning twilight, just before the
streetlights commenced their illumination, and the only glow came
from behind curtained and shuttered windows.
the distance, a single dog or perhaps a coyote, howled as the sun
slipped beyond the horizon.
the middle of Cherry Hill Avenue, a small, blue-silver bullet of a
sports car idled.
had been for close to half an hour.
man in the driver's seat, clutched the steering wheel so tightly his
whitened knuckles popped, eyes solemnly trained on the house a few
hundred yards away from the curb.
loathed everything about that place.
clipped, manicured lawn that seemed to be the perfect shade of Kelly
green no matter the season or weather conditions.
pristine, two-story country style house, it's off-white trim matching
the cobblestones on the facade just so.
two neat, coordinating bronze BMWs, the vanity plates reading as
“Mr.” and “Mrs.”
he even hated the novelty mailbox, painted to resemble an oversized
baseball, though baseball was his very favorite sport and pastime..
wanted to gun the engine, throw that car into reverse and peel out of
there, away from Cherry Hill Avenue, and it's nouveau-riche
inhabitants with their fancy cars, and housekeepers dropping in three
days a week.
men with their bespoke Italian suits and leather briefcases.
wives, perfectly turned out, in name brand cosmetics and designer
dresses, doe-eyed creatures that despite having any number of
children, if they had any at all, maintained their impossibly slim,
pre-baby physiques.
cheeked, well-behaved infants, whom rarely dared cry. Children whom
were polite; seen but never heard.
was a peaceable, hermetically sealed, idyllic sort of a place in
which he did not belong.
was regularly invited into the folds therein by his older brother.
after years of this passion play, Taryll Jackson could no longer
understand if he continued accepting these inclusions because he
truly wanted to pretend to be a part of this world, or because he
simply had no other place to be, nothing better to do with his Sunday
following much deliberation and hesitation, the key in the ignition
was turned, shutting off the engine.
moment later the door opened, with him unfolding from the vehicle,
pausing to remove a magnum of Merlot from the backseat.
slowly, with his head lowered, much like a defeated puppy on the
retreat from the losing end of a junkyard scuffle,, he started for
the brightly lit porch.
Jackson couldn't sleep.
rarely ever could following dinner and drinks at his elder brother's
he envied Taj Jackson.
facet of his life seemed a step beyond Taryll's.
least to his weathered, fevered mind.
went all the way back to when they were children.
had been the firstborn, coming two years before Taryll and as the
eldest had been given all of the accouterments befitting the first in
a line then wound up with three boys.
been given the biggest bedroom, though all three brothers had their
own rooms as their father was a successful real estate broker, and
affording a spacious home was of no problem to him.
their parents went out for a night on the town, it was Taj left in
charge over Taryll and their kid brother TJ.
who got to play Pee Wee and Little League baseball first, go to
regionals and the state championships first—usually bringing home a
huge trophy to put on proud display.
only was Taj a gifted athlete, he was also a scholar, always bringing
home straight A-s from school, participating in the Math and
Literature Societies.
during his senior year had been given a free ride, full scholarship
to the University of California, Los Angeles Business School.
the meantime, Taryll was a decent ballplayer, but had to constantly
put up with comparisons to Taj on and off the field. His team made it
to the state finals, but did not win....three years in a row.
was something Taryll kind of bobbed around on the average with. He
wasn't an idiot—his folks didn't tolerate bad grades—but he
wasn't really exceptional either.
maintained a fairly B average in school and while Taj had graduated
Valedictorian, Taryll had managed to claw his way into the top ten of
his graduating class.
were no academic clubs for him, as he'd kept his interests in a
variety of sports instead.
he'd followed his brother into Business, as it was implied, but never
spoken that the Jackson brothers would work at the brokerage firm
spearheaded by their father.
though, was still paying off a handful of college loans.
again Taj excelled while Taryll kept his head above water at best.
both had graduated, they were set up as partners in the Jackson firm.
Taj had been made a 'full' partner right away, practically their
father's equal, and Taryll had been relegated, along with TJ to
'junior' partner for four entire years before they were promoted.
course Taj had made his first sell before Taryll.
there in the darkness, the comforter pulled to his chin, Taryll
groaned, his mind going to the one area that seemed to bother him the
most about his brother.
ease with the ladies.
far back as Taryll could remember, girls had chased after Taj.
in preschool, little girls in Osh Kosh B'Gosh had been giving Taj
their candy and cookies and trying to plant kisses on him.
never could figure what the je ne sais quoi it was Taj possessed that
he lacked, but every year, there were several girls in Taj's class,
and sometimes a few underlings, vying for his affection, asking HIM
out on dates.
Taryll never could figure why.
was one area Taryll thought he had Taj beat was as far appearances
were the son of an African American father and Dominican/Puerto Rican
mother but their balances of features had been drastically different.
both were blessed with a golden-olive complexion like their
mother—Only TJ had come out darker like their father—the
similarities ended there.
Taj was their father all over again, not to say that Mr. Jackson was
anything undesirable, much to the contrary. But Taj had a somewhat
omnipresent stern look about his face.
plump cheeks, dark sleepy eyes with a tendency to stare without
blinking for long periods of time, a little puckered mouth, one which
protruded further during middle school and the first two years of
high school as he had been forced to wear braces and retainers to
correct an overbite. His hair was unremarkable, coarse and deepest
brown, was naturally curly, but during bohemian college years had
been woven into shoulder skimming braids before being lopped off
again as he moved into a professional setting.
on the other hand was their mother through and through.
bore a more androgynous appearance and would readily be described as
'pretty' over most other adjectives. He possessed clear hazel eyes
that shifted to shades of green and gold dependent on his mood, and
his hair, born a dark sandy blonde had deepened to near black in his
youth, but had been endlessly colored and styled any which way over
the years from an acid blonde that burnt his scalp scabby at
fourteen, to something resembling dreadlocks at twenty-one and now
knocking on thirty-eight, he'd let it return to its loose curl
pattern, but had left the strands streaked with shades of honey,
wheat and ashy blond, more complimentary and realistic looking than
his first foray into bleach.
the brothers shared personalities, both being quiet shy and timid,
especially around the fairer sex.
while Taryll seemed a constant wallflower, girls were knocking on the
door and calling all hours of the night for Taj.
one point, Taj had so many female rivalries in his favor a half dozen
teens fist fought in the driveway of the Jackson home, ripping a
mirror off the corvette he'd been gifted for his sixteenth birthday.
got so out of control, that the police had had to intervene, carting
a couple off to juvie.
Taryll, was a late bloomer, not really dating until his own senior
was a union that didn't last long.
had felt that college would be his arena to find a girlfriend and
have a steady.
wasn't to be.
went through so many women, he lost track of names and faces.
when it seemed he had found the 'one' she'd break it off or cheat and
he'd have his heart broken for the umpteenth time and gorged on
Chunky Monkey until he puked.
not Taj.
no...Taj managed to find the love of his life his first week at UCLA.
the form of a transplant from Kentucky named Lucille Tucker.
beautiful, sweet little redheaded Southern Belle, accent included,
who seemed to charm just about everyone she met,including Taryll.
wasn't that Taryll wanted his brother's girlfriend, who eventually
became his wife soon after he received his BA in Business, it was
Taryll wanted a woman LIKE her.
didn't necessarily have to be Southern born, but he liked the way
Lucille acted.
way she was kind and quiet and he'd never heard her and Taj have an
had had so many raucous little ladies in his life he was champ at
screaming bouts)
could see it in his brother's face, hear it in his voice, the extent
of love and devotion he had to his wife.
turned pink, his eyes danced, and he became breathless, even after so
much time. They had even begun to talk about having children.
Starting a family.
onto his back, Taryll stared at the ceiling.
he ever meet a woman like that? One he could start a family with?
was he doomed to play the field for the rest of his life?
a loser in this game of Love?
that point in time, his last relationship had been about a month ago
and had lasted about a good week before the woman had broken it off
claiming he was getting too serious too fast.
couldn't help it. He'd always been that way.
was a Leo and Leos always fell hard and fast.
he kicked the covers off himself and sat on the side of the bed in
the dim room...it had to be near day break, he could see faint
sunlight glowing beyond the blackout curtains.
harkened back to the night before.
sat sipping a glass of wine as Taj and Lucille had prepared dinner
kind of frou-frou roasted lamb chops with mint jelly, twice baked
potatoes and glazed multi-colored carrots.
had even taken to cooking like a five-star chef. And Taryll couldn't
boil water without the Fallen Leap Fire Department kicking his door
was the day he learned he just shouldn't drink green tea.)
had been a torturous affair.
the food was delicious, when was it ever not, but it kind of sickened
Taryll to watch Taj and Lucille mooning across the table at one
another, one blinking large eyes at the other. Never letting go of
each other's hands.
in his pwn hands, Taryll knew he couldn't fault Taj for being happy
in his life and marriage, while his was in utter shambles.
just didn't know what to do.
from the bed and pausing to rearrange himself in the little plaid
briefs he wore, the only garments he generally slept in, Taryll began
staggering through his high-rise apartment for the kitchen.
he did like his apartment and the upscale area of town in which he
lived, it all seemed cold, empty and austere.
desperately he wanted to hear a woman's voice, her laugh, smell her
perfume on the air.
across the cool tile floor, Taryll lingered by the breakfast nook
where his blue laptop set and tapped the space bar, rousing it from
it's 'sleep' mode.
always did like to drink his coffee and eat his cornflakes while
watching videos on Clip-Share.
the meager breakfast was thrown together, Taryll reflected on how
often Taj would brag about his wife's cooking and the lunches she'd
drop off to work for him.
it'd be a toasted bagel piled with smoked turkey Swiss cheese and
bitter greens and a small fruit salad, or beef enchiladas and
guacamole or deep fried chicken and potato salad...too many decadent
meals to keep up with.
of which made Taryll's limp hoagie from the sandwich shop across the
street pale in comparison.
had breakfast with his brother at his house a few times before...and
it was a culinary odyssey.
Lemon Poppy Seed Crepes, Steak and Fluffy Scrambled Eggs, Breakfast
Casseroles Bursting with Bacon, even Lobster Benedict, which Taj
inhaled, though he'd had a lifelong aversion to all things seafood.
course, Taryll wanted a girlfriend for more than a live-in chef,
still...the eating was good and it read plainly in the twenty pound
weight gain Taj had, that complimented his frame spectacularly.
had grown thicker, but more from stress than anything like a domestic
goddess kowtowing to his every whim. Not that it didn't also
compliment his nearly six-foot tall frame...just the avenue with
which he'd arrived there left much to be desired.
down with his cereal and java, Taryll tapped to watch a video about
highlights of the upcoming season for the LA Dodgers and took a swig
of coffee, instantly cringing.
it needed more sugar.
Christ it was so acerbic it was like trying to down turpentine!
he was back across the room spooning out the precious whiteness from
a canister shaped like a beagle when he heard it.
it wasn't the usual “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” that preceded
the Dodgers reel.
it was funky bubblegum pop music.
entire spine straightened as a woman's voice, bearing a Southern
accent, but nothing quite so heavy as Lucille's announced,
and welcome back to 'Belles and Bows', I'm Delora and today I'll be
teaching you how to make Caramelized Banana French Toast—and I
promise it's nowhere near as difficult as it sounds!”
by the low, almost saccharine voice describing an array of
ingredients, Taryll aimlessly stumbled back to the nook, drawn like
Odysseus by the Sirens' song.
need about two slightly under ripe bananas per serving, I'm making
two servings, so, I have four, of course...”
back into his seat, Taryll's eyes lit and widened at the figure on
a knife and slicing a banana into rounds, stopping long enough to pop
a slice in her mouth, was a beautiful woman.
beautiful than Taryll could have ever recalled seeing, especially on
a site like Clip-Share.
behind the black and white granite counter of what looked a spacious,
yet homey kitchen was...was her name Delora?
appeared to be somewhere in her late twenties or early thirties,
quite youthful, her complexion a deep tawny shade of brown, offset by
the mustard yellow sweater she wore.
had a sweet, engaging face and aura about her, constantly smiling and
showing off pearly teeth, ethereal features brought out by subtle use
of makeup.
too heavy or gaudy...just right.
hair, long and jet, was smoothed and tucked behind one ear, showing
off a dangling earring of yellow and blue stones.
was immensely striking and Taryll was gone, as per usual, right away.
there Taryll sat, flakes going soggy, coffee going cold lost in
the....the charm of Delora as she never stopped chattering blissfully
as she prepared the French Toast.
was the embodiment of what Taryll longed for, treasured.
did watch her carefully, noting her hands, small and trim, with long
coffin-tip nails painted a hot pink, save for her index nails,
glittering with crystals as an accent.
saw NO wedding band.
knew it was foolish and silly, to fall for a woman he'd never met and
hadn't even known of before that morning, but all logic was out the
logic always flee the scene when love arrived?
couldn't help it and was helpless leaning in, unconsciously humming
with glee as Delora began to plate up the toast.
thick slices of steaming Challah bread, topped with the bananas which
has been cooked down in a caramel sauce, something akin to Bananas
Foster, but without flames shooting out of the skillet.
was then, as Delora completed the second plate, that Taryll got
blindsided by a surprise.
now to spring the toast on my favorite little taste tester of all
time, my daughter Harlow! Come here, please, Harlow, Darling!”
She had a daughter?
could only sit back and watch as a young girl, no older than maybe
five or six years old came rushing into the frame.
sweet, chubby-cheeked little creature that was all arms and legs.
her compared to Delora, it was obvious the child was mixed race, her
skin a deep tawny close to her mother's color but bearing light blue
eyes and naturally dark blonde waves.
brightly her, two front teeth missing and providing both a gasp and
adorable lisp, little Harlow dug into the plate before her mother
even told her what was contained on it.
is yummy!” She declared through a mouthful, causing Delora to
titter happily.
always cook the best food, Mommy!”
Delora grinned, running her fingers through the child's hair, the
same little track of music played and the video ended, links for more
videos from Belles and Bows being suggested.
Taryll at a loss for words and hungering for more.
wanted to see more of Delora. Hear her voice. Watch her. Drift off
into the world she presented to the camera.
was swift, definite and unyielding the feeling.
was a need that cried for respite like drink for thirst.
Jackson didn't move for a solid six hours.
completely lost track of how many videos he watched, but by the time
a charley horse in his left leg from inactivity cause him to rise,
writhing in pain and swearing at the rafters, he knew quite a great
deal about Miss Delora of Belles and Bows.
subscribing to Delora's channel, Taryll became consumed by content.
what he could gather and observe, Belles and Bows wasn't just a
cooking channel, though there were a few dozen videos out of maybe a
few hundred that did focus on meal preparation, but the topics
covered other areas including makeup reviews, makeup tutorials, and
different fashion vlogs.
channel edged more on a lifestyle theme, geared at women and mothers.
a lot of content focused on Delora herself and her daughter Harlow.
the videos, he learned that Delora was a thirty-two year old divorcee
and mother of six year old Harlow. She'd been born in Texas and
raised in various states through out the Deep South as her father had
been in the military and she was an Army Brat being shuffled from
base to base.
a video titled “Only Child Raising an Only Child” Delora detailed
more of her own childhood and it came to light that she had competed
in beauty pageants from a very young age, even younger than her own
daughter, because her mother strove to keep her “feminine” in the
intensely masculine world of the United States Army.
was at a pageant in Georgia she'd met her now ex-husband Cliff when
she competed against his sister—and not only won the crown but his
detailed the challenges of raising a mixed race daughter—she was
African American and Creole while Cliff had been Welsh and Irish, and
Harlow was the product of that.
didn't disclose why the marriage had failed but they'd divorced
shortly before Harlow had turned three.
left Georgia and moved to Northern California for a change of
wasn't too long after, with her mother's prodding that Delora entered
Harlow in her first pageant and the child proved to be a natural
winning her first contest out.
she was at a pageant nearly every weekend.
a different video, Delora explained she'd been trained as a dental
assistant but now made her income from designing and creating pageant
clothes and was her daughter's pageant coach.
were several vlogs following them to pageants, and remarkably, even
at the age of thirty-two, Delora was competing in the over-18
categories and still raking in trophies and crowns as her daughter
raked in the same in the younger groups.
were something of a Dynamic Duo and Taryll was taken.
the following weeks, whenever a new video appeared—Delora uploaded
three times a week without fail—Taryll dropped what he was doing to
Taryll began to want to be a part of this world.
wanted to meet Delora, possibly will up the nerve to ask her out.
even one day...be a stepfather to Harlow.
were passions and dreams he kept to himself, lest he be laughed clear
out of Fallen Leaf by his brothers.
was a thirty-eight year old man. He was an adult.
was no longer nine-years-old, watching Purple Rain after
sneaking into the theatre with a few of his knucklehead friends and
wanting to run off with Apollonia for himself.
it even practical to be a man having a schoolboy crush on a woman
from afar?
didn't know.
truly didn't know.
Taryll knew was that his life had been enriched and brightened since
he had begun following Delora.
mood lifted every time heard her voice, saw her smile.
paid attention and began making half-assed attempts at recreating the
dishes Delora cooked, although his Eggs Benedict did turn out quite
he couldn't have cared less, he sat and endured tutorials on how to
create the perfect wing liner, glittery cut-creases, and how to pick
the perfect foundation shade and formulation for darker skin tones.
adored Delora even more, discovering she was just as alluring without
makeup as with.
watched vlogs of pageant coaching, learning the difference between
glitz and natural pageants—though Delora stated Harlow competed
strictly in the glitz world.
long, Taryll understood what a beauty walk was, what the judges
scored on and looked for in a girl.
all went into choreographing routines that varied in time from thirty
to ninety seconds. All the months of practice and fittings—and in
Delora's case, though Taryll believed she didn't need it—dieting,
for those few fleeting moments under the spotlight.
a month of grappling with himself, Taryll somehow mustered the
courage to begin leaving comments on the videos.
short, benign messages such as “Nice video” or “I enjoyed that”
and “That looks delicious.”
never said too much out of fear he'd come across as strange or
creepy, but he couldn't deny it.
stayed on his mind.
than being wide awake yearning to have a duplicate of Taj's life,
Taryll began laying awake, wishing he was with Delora.
her resting beside him each night. Being awakened by her cooking each
her smiling face as she drifted around him in one of her cute little
always did dress so well, whether it casual sweats and sneakers for
pageant practice or a full evening gown for a competition, Delora was
made to wear clothes.
couldn't lie. He'd watched her pageant videos over and over again
just to see her.
last pageant she'd competed had been the previous summer, for a
system called Glitter Girls.
had been wide eyed and slack jawed at her.
a crisp butter creme Chanel suit she was witty and well spoken in
Interview, answering a question about her thoughts on the President.
In Talent, she proved she was skilled vocalist belting out 'Proud
Mary' by Tina Turner complete with a little red and gold fringe
costume, imitating the legend.
had decked Taryll completely, as Delora had strutted around the
catwalk in a gem-encrusted royal purple bikini, showing off a figure
that was neither too skinny nor too fat, but just right, slim and
plump in the appropriate places, with long toned legs.
had a great body and no one would have guessed she had a six year old
competing in the same pageant!
same body had been shown off to perfection during Beauty in a white
gown that had a low back, adorned with silver butterflies and a large
one in her hair.
had been thrown into speechlessness and could only clap, his hands
slapping each other and echoing in the cavernous apartment as she had
been crowned Queen of her division.
had been left so restless from that he'd rolled clean out his bed and
into his dresser.
was reaching his breaking point as the second month passed.
had to meet Delora. Had to see her. Shake her hand, tell her how he
he might have been laughed at and told to go away...
maybe...just maybe...he wouldn't.
only there were some way to contact her.
then one day, he saw it.
just finished watching a video wherein Harlow had been taken to the
dentist to be fitted for a 'flipper', an appliance with false teeth
to hide the gap her missing front teeth left behind, so that she
wouldn't have to wait until her 'adult' teeth came in to do more
he scrolled down the page to the comment box, he saw it.
beneath the video was a message from Delora herself,
and all business or design inquiries, please contact me at:
M. Hawthorne
Box 986
CA 94203
that been underneath all the videos?
this time?
could have written her ages ago, made a connection?
wasn't so far away, less than an hour's drive.
it was then, Taryll's mind hatched a wild and wicked plan.
from the kitchen table he high-tailed it through the apartment to the
living room, where his phone sat charging on one of the end tables to
his couch.
was flying blind right now.
on sheer emotion.
stamping out a number, mashing the silver device to his ear.
of sweat accumulating on his forehead as the line trilled with each
Came the familiar, deep-throated rumble of a voice.
It's Taryll.” He announced the obvious, knowing full well any time
he called his father, his name and picture flashed on his father's
He stammered for a moment, shortly losing his nerve, his freehand
starting to tug at his messy blondish locks.
his feet and squaring his shoulders he felt a surge of courage and
heard himself spit out,
I need next week off from work. Take some of my vacation days.”
WHY--” Hearing the sudden shift in tone, Taryll spoke quickly
trying to pull himself from the hole he'd abruptly dug for himself.
can't tell you that right now. You...you just have to trust me Pops,
please. There's something I need to do...and....and it's important.
Believe me. I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't. It really is.
was silence on the line but Taryll could clearly make out the sound
of his father grinding his teeth in contemplation.
He repeated, actually dropping to his knees on the carpet.
knew his father didn't like for him or his brothers to just up and
leave, especially near the start of the year when people were
fervently buying and selling properties.
His father began with a boom. “I don't know what it is you're up
to, but it better be worth it!”
is, Sir!” Taryll rolled onto his side in relief. “Oh, oh thank
you! You won't regret it! Thank you Pops! Thank you!”
up, Taryll laid on the floor, staring at the dust bunnies beneath the
made a solemn vow to himself.
that time next week, he was going to have met Delora Hawthorne.
asked her out on a date.
hopefully she'd accept.
just had to accept.
he'd lose his mind.
it already lost?
Days Later
T. Rowe Post Office, located just off the high-end shopping district
of Sacramento, was an imposing, winding, labyrinth of a place.
prime example of Streamline Moderne architecture, which had long
since done it's swan song in the mid-forties, was a towering, five
story building, its slick curving, without a hard edge, facade stark
white, trimmed in hunter green.
lower levels were sleek and glittering with pure white marble and
chrome accents, packed with workers and customers going about their
day, the upper levels, containing what had to be thousands of P.O.
Boxes of varying size were ghost towns, vacant of life, dead of
up on the fourth floor, Taryll had kept vigil, seated uncomfortably
on a low wooden bench at the far end of the room, on the constant
look out for Delora.
already he had seen her, and lost his nerve to utter even a gasp in
her direction.
first time, he'd nearly screamed like a teenybopper in the mist of a
pop star, when Delora had come strolling in around four in the
been dressed down in a pink sweater that hung off one shoulder and
ripped jeans. Her hair in a ponytail, heart-shaped shades atop her
Harlow had been with her, obviously fresh out of private school, in a
navy jumper and white blouse, little argyle knees socks on skinny
had one of the larger boxes and had collected what looked like
parcels of makeup from them, leaving just as quickly as she had
arrived, Harlow in tow.
hadn't said a thing. He couldn't.
didn't want to be embarrassed, and especially not in front of a first
second day was a replay of the first...Delora coming in, albeit
dressed up a bit mote in a form fitting red pencil skirt and blouse
covered in matching red star, pulling Harlow, in uniform, by the
Taryll had sat speechless, looking on weakly,in particular at the
high backside encased in crimson silk, Delora seeming to ignore him
as she collected more packages.
some reason, as her mother fiddled about, Harlow turned, and stared
directly at him.
tiny face plain, pouted lips an echo of Delora's pursed as she gazed
across the floor at him.
eyes unwavering...almost as if the child knew why he was there.
he stared at her mother.
he waited each day.
it seemed silly, he had been frightened by a child still in grade
pair had departed, no words exchanged and Taryll had tucked into
three pints of Chunky Monkey that very night at his hotel room.
three, though, was a new day, and Taryll sat patiently, only half
watching videos, set to silent—of Delora, of course—on his phone.
had made his mind up that morning, after vomiting up the third pint
of ice cream, that no matter what, come hell or high water, he was
going to speak to Delora Hawthorne.
had to, or he'd have a nervous breakdown--
Mama, it hasn't come in yet. I just got to the post office...I'm
about to check it now...”
the distance, he heard her voice.
sweet melodious voice.
through the open chrome rimmed doors, Delora stepped, Taryll thrown
into a tizzy.
was breathtaking and Taryll felt his lungs collapsing in awe.
body adorned with an off the shoulder crop top paired with a floral
maxi-skirt, leath flip flops slapping the marble.
hair loose and waved, a rose gold phone pressed to her ear competing
with the yellow gold hoops and clattering bangles she wore.
was a vision and Taryll was spellbound, standing up, the new red
sneakers he'd paired with a crisp button down and form-fitting jeans,
squeaking, unaware he'd even moved.
was practically floating.
know Mama...” She rattled on, stopping at her box, producing a
key from her pocket. “...but you know the lady who lays the
stones on Harlow's dresses is in Orland, so I had to FedEx it to her.
And she knows I need that dress this week
because Harlow and I are doing the 'Moody Blues' pageant in Biloxi,
and we have to have blue 'Beauty' dresses. I couldn't send her out in
her green and yellow, Mama! I hate we can't compete her in that,
because she's won the top title the last three times out in it. But
if the pageant demands a blue dress, a blue dress they'll see!And you
know it'll bring out her eyes wonderfully! ”
the mention of Harlow, Taryll realized Delora, for for the first
time, was alone...and as he continued eavesdropping he found out why.
just hope I don't have her doing too much. Right now she's at her
Brownie Scout meeting, and then this evening we have to go over all
her routines and she has to practice her singing. And she's going to
bake cookies from scratch to try earn another badge, she want to earn
the most badges in Troop 1955....”
a groan, Delora shook her head derisively.
Mama, I know it's important for Harlow to do more than just compete
against other little girls—that's why I have her in Scouts: so she
can make some little friends and not be always thinking about beating
that one, or beating this one...I don't want her to be so cutthroat,
and you've seen how she's been lately in my vlogs...”
spite of himself, Taryll nodded in agreement, as with the few videos
of Harlow Hawthorne competing in pageants he'd watched, Taryll found
her, while onstage was a bubbly, exuberant, little dynamo in too much
makeup and too many crystals, off stage, she was a withdrawn, sullen,
serious child who obviously watched those she was up against with a
critical eye.
eye of a seasoned pageant veteran.
made Taryll happy to know Delora cared about her child's social life
and development.
Delora breathing the same air in the corridor with him made Taryll
Mama...okay...love you too...buh-bye.”
that, Taryll watched Delora end her call, depositing her phone into
her pocket and finally opening her P.O. Box.
from it a rather large cardboard box was extracted with Delora
exuding the cutest little squeal of glee he'd ever had the pleasure
of hearing.
moments, the box had been opened and in her manicured hands, Delora
held a small, peacock blue chiffon dress, covered all over with 3D
flowers and rosettes, appliques and crystals, it's full cupcake skirt
crinkling as she looked it over, smile stretching from ear to ear.
start to finish you've cost me right at thirty-five hundred dollars,
but it'll be worth every last penny if you help my baby win that
'Ultimate Grand Supreme' title for the six-year-old division.”
She whispered lightly, with a smirk, carefully replacing the
expensive costume, Taryll lingering, speech failing him yet again and
he wanted to leap out of the window and splatter the pavement at his
own cowardice.
fate decided to lend him a hand.
must be expecting something pretty important.”
comment, spoken aloud, caught Taryll off guard and he blinked at the
woman in the green top, juggling the box as she used her elbow to
shut her mailbox.
she been addressing him?
unphased by the large, glassed over hazel eyes gawking at her, Delora
was approaching him.
a nervous sweat to spring up under Taryll's arms, dampening his pit
hair and testing the very limits of his antiperspirant.
was talking to him, looking at him.
his very presence.
false lashes fluttered as her dark eyes ran over him, light catching
the subtle gold glitter in the brown shadow on her lids.
close she was even more radiant.
smooth, glowing skin, those wide, doe eyes, the plump lips, lined in
deep brown and filled with a nude shade.
near her, his nose was tickled by her fragrance, a fresh mix of sweet
fruit and musk.
is my third day in a row, coming to collect the post, I'm in here
every day except Sundays and holidays, and this is my third time in
a row seeing you...” She continued, gazing up at him.
smile was brighter than the sun to him.
bright it could have burnt retinas.
the handsome face, the olive complexion slowly going maroon about the
cheeks, the lost puppy look in the eyes, mouth slack-jawed and agape.
eyes ran down Taryll's stocky figure and he was certain she could see
the outline of his heart as it slapped against his breast
eyes met his and she inquired again,
exactly are
you waiting for?”
staggered a moment, shifting from one leg to the next, sweaty-palmed
hands wringing over one another.
tersely sucking in, before parting and allowing a single word to slip
enchanting smile grew larger and arched, penciled and pomaded brows
rose in surprise.
You're waiting on me?" She balanced the box on her hip like a
toddler, head cocking to the side curiously.
tell...why are you waiting on me?"
said it in a teasing sort of a way, as if she already knew the answer
and it was that lilt to her voice which provided a touch of ease to
Taryll Jackson.
she believed his hanging around the empty floor of the post office
were off-putting, strange or downright insane, she never mentioned
he couldn't bring himself to vocalize it, mouth going dry and
again, Delora filled in the blanks for him.
to meet me...because you've watched my vlogs on Clip-Share, haven't
there was an undeniable confusion taking those relaxed, masculine
features and with a stutter, Taryll inquired,
did you know?"
almost sank to his knees when Delora, more cheery
than ever asked of him,
your username on Clip-Share 'BatterBoy75'?”
He was taken aback and gulped helplessly.
recognized you from the picture you have as your icon. I thought you
looked familiar... you comment on my vlogs a lot.”
sorry.” That was a knee-jerk reaction as he could figure nothing
else more intelligent to respond with.
need to be.” She assured him coolly. “All of your comments have
been very kind and I appreciate them. I usually get a ton of negative
comments, especially on the vlogs where my daughter does her
pageants. It's refreshing to something nice and positive after all
the mess...Thank you...uh...”
name....she didn't know his name.
Taryll...Taryll Jackson!” He exclaimed, hand being put forward.
her small, warm, smooth little hand gripped his in welcome, he wanted
to lay on the floor in the fetal position.
was touching him! She was touching him!
know....” He hastened, growing steadily redder. “I've....watched
all your
know—remember, comments!” She tapped the tip of his nose
that we're all properly introduced, Mr. Taryll Jackson...”
eyes were drifting down his frame once more.
do we go from here?”
audibly gulped.
do you want to go from here?”
Delora flipped her hair over her bared shoulder in the most becoming
was on my way to Bit of Bavaria, since I had a taste for some German
food...would you care to join me?”
it, she'd beaten him to the punch!
Hawthorne, if Taryll Jackson were hearing correctly, had asked HIM
really did come true!
I'm not imposing.” His voice fell to a cautious mumble and she cast
a smug glance at him as she turned and started away.
want you to impose.” She called back, heading for the door.
Taryll to scamper after her.
* *
you're from Fallen Leaf? That's a very nice little town...”
whom had been slicing into the long, beer-braised bratwurst circling
his plate on a bed of sauerkraut, let his eyes drift up to the
enchanting, enthralling face across the small table, the pointed jaw
jumping as Delora chewed a dainty bite of wiener schnitzel.
didn't know if it was the warm, cozy atmosphere, the faint
oomp-da-da, oomp-da-da music
playing from hidden speakers around the eatery or the half a pint
of Bock in his gut,but the man was feeling more relaxed, more at ease
in the company of his crush and ruler of his mind body and soul.
like it...” He commented, the area above his nose crunching
together in a momentary scowl as he knew he was lying—he loathed
Fallen Leaf—and he added,
been there before?”
yes...” Delora paused to take a sip of Pilsener from a green,
carved glass stein. “I have a client there. I make the clothes for
her three-year-old--”
really make all those costumes and things by hand?” Taryll spoke
up, fermented cabbage stinging his tongue with sharp tartness as he
consumed it. “Like that little blue dress I saw you with at the
post office, you really made that?”
course.” She was eating red cabbage. “I don't do the stone work;
that's much too tedious for me, especially with a child running
around in my hair all the time. But I do sketch out the costumes, and
sew together the ensemble, thought I have a lady who does the stoning
for me.”
you do it all by yourself?”
I just have to manage my time, like anyone else. Don't get
overloaded.” She tittered and it was the most refreshing sound in
the universe to his ears.
don't you...” He struggled with his phrasing, “...don't you get
tired of doing it alone all the time...don't you...”
I think I need somebody?” Delora finished the thought for him
coolly, leaning back in her chair, buttering a small pumpernickel
trained on him she helped herself to a bite of bread, speaking around
it as she chewed,
reckon you believe you're that somebody, right, Taryll?”
such a brunt questioning, Taryll found himself speechless and could
only stare at his plate, trying to will his mind to tack a viable
sentence together in response.
know...”She trailed off and Taryll flinched and she ran her
fingertips over his wrist playfully. “Fallen Leaf is quite the
drive from Sacramento...and to say I've seen you camped out for three
days in a row at the post office, leads me to believe that this more
than just a fan paying their, albeit very minor, celebrity a social
did her gaze have to be so cutting? So potent? As stringent as
acetone in an open wound?
to come up with anything witty at all, Taryll's peachy, greased lips
parted and his heart fell out of his mouth.
know we've just met and we have a lot of getting to know each
other...if you want...but...but I'd like to...to be a part of your
life,maybe even Harlow's, if you'd let me in...”
eyes dropped to his hands, scooting food about the plate, but his
stubbornness and perseverance were getting the better of him,
don't know if you're looking for a man or a boyfriend or even a one
night stand...but I'd be very happy if you'd give me a chance. I know
I'm nothing as exciting as an Afghan and Iraq war veteran; I'm just a
realty broker at my father's firm, but if you'd just give me a real
solid chance, I swear... You won't regret it Delora. I
hand was on top of his, petting it gently.
he brought his eyes to her face.
was so afraid she'd be laughing at him.
had laughed at him when he'd borne his soul before.
he just couldn't bare it again.
this time, not from Delora.
was tired of being the clown.
breath fell solid as lead in his lungs.
was still smiling at him.
a sigh she concurred, to his surprise,
probably right Taryll. It's been two, almost three years since I
divorced Cliff, and he's certainly moved on...he has a new
girlfriend. I... haven't seen her, but as we share custody of Harlow
she has seen the new girlfriend. Some fast trash....And people have
been saying it is time to get back into the dating scene. Some of the
ladies I design dresses for, my friends, even my own mother have all
kind of thrown their two cents at me on the topic.”
hand slid off the top of his and was gripping his three middle
wanted to wait, until the timing was right. Until I felt the right
man had shown up. And trust me a whole little pathetic parade have
marched by, but I deflected all of them...”
grip tightened suddenly and their eyes met.
don't want to deflect you, Taryll.”
don't want to be deflected...”
hand was lifted and Taryll felt his pressure spike, Delora bringing
it to her mouth, and leaving a brown-rimmed lip mark on the back of
into his cologned flesh she told him,
don't plan to.”
ceiling was covered by many yards of ruched and pin-tucked fabric of
a dark, warm cream shade, from the four corners of the room, all
extending to the gilt and crystal chandelier dangling so precariously
was a trifle too large and too opulent to be hidden away behind the
shut doors of a bedroom, and yet, it didn't seem out of place one
else in the room was equally as refined and sophisticated, the walls
that same warm cream color, set off by deep mahogany furniture and
burnished gold accents.
bed, a massive king, was draped in satin, ruched bedding edged with
rows and rows of antique Battenburg lace.
was a classy, old-world air to the room, one which tried to recall
the nuances and gaiety of the Victorian Era. A time when people were
soft, quiet, modest.
Jackson may have been quiet, laying there on his back, staring up at
the ceiling, but as his dotted briefs were slid past his ankles and
dropped to the carpeted floor, he was anything but soft or modest.
the quiet didn't last long, being broken, Taryll's face balling and
going scarlet instantly, a cross betwixt a grunt and moan bursting
from his mouth at the moist suction he felt invading his nether
his hands pulling at the exquisite fabric surrounding him, Taryll
managed to reflect a moment and remember just exactly how he'd
landed himself into this 'predicament'.
the revelation that Delora was as attracted to him as he was to her,
the pair had tried to share a slice big of Black Forest cake.
made it about halfway through, Taryll having scooted his chair
completely around the table to be nearer her.
close to him, Delora had lost herself, first laying her head up on
his broad, sturdy shoulder, then tracing his jaw with little pecks
that left more of her mixed brown liner and nude lip color on his
dermis and finally a gentle peck to his lips.
was a move which caused Taryll to slam down a hundred dollar
bill—though the meal cost no more than twenty-five—and he'd fled
Bit of Bavaria, tugging Delora so hard, her feet barely made contact
with the ground.
the parking lot, between their cars, Taryll had held her little face
in his large hands smothering her with a kiss, begging,
the way...drive like Hell...”
Taryll had shot like a bullet, recklessly through the streets and
highways of Sacramento, following Delora's black hatch-back sedan
headed to one of the affluent subdivisions on the edge of the city.
her house, a beautiful mid-century, Frank Lloyd Wright knockoff,
there had been a pause.
texting her daughter's Girl Scout troop leader and asking her to keep
Harlow overnight as a “pressing matter needing my attention has
arisen and I must tend to it immediately”.
soon as the confirmation came in, the phone had been tossed onto a
sideboard near the front door and Delora had thrown herself into
Taryll's arms.
there they two had rambled through the house, slamming into walls,
banging into doors and knocking furniture askew.
hugging, caressing and fondling their way through to the back of the
house, fairly falling into the master bedroom, half dressed at best.
he laid, staring through eyes that had gone green with ecstasy, now
slits in a purple face at the head of long lush tresses, bobbing
rhythmically over his groin, nothing visible really except the nest
of black curls at the base of his stiffened shaft.
my God...” He intoned, Delora pulling off of him a moment, one
hand still wrapped around the hardened mass, with her smiling up at
him, from where she sat on her heels, as nude as he.
woman was angelic.
was so beautiful, more beautiful that he'd ever imagined, fantasized,
or dreamed.
body slim and toned, but bearing a full, round, pert bosom, her
figure a perfect hourglass, with an even fuller backside and those
impossibly long legs.
free hand was in his hair, nails raking through his blonde-tinged
you like that?” She questioned with a giggle and he nodded
thought so!” Delora teased, stretching out beside him and
allowing him to drape an arm around her shoulders, hand squeezing her
right breast as she began to slowly stroke his cock, lips mashed to
his neck, threatening a hickey.
Was all Taryll could think to mumble, his mind but a scramble, Delora
rising up , her mouth causing parts of him to disappear a second
Yes! Yes! Holy shit—YES!”
were just some things words couldn't convey.
the tidal waves of jubilant sensation and emotion coursing through
Taryll's body at that moment could not be described.
was impossible.
only was he with the woman whom had stolen his heart right out of his
chest, but she was here, behind that locked door, doing the most
intimate of things to him.
things he hadn't even thought of yet.
it all came as naturally as breathing.
thought it was destined to be.
it was.
certainly felt like it.
He cried, body arching, with Delora again taking him from her mouth
and bending further, was kissing after the little dangling, fur
covered sac dragging the bed.
it in her hands, those skilled hands, massaging them as she kissed
after them lovingly.
feeling, the euphoria—he never wanted it to end.
she was on all fours beside him, alternating between sucking and
kissing after him.
never been with a woman who so openly seemed to enjoy giving him a
blowjob, but he would be damned if he tried to raise a finger to stop
he had to talk and sometimes outright plea with women to “chew the
chorizo”so to speak, but Delora had gone to it as instinctively as
a fish to water.
the combined sensation of her mouth on him gobbling away, and the
mild, messy slurping noise the actions produced were doing quite a
number on one Taryll Jackson and if he didn't stop her soon, he was
going to prematurely splatter the walls.
gotta stop, Baby Girl... please!” He wheezed, forcing himself
up into a seated position and also forcing her off him again, lest
she be caught between his groin and gut.
her hair in a way that caused her bosom to jiggle, Delora rocked on
her knees, eyeing the bronzed beauty before her and questioned,
feigning innocence,
wrapped her proportioned form and she was pulled against Taryll, his
mouth attack hers, hands running the length of her spine and cupping
her buttocks.
couldn't wait any longer.
had to have her.
then! Right now! Yesterday!
need you! I need you! God, I need you!” His voice shook with
urgency, as he lifted her by the ass cheeks, bringing her down on his
lengthy, violently engorged appendage.
Ah! Ah! Ah!” She cried out, hugging to him for what seemed dear
life itself, the fullness of him filling almost to the point of being
too much as Taryll could feel her wall stretching in an effort to
contain all of him.
really was as close as a man could be to bursting.
was even better to him than he could...
, she was so warm and tight and with her flexing on him as she was,
he wanted to scream.
about her was just right.. The way she was starting to slide up and
down him, the way she keened like a newborn kitten in his ear, how
tightly she held him, running her fingers through his mussed hair and
sucking on his earlobe.
his bearings after a few awkward thrusts, Taryll, clutching Delora
around the waist, face buried in her sweet smelling bosom was forcing
his way back and forth, a clapping noise erupting each time their
pubises met.
Yes! Right there! Right there! Oh...shit! Right there Taryll! OH! OH!
was growing louder by the second and the escalation of decibels were
doing a number on him, knowing she was gleaning such pleasure from
his doing...and no one else's.
was all him.
she was all his.
Her nails were digging into his shoulders, going damp with
caused such a delightful pain.
I want you on top of me...please...”
She begged her voice barely above a whisper.
was so swept up he'd have done anything she ashed.
at thirty-thousand feet, without a parachute.
a tiger in the Burmese jungle.
across the Sahara on his hands and knees.
she so wanted he would provide.
bear-hugging her, Taryll rolled, so that she lay nestled against the
decorative, frilly pillows, and he loomed over her, staring down at
flushed cheeks, the closed eyes, the way she was sucking in her
bottom lip at the feel of him pressing her down into the mattress.
gasp left him, back arching, as long, toned, sinewy legs wrapped his
stocky middle, holding him down and close to her.
going up, over his head, Taryll clutched the tufted headboard for
stability and was throwing every inch of himself into her.
Ugh!Ugh! Yeah! Ugh! Damn-damn-damn-damn!”
grunted over delicate moans.
himself to keep his eyes open.
every expression, every nuance, every reaction.
nails digging deeper into his bronzy back, tearing at the skin.
trails of blood.
hands, sticky with the red substance, were first on his shoulders,
then leaving streaks across his chest, Delora lifting briefly to kiss
after his pecs and lick across the darker little nipples protruding.
legs opened wider, providing more access, as again and again his bush
met her naked triangle.
so good! You're so good! You're good—OW!”
Taryll cried as her hand found its way into his waves and yanked,
bringing his face down to hers,
locking and tongues wagging they were connected completely.
suddenly, Delora's hips were flexing against his.
him thrust for thrust.
kiss Delora Hawthorne did more than just feed the lusty hunger under
which Taryll Jackson labored; it fed his very soul.
was in his ear again,
swiftly obliged, pattern changing fro a straight in-and-out motion,
to more of a sensual circle.
hips swaying, he started, those cool, soft palms on his buttocks,
gripping and massaging the two meaty spheres.
was a gesture he reciprocated, large hands cradling her bottom,
hardly able to hold onto all of her, helping himself to plunge
was now streaming from his high forehead, face going from red to
maroon to royal plum.
heavy and distressed, he was now beginning to hiss like a snake,
teeth grit as he continued to manipulate his and her bodies, aiming
toward that ultimate peak of intimacy.
wondrous Delora looked to him.
her touch and kiss heightened his pleasure exponentially.
little gasps, the ways her breasts were bouncing--
bridge of her nose wrinkled and a tiny shriek left her mouth as it
fell open.
God! Don't stop! Don't stop! Don't—Ah! Ah! Ah! AH!”
was then Taryll felt it.
hot little splashes against his crotch.
his pubic curls.
Ah! Ah! AH!”
each and every breathless scream.
Ah! Ah! AH!”
was climaxing.
was immediately pulled down on her, Delora suckling after his wet
neck, his pace quickening.
was losing the battle, as her surrender had spurred his.
grinding so hard they made an audible crunch, he pulled from her,
just in time.
stream of white shot from his tip splattering along Delora's heaving
took in a few staggering breaths collapsing on her.
a long moment, her hand ran over his forehead, removing the sweat and
she kissed it.
eyes met hazel and the pair grinned at each other.
we...” Taryll heard himself start to stammer, pulling her close,
rubbing his wet cheek against her inflamed one.
Gasp turning into a girlish giggle, Delora found his mouth smacking
up at Taryll as he caressed her cheek with his knuckle, Delora added
it be a scandal—a Clip-Sharer taking up with a fan!”
Days Later
should have seen it Pops! It was probably one of the most amazing
things I've ever seen in my life...I mean that...!”
Jackson remarked excitedly into the phone he had mashed to his ear,
pacing back and forth in jittery, untamed little bursts in the rear
of the black hatch-back sedan, the rays of the late afternoon sun
glinting off the dozen or so silver and faux marble trophies stacked
in the back of it.
it was one thing watching them do their pageants on the computer, but
it was something else completely to be here! And it was a big
pageant too, Pops; fifty-three girls in Harlow's age group and almost
seventy in Delora's—what?”
squinted back at the soaring Hilton his father repeating his inquiry.
they win? Well, hell yeah—I mean, yes sir!”
laughed, the automatic door a few hundred yards away and two figures
swathed in blue starting towards him, hand in hand.
both got the Ultimate Grand titles in their age groups! I
almost screamed myself hoarse I cheered so hard. I'm telling you,
Pops! You should have been there! I got it all on tape. Had to film
it for the followers! They're coming now! We're flying home
tonight...yes! Yes sir! Love you too!”
seeing Taryll, the little girl in the intricate blue dress, her
blonde locks smoothed and tamed into an elaborate bouffant, and far
too much makeup for any child to be wearing, went running to him with
open arms, the soles of her dyed to match dress shoes clacking on the
my little winner!” Taryll chuckled squatting to pick her up and
hold her on his hip, the child kissing his cheek, and he pecked hers
Taryll, did I do good?” Harlow asked politely hugging his neck.
did like Tony the Tiger: GREEEEEEAAAAAAT!” He roared and the
child laughed.
continued to cackle, Taryll falling silent as Delora slinked towards
stunning she was in a peacock blue, two piece dress, the cropped
halter covered in crystals on the blue background, the chiffon skirt
swirling as she made her way to him in stilettos.
looked every inch a queen, embroidered title sash over her shoulder,
an ostentatious blue and clear rhinestone tiara pinned into her
blowing jet locks.
her hands she carried the crown and sash belonging to her daughter.
here's my big winner!” Taryll commented shifting Harlow on beefy
hip, leaning to kiss Delora on her very very lips, her color coming
off on his mouth.
proud of me, too?” She questioned, thumbing the excess lipstick
from his mouth, those hazel eyes roving over her.
course I am....” He paused midsentence, kissing her again. “...I
love you.”
dark eyes were so huge at him.
love you too.”
love me too?” Harlow piped up as Taryll went to the passenger side
of the car, opening the door first for Delora, then for the child.
course!” Taryll winked at her, setting her in the back passenger
seat and buckling her in, feeling Delora's hand on his back.
know you were speaking to your father...but did you make that...other
questioned seriously, and turning back to her, chewing thoughtfully
on his bottom lip.
invited Taj and Lucille over to your house for dinner--”
slim finger tapped the tip of his nose, Delora correcting him,
house. You're moving in at the end of the month, as soon as the lease
on your apartment is up. And I guarantee you...I'll make your brother
jealous of you for the first time in his life!”
was a gracious smile on Taryll's face as he helped his...queen...into
the front of the car and jogged around to the drivers side, ready to
start his new life...
the family he never knew he'd needed.
free of the shadow of his elder brother.