sure that this has happened each and everyone one of you reading
this: that at some point in time, something you've said or done has
been misconstrued to have a completely different and alternate
meaning from whatever was intended in the first place. Such mistakes
can be easily rectified with a simple gesture or explanation. But for
the young woman in this story....it's a bit more complicated than

A Taj Jackson Erotic Fan Fiction Story By:
(Non Sexual Cameo Featuring Michael Jackson)
Valley, California
half-past two in the afternoon, the sprawling, elegant dining room of
the premiere eatery in all of the city, once bustling and packed
elbow to elbow with the upper echelon of Golden Valley society, now
found itself as something of a veritable ghost town.
hall, constructed to seat over four hundred diners, when filled to
capacity, boasted only a handful of patrons, sprinkled here and
yonder, beneath the green, stained glass canopy, lit by glittery,
heavy crystal chandeliers that had hung since the turn of the last
of the tables, occupied or not, sat draped in the very best linen,
topped by services of fine china and silverware.
the center of each hand-carved, oak table, an ornate kerosene lamp
stood lit, its warm, dancing flame casting a soft, yellow glow,
adding to the ambiance of a room that seemed out of step with the
fast-paced modern times.
the room with its painted murals, and antiqued bronze accents
harkened back to the Edwardian era, strongly influenced by the Art
Nouveau movement.
swirls of vines and various other flora and fauna lent the room a
whimsical, idealistic air of nature.
which did not readily exist, but in the most imaginative of minds.
such mind occupied a table, somewhat hidden by shadow, close to the
rear of the room.
lone man sat quietly, his hands folded atop the table, gaze staunchly
across the room, fixated on the curving and winding grand staircase
that led down into the room.
a room of warm, muted shades of green, gold, pinks and burnt oranges,
the man stood out by how sharply his complexion and clothing
contrasted one another.
was remarkably slim, perhaps too slim to some people, his body clad
in a bespoke black alligator suit over a dully sheened black silk
black offsetting his pale, milky skin.
which stretched so smoothly over fine, whittled bones it was hard to
determine his age right off. He could have been anywhere between
thirty and sixty but in actuality was closer to forty-five.
features were chiseled; high cheekbones, an upturned impish nose, a
dimpled chin.
was no spare fat to be found on him.
hair, long, silken, jet, parted along the middle and flicking back
from such an arresting, androgynous, yet alluring face, swished
softly as a long, spindly hand picked up a glass, partially filled
with a rare, aged merlot and he swished it, nose in the glass, taking
in the bouquet, but did not drink.
menu sat closed at his side...he knew what he wanted, but was waiting
to order.
on her...he refused to order anything without her being
eyes, wide and dark as an abyss,remained on the stairs.
was taking too long...she was late.
agreed to meet him promptly at two-thirty.
quick glance at the large, diamond-rimmed bezel of his white gold
watch showed the time as a quarter to three.
was late.
hand hovered over the Blackberry device laying beside the menu.
he try calling her again?
already called her three times to no reply.
his will, he was growing antsy, worried.
was she--
brows rose, nostrils flaring with a sigh...as finally, finally he
spied her coming down the steps.
was impossible to miss her.
one could miss that red hair.
usually worn straight, her hair, a deep, fiery shade of auburn, was
always teased and volumized, floating around her shoulders just so
with each step she took.
was young, aged only in her mid-twenties, but with a minimal
application of cosmetics on a smooth and unblemished face, could have
fooled a general onlooker into believing she was still in her late
face gave that impression anyway...her body, was a different story
at an average height of five-feet-five-inches, she bore a stunning,
proportioned hourglass figure, one that seemed a mite out of touch
with the stick-thin, more boyish modes of the day, but one which she
carried with pride.
figure, today, was covered by a rich plum blouse, tucked into a
pencil skirt with a wild mixed pattern of plum, black, white and red.
feet in plum stilettos were silenced by the plush carpeting of the
steps as she drew down closer, a matching clutch gripped in one hand.
bounced off the single, trillion-cut diamond ring on her right middle
finger as she approached the table, her eyes, the color of a fallen
autumn leaf, a chestnut red at the center and going amber-gold at the
edges, swelled with remorse beneath her thin, curving brows as the
man stood to greet her.
Her voice was soft and low, a mix of a native Southern and adopted
West coast accents battling with one another as she spoke in apology,
so sorry...it took much longer than I expected...”
was rounding the table, pulling out the opposite chair for her.
she was seated, he questioned, his voice many octaves higher than her
own, coming across as a meek falsetto.
did you get it done, Talia?”
redhead bobbed and hand going up, she lifted the hair covering her
right ear.
an industrial piecing and what appeared to be a curving snake, of
white gold, tiny ruby eyes staring back from the upper portion of her
nice! You did get the serpent like I suggested.” Michael
commented, enchanted, fingertips brushing the new addition, causing
Talia to draw back wincing,
It's still sore!”
it hurt very much?” He wondered returning to his seat, gazing with
was always concerned for her well-being.
it wasn't pleasant!” Talia snickered, hand out to claim one of the
complimentary clover-leaf rolls heaped in a basket beneath the gas
lamp. “You should have seen the needle or should I say spear--”
trailed off as her smaller, tawny hand was gripped in the larger
alabaster one.
hand was pulled across, further, until it met Michael's gentle, warm
and puckered lips.
couldn't help smiling as he took the time to kiss each and every
knuckle lightly.
eyes met hers once more and his own pinkish lips curled much like her
glossy ones.
they seemed a couple, much like any other; kind, affectionate,
yet...they were not, though they certainly showed the hallmarks
were not a couple.
were not even 'friends with benefits'.
were employer and employee.
* *
the day she first met him, Talia Enfield's relationship with Michael
Jackson had always been slightly to the left.
in every sense of the word.
an accountant by trade, had been hired on by Mr. Jackson to keep an
eye on his personal finances, as he possessed a penchant for
spending, but often neglected to balance his checkbook after his
innumerable and frequent sprees.
that Mr. Jackson was in debt, on the contrary, he was far from it.
far from it as any man could ever hope to be.
day she was hired, strangely, Talia received a dossier outlining the
details of her new boss' life.
received a full-fledged biography on their employer?)
of Autumn 2002, Mr. Jackson was a forty-four-year-old, twice-divorced
real estate mogul worth landed somewhere in the vicinity of close to
nine hundred million dollars independently, and heir to much
more through his connections to the firm he owed and oversaw
with his five brothers and three sisters.
to the dossier, the Jackson family came from very humble beginnings
in a small town in Indiana, and built their entire fortune off of one
lucky investment made by family patriarch, Joseph.
there, a man whom never saw the inside of a college himself , proved
to be a shrewd, competent business man, turning over nearly every
investment he made to profit and provided a life for his family he
had only once dreamt of.
insisted all nine of his offspring follow in his footsteps—after
in between graduating from Yale Business school and going to work
under his father, Mr. Jackson had two short lived marriages in the
eighties, and it was noted he still paid his ex-wives alimony each
now-bachelor divided his time between his California estate, his
summer home in Greece and his winter home in England, traveling
abroad to buy, sell and invest in land globally.
a further side venture he was primary backer to a small film-making
company run by his nephews.
next twenty-five pages were an excruciatingly itemized list of Mr.
Jackson's worldly possessions, along with the year he acquired them,
how much he paid and their current worth.
them were pricey pieces of jewelry, custom-made clothing, six vintage
luxury vehicles, paintings and tapestries by the likes of
Shackleton, Brooking and Hoare.
paintings alone ran into the millions and Talia hoped she was not in
over her head.
handful of clients she'd assisted prior to Mr. Jackson, at best had
been suburban families, just trying to get their finances—usually
less than a hundred thousand dollars—under control and try to
scrape their way out of debt.
Mr. Jackson ever known debt?
did he simply just fling a wad of bills and his problems disappeared
like morning dew under a rising sun?
a crisp September morning, Talia found herself driving through the
tall, wrought iron gates of Michael Jackson's secluded two-thousand
acre estate, named Juenesse Eternelle—French for 'Eternal
half a mile in, the home itself began to appear on the horizon.
the top of the hill was the lofty, ostentatious three-story manse, a
French Colonial of tan and beige masonry, looking very much like a
castle separated from the rest of the common world.
more a home for royalty, than a mere mortal.
again, Michael Jackson wasn't a mortal...he was mogul.
Nearer the house, color met her
eyes in the form of many decorative flower beds, laden with dozens of
types of tulips, lilies and roses, the latter in neatly spherical
bushes flanking each side of the front entrance.
Out front, a fountain, bearing a
large unclothed angel “poured” bright blue dyed water from a vase
in her hands, into the sizable pool at her bare feet.
In the driveway out front, Talia
noted the limousine, on the side of which, his name had been
inscribed in black on a pearl grey background.
At the front entrance, double
doors, appearing more like art work in the form of deepest mahogany,
set with lead glass and crisscrossed with bronze, before she could
even raise a finger to ring the bell, in the shape of a peacock, one
of the doors swung and she was met by an older, stern faced man in a
suit with tails, whom informed her in a booming voice,
Jackson will receive you in the formal living room.”
People actually still had butlers?
Weren't those just in old black ad white films?
Dumbly, Talia had followed this
straight-backed, stiff-necked man, not into a home, but a different
A world of imported marble,
sumptuous antique Louis XIV furniture, watercolor and oil paintings
depicting eighteenth century French and English landscapes and
hunting scenes, and precariously hanging chandeliers and sconces,
glittering chains and chains of faceted crystal beads.
As they passed other rooms, Talia
spied a team of maids running hither and to, going about their work
Dusting, polishing, vacuuming.
There were so many rooms. Why did
one man need so many rooms?
What did he do in all of them?
The hall was so cavernous Talia
and the butler's footsteps echoed.
And it was so quiet—there were
cemeteries that made more noise.
The formal living room, dressed in
subdued shades of green and burgundy, featured a chaise lounge, arm
chairs and divans with floral upholstery.
Vases, statues, urns and portraits
of what Talia took for members of the Jackson family were scattered
Everyone did look so rich and
sophisticated: men in somber, tailored suits, impeccably made up
women in designer gowns.
Over the unlit hearth, was a
larger than life-sized rendering of Michael Jackson.
He stood at attention in a black
and red hussar's coat, trimmed in intricate bright gold braiding,
black trousers and gold toed boots.
His features, the milky cast to
his dermis, hair long and sweeping his shoulders, sharp facial
structure, caught Talia off guard.
He didn't appear nearly as old as
was claimed, yet the plaque at the base of the painting read as
“Michael J. Jackson, 2000”.
It was very nearly recent.
Was that really him? Did he
“You have the reddest hair
I've ever seen in my life!”
A voice of awe, frankly
high-pitched albeit mild declared and turning Talia could feel her
chest starting to tighten.
Advancing down the three steps of
the sunken room towards her was a man.
The man.
His trim, lanky body draped in a
royal blue satin shirt, rhinestone studded applique on the front,
tucked into a pair of black leather trousers that stopped right at
the ankle, revealing a flash of white sock and black, patent loafers
with tassels.
A hand was put out to her and
Talia could only stare at the diamond covered watch on his wrist for
a moment.
She'd never seen such a timepiece,
and honestly she wondered how he could tell time on it. The face of
the watch was radiating baguette cut diamonds with a princess-cut
filled bezel...there was no surface on what she guessed to be white
gold or platinum that wasn't covered by the expensive rocks.
They all threw and reflected light
like thousands of tiny mirrors with each move he made.
Surely that one bauble cost more
than everything she owned...combined.
Then she blinked, realizing he
meant to shake her hand.
She gripped his hand, it was
smooth and a trifle clammy, but he shook her hand as warmly as though
they'd known each other all their lives.
The smile on his face was large,
friendly as he introduced himself, and Talia's thoughts that he would
be a spoiled snob started to fade from her mind.
He was...nice.
Extremely nice, accommodating and
For the next hour, work wasn't
even discussed.
Instead, Michael, he insisted she
call him by his first name, as she was “holding my purse strings
now” took her on a tour of his estate.
Never before had Talia been able
to refer to any of her employers so casually.
Then again, he was also the first
to show her around his property.
A property which, inside the main
house included a private theatre, trophy room for all of the awards
he'd garnered in the realty realm, a personal library that he claimed
held over ten thousand tomes, all of which he'd read, a music room
with a grand piano, cello, guitar, and a genuine Stradivarius violin
in a glass case, an art room, a solarium...by Talia's count, Michael
Jackson lived alone in what had to be at least a fifty room house.
Out back was a tennis court,
Olympic sized pool, a separate game room and a bungalow that served
as a guest house for when “my family comes to visit”.
Below the house was a garage,
built to hold ten vehicles but only occupied five: a 1919 Rolls Royce
Phantom,, a 1921 Dusenberg Coupe, a 1957 Aston Martin, a 2002 Jaguar
and a 2002 Mercedes.
In the very rear of the property
was a greenhouse containing several varieties of rare roses, much
different from the display ones in front of the main house, which
Michael divulged that horticulture was a hobby he'd picked up in
recent years and “tending to my blooms relaxes me after a long
Michael had even been so kind as
to pluck and gift her with a large, peachy-yellow and pink bloom
named after famed actor Cary Grant.
It was until they'd returned to
the formal living room that the conversation finally made its way
towards business.
Though it wasn't the type which
Talia Enfield had prepared herself for.
Talia, seated on one of the
divans, one which hadn't seen too many guests as it was disturbingly
stiff and hard to sit on, was quiet, twirling the flower in her hands
and peeking over the high, rounded back, at Michael, a few yards away
under the archway that led to the hall, conversing in hushed tones
with the butler.
“...thank you...God bless
you...” His voice came out louder as he patted the servant's
shoulder, the hulking man departing.
Michael lingered a moment,
watching him go, his hands folding behind his back.
“Monty will bring us some
refreshments in a bit...” He informed her, slowly spinning on his
heel, and began pacing towards the armchair directly across the low,
enamel-topped coffee table from Talia.
Rather than sitting in it, he
stood behind it, gripping the back and Talia noticed his short,
manicured nails were mashing into the cushion.
Was...was he nervous?
That struck her as odd—but so
much about all of this struck her as odd.
“Do you believe you'll be able
to work for me, Talia?” He questioned and his brows bounced
unnervingly as he spoke her name.
Eyes diverted to the ombre bloom
in her hands, Talia felt herself nod and heard herself whisper,
There was something in his
eyes...they bothered her, yet she couldn't will herself to get up and
Those eyes, they caused her to be
strangely drawn to him, making her both fear and admire him at the
same time.
What was this power?
His next question hit her like a
lightning bolt and brought her swiftly back to the here and now.
“Are you very pleased...with the
salary you're to earn?”
Her eyes came up a scant second to
see the upper half of his body had bent over the chair, he was
leaning forward, seemingly anxious for her reply.
The flower began twirling, with
her stammering.
“Y-yes Michael, thank you...I've
never been paid a hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars just to do
accounting work... are you sure it's not too much?”
That number had bothered her ever
since she'd reached the end of that dossier.
Where her salary was listed.
She'd been overpaid before by
thankful clients, but never to this extent.
Her typical salary fell between
fifty and sixty thousand dollars annually and to be offered more than
twice the average, was enticing...the cost of living in
California was astronomically more expensive than it had ever been in
her native Georgia, and she was soon to learn what all added up to
the inflated sum.
“How would you like to earn
some...let's call them 'bonuses'...while you work for me?”
Michael inquired and the flame-haired head came up, eyes narrowing in
“Bonuses?” She echoed
and was immediately silenced, Michael putting a finger to his lips as
Monty returned, scalloped silver tray in his hands, boasting a
pitcher of lemonade, two lead crystal goblets and a platter of
assorted tea sandwiches.
It wasn't until Monty had vacated
the room, that Michael Jackson completed his thought,
“I know you've read the packet
you were given when you were hired on, Talia, so I know...that you
know I've been married, and divorced...twice.”
A toast point topped with cream
cheese, chives and thinly sliced radish was held in mid-air, Talia
breathless, as Michael rounded the chair and table, placing himself
on the cushion beside her on the couch.
What...what was he driving at?
She had something of an idea but
didn't want to readily jump to conclusions.
His hands folded in his lap and
his head lowered as he continued,
“Since my divorces...I haven't
really dated, Talia. Not that people haven't tried to set me up. My
siblings, my parents, some of my colleagues...just...I don't want to
go through that again. Fall in love, get my emotions all entangled
and wrapped up in a woman and then get my feelings hurt when it falls
through. I...I don't trust that way anymore. I don't want to
trust that way anymore. It's too hard. Too painful...but....”
He shifted slightly and Talia
could see he was peeking at her through the sheet of hair masking his
“I...I do miss what it was like
to have a girlfriend...or a wife...the affectionate aspect of it...”
His chest rose and fell more
rapidly and she saw his hands were starting to tremor in his lap.
“You know, the hugging...the
kissing...the talking...I honestly miss that...”
His hands shook harder and it was
clear Michael was battling to control himself and his waning hold on
his nerves.
His head came up slightly and his
dark eyes were searching her face.
“I...I want to extend an offer
to you, Talia...you can accept it, fine. Or if you choose, you can
decline it, and we can be strictly professional from here on in...”
Again his shifted, body angling
towards her, his head remaining down, eyes going back to his hands,
now shaking prominently.
Talia looked on, bewildered, a
dull ache starting at the base of her skull.
“You're a very beautiful young
woman, and I would like the pleasure of your company...as more
than just my accountant...if possible.”
The toast point fell from her
hand, bouncing on the platter, the realization and weight of his
words plopping onto her shoulders, hunching them, her head spinning.
It was her hands that trembled
now, as Talia glanced at the arc at the far end of the room wondering
if she should just rise and flee.
What this man was insinuating they
How they should behave above and
beyond accountant and accountee.
Yet her legs didn't move, her feet
didn't pound the marble flooring, and she remained seated.
Hands shaking, she asked, her
voice a bare whisper, yet her words echoed in the still.
“So...you...want to sleep
with me...Michael?”
Talia hadn't lived beneath a rock
all her life, even if she had come from the rural South.
She knew she was attractive and it
was her looks that had garnered her attention—wanted and more so
She had dated and had been
propositioned before, but Michael Jackson had set a land speed record
with how swiftly he'd come to the point, she had to give him that
distinction right away.
At least he was still seated and
not trying to rip her clothing off her as Old Man Hawkins had tried,
you know, before she had taken her shoe off and beat him into a
sobbing lump of shamefulness for his actions with a five-inch heel.
Michael's fingers intertwined as
he clutched them in an effort to quell their quivering.
The word popped from his mouth
like a cork from a champagne bottle.
Talia's brows rose in surprise.
He didn't want that? But isn't
that what every man wanted?
That was a basic need for men!
“I...don't want to...have sex
with you, Talia...” He stated, each word coming out carefully
as his head raised and he looked to her.
There was such a bright, abrupt
sadness in his face, that Talia, once growing cold towards him in
every way couldn't help feeling sorry for him.
He did seem so dejected, so
miserable, despite all his wealth and apparent blessings.
Perhaps money really didn't buy
“Certain emotions go into that
for me...and I don't want to leave myself open to such emotions
anymore!” He stood suddenly and stormed across the room to the
fire place, grabbing onto the mantle.
“I only want what I stated. The
affection part. Hugging, kissing...looking at you from time to
time...that's it. I never want to go...all the way...again.”
Had his marriages really been that
terrible? So disastrous to the point he never wanted to be physically
Was he really abstaining like a
Didn't he at least have the urges?
Talia wanted to ask so much and
could not find the words to communicate.
She'd never met such a man...with
ways such as these.
Michael Jackson may have been the
sole one.
Hand running along the perimeter
of the mantle, he walked over to a large bay window, looking out to
the front of the property.
“I would be good to you, Talia,
I promise. You'd want for nothing. You can live here, have your own
apartment, house, anything. Whatever you want. You'd be treated well.
Have access to whatsoever your heart desires. I'd get it for
you...just...I'm so damn tired of being alone.”
There was a tiny bop and
Talia realized it was the sound of Michael resting his forehead on
the glass pane.
His entire form seemed to sag.
“Sure, I see my family and my
colleagues and clients. But when I come home, it's to my butler, and
maids and chef and gardener and pool boy...my servants. People
who work for me. People who only show up for a paycheck. They're
respectful, of course, but if I weren't Mr. Jackson and my name
didn't appear on their checks, they wouldn't give a rat's ass about
me. No one hugs me and kisses me or asks how my day went or anything
like that. Like my wives did before it all went to hell...”
Breathless, Talia stood, and
inched towards him.
me? Why did you choose me?”
She had to know.
Had this even been a meeting about
a true accounting job or an elaborate scheme to spring this madness
upon her?
like a breath of fresh air to me.”
Michael announced leaning back
against the velvet valance, his eyes drifting over her, but not
staying in one spot on her body.
“So young and sweet and pretty
and unspoiled. There's a kindness radiating from you, I could sense
it the moment we met. Everything in me is screaming that I need you
in my life this way. Maybe it's too quick. Maybe its crazy. I'm sure
you think I'm crazy coming to you with such a proposition and you've
only been here an hour...but...please. It's just the way I am.
I'm used to taking chances. It's what's gotten me this far in
A long finger was beckoning her,
and Talia found herself, crossing the Persian rugs to him.
One hand, so warm, so soft was
cupping her cheek.
The other taking the Cary Grant
rose from her and tucking it behind her ear.
The angular face with the
sparkling eyes coming closer.
His kiss was sweet, gentle,
It was a kiss Talia found she
could not refuse.
So many other men had kissed her
ferociously, hurrying.
No, Michael Jackson enjoyed...took
his time.
Who knew when he'd last kissed a
Slowly, their arms wrapped each
other, Talia submitting to the kiss, pressing against him, heart
pounding and smacking against his own as it tom-tommed in his chest.
Talia didn't have to say yes.
She showed it.
She'd never forget Michael's face
when he finally released her.
The way his eyes, his face,
everything to him glowed...
...with gratitude.
That had been sixteen months ago
and in that time, Talia's life couldn't have been more different than
if she'd stepped through a looking glass.
Within a week
of their agreement for her to act as both Michael Jackson's
accountant as first suggested and the secondary rôle as his
companion Talia, with Michael's help had
broken the three-year lease she'd had on her apartment in Los
Angeles, with most of her belongings going into storage at a facility
in Calabasas until she so needed them.
In the mean
time, Talia was moved into the main house at Juenesse Eternelle,
given a lavish suite of her own, on the second floor, just off the
stair case leading up to Michael's expansive Master Suite that
comprised the entire third floor of the mansion.
In the weeks that followed, Talia
was gifted many luxury items including jewelry, designer clothing,
and a baby pink Maserati to replace her old Honda.
Though her job on paper was to
look after Michael Jackson's personal finances, this was only
something that got her attention once a month, if that often, as
Michael, so enthralled and encompassed with the idea of again having
someone to share all of his time with and focus his attention on,
filled Talia's days with activities even she couldn't have dreamt of
in her wildest, craziest fevers.
In a little over a year, she'd
traveled to no less than a dozen different countries, escorted by
Michael as he viewed, bid on and resold properties spanning the globe
and in the process had learned conversational French, German, Italian
and Polish.
Her hobbies had changed.
Where once all she did to occupy
her free time was go to the occasional movie or if she scrimped and
saved for a few months, Disneyland in Anaheim, Michael introduced her
to so much more.
She took tennis lessons, had taken
up the piano at his insistence, helped him with the cultivation of
his prized roses, and he promised if he could create a new species,
he'd name it the 'Talia' after her.
Every so often, she'd join Michael
and his siblings, and their spouses, at his mother's house in Encino
for a Sunday dinner.
If any of the rest of the Jackson
family felt this arrangement strange or outrageous, it went without
mention, as from Day One, Talia had been welcomed into this exclusive
fold and got on greatly with the large family and their loved ones.
Michael and Talia did have all the
earmarks of a true couple, with the exception of the one thing
Michael was staunchly against—consummating the union.
He'd come close, ever so close,
but never quite gotten there.
Oh, he'd hugged and fondled
Talia—with and without clothing—fawning over her richly
curvaceous body, and while at times it was quite obvious parts of him
were applauding her earnestly he never crossed that line.
Not even on those nights where the
two laid in his bed together, the soft dulcet tones of a Bach
concerto from lilting from hidden speakers lulling them to sleep
beneath the satin sheets.
On the few occasions Talia had
found herself with enough courage to try to initiate the act,
Michaael would take her wrist, move it from his member with his head
ducking and him always saying flatly,
He was unyielding.
At times Talia did miss that part
of a relationship, that intimacy, but she was also no fool.
And was unwilling to jeopardize
the biggest break she'd ever received in life.
Despite that certain, missing
element, Talia by now, over a year later, had grown intensely fond of
Michael Jackson and in many ways, she could say she did love him.
certainly said it, as his ritual before going to sleep was to hug
her, kiss her forehead, peek down the front of her nightie at her
bosom and tell her he loved her.
With a smile. That pleased, happy,
gracious smile.
She wouldn't ruin that for the
Talia cared for Michael.
Respected him and revered him with
the highest esteem.
To her, he could do no wrong, and
while at times he may have done or said or acted in a manner she
would have differently, it only fed into and magnified the myth and
legend that was Michael Jackson.
Her adoration and loyalty to her
genteel benefactor seemed untouchable...
have the Coquilles Saint-Jaques to begin...the lady will have the
Pan-Seared Fois Gras and I'll have the Confit de Canard...and could
you bring us something white, on the dry, fruity order to pair with
our meal, s'il vous plait? Merci...”
While Michael placed the lunch
order for the both of them, as he liked to do to assert his
masculinity when the two of them were out together, Talia occupied
herself, plucking another of the complimentary rolls, still warm and
dripping with rendered butter, to nosh upon.
Tearing a piece and starting to
her mouth with it, she paused.
He was staring at her.
She should have been used to it by
now...he did it all day, every day, unless he was occupied with his
His gaze faraway, dreamy...he was
admiring her.
And Talia didn't mind being
Popping the sweet pastry in her
mouth and chewing, she pointed out with a snicker,
“You're doing it again...”
“I know I am...” He replied
matter-of-factly, thinnish pink lips stretch to reveal his white
teeth in earnest. “I can't help it. You're so ravishing...”
“You tell me that every day,
Michael Jackson--”
“It gets truer and truer
every day, too!”
Sheepishly the pair chuckled at
this banter as it always seemed to weasel its way into their
conversations. A playful little game.
A long hand was offered and Talia
placed hers in it allowing Michael to squeeze it warmly.
Absently, he began tracing around
the three sides of the ten carat stone in her ring, taking in her
Her smooth, naturally tawny skin,
how it brought out the gold flecks in her amber eyes and the golden
highlights in her red mane, how so very pretty she was.
Exotic, fanciful, unlike any other
woman he'd set eyes on.
“Darling...” He trailed
off, a sommelier appearing with a magnum of white wine, bending
slightly for Michael to approve the make and year.
Talia studied the tastefully long
nails, painted with a traditional French manicure.
This act was purely for show.
They always ate the same meals at
Chez Printemps, and always drank the same wine: a 1900
Savignon Blanc that Michael favored...the bottle from his own
personal reserve, held at the restaurant exclusively for him. And
each time a “new” bottle was uncorked, ten thousand dollars
disappeared from one of his many bank accounts.
A drop in the bucket to a man like
Michael Jackson, but still it had to be noted.
As glasses were poured, his
attention returned to her, another squeeze being delivered.
“Darling...” He
repeated, more bread going into her mouth. “When's the last time
you saw some of my family?”
Those curved brows came together
as the mind under the impeccably styled hair fired, reaching in
thought beyond the frivolous shopping she had done that afternoon.
“About three weeks ago, when we
had dinner at your brother Jermaine's house, because he wanted
everyone to meet his new girlfriend...”
Unconsciously, a smirk crossed her
face, as Michael's older brother was notorious for his pompous antics
and how quickly he burned through relationships, if one could call
them that. More like extended one night stands at best.
He already had a dozen children
spread across the Northern Hemisphere.
She mildly recalled the pretty
blonde he'd fawned over.
She'd be gone by the end of the
month. They always were.
“Why?” Slipping her hand from
him she took a second croissant, tearing a piece and held it out for
Michael, offering it him.
Leaning and using his lips to
snatch it from her finger tips, Michael giggled as he chewed,
“Well, you remember how I
mentioned I have nephews who are film-makers?”
Taking a moment to savor a deep
sip of wine, Talia nodded.
She'd heard tell of these nephews,
but though she'd met the greater portion of Michael's family, his
parents, siblings, nieces and nephews, these particular three had
been noticeably absent from all family functions.
Birthdays, Thanksgiving,
Christmas, New Years.
Even when Michael's youngest
sister Janet went into early labor with her son a few months ago the
family had appeared in droves...but not them.
In a family where just about
everyone one had some quirk—and could afford to—they were a
bigger mystery to unfold than even their uncle.
No..that wasn't entirely true.
Talia had met two of the three
brothers—Taryll and TJ.
They had dropped in, earlier that
year in May, to celebrate their grandmother's birthday.
It was the eldest of this set of
brothers, named Taj, whom Talia hadn't yet met.
For a while, Talia wondered if he
even existed, but she knew he did.
Among Michael's monthly expenses,
several thousand went to a company called “Teez Productions”
listed as a film studio, and checks in all three of their names had
been sent out routinely.
So that had to be his contribution
to them.
“Yes...they're your brother
Randy's sons, right?”
The lush head shook in the
“They're Tito's sons--”
“You have too many damn
With such a large family, it was
indeed a feat to keep track of all the siblings and offspring they
Michael was beaming as he teased,
“Not everyone can be an only
child like you, Baby.”
Scrunching her nose at him smugly,
Talia drank more, asking over the rim of the stemware,
“What about your elusive
The waiter reappeared, toting
large plates of French delicacies, placing them gingerly before the
“The last three years, Taj,
Taryll and TJ have been in Germany shooting footage for a
documentary. That's why they've been MIA so long—they've been
working, on location, shooting interviews, all that sort of thing.
But in the basement of the guest house, there's a cutting room and
they usually stay there and do their work so they don't have to go
back and forth between their homes and some place they rent. You know
edit and put their pictures together, do voice over, whatever. And we
screen it in the theatre. That's the only condition for them when
they use my equipment, I have to see the final product they've put
“You wanna land this plane, or
are we going to continue to circle the airport?”
Talia had known Michael long
enough to know when he was hemming and hawing towards a point.
He wasn't directly looking at her;
instead he was staring down into his stewed duck, pushing it around
his plate with his fork.
Swallowing her mouthful of goose
liver, she raised a brow at him skeptically.
He was leading up to something;
and she wanted to hasten him along before her auburn hair went grey.
“That's the thing...” He
chewed thoughtfully on a piece of meat.
“I have a meeting out in El
Segundo in the morning. I have to be there, it's about building a
children's hospital, and I've invested in it...”
“And you want me to play
welcoming wagon to your nephews?” Talia finished for him, eating
another forkful.
“Not all of them; just Taj. He
usually does all the cutting and piecing together of their film
projects. But it'd be nice. I figured you're get on well. You're in
the same age bracket.”
A croissant was dragged through
the red wine reduction the duck breasts were nestled in.
Eating the damp bread, Michael
added, smacking,
“Maybe you could get acquainted.
I know Taj would enjoy the company. If the way his brothers have been
talking in the last few emails we've shared, he's been working like a
dog on his documentary. Won't go out, won't see anyone. Just work,
work, work. But he's always been like that—since he was a child.”
The bread was washed away with a
sip of over-priced grape juice.
Talia's free hand was held and
brought to Michael's cheek.
“Do it for me...please...”
His bottom lip was jutted and he
blinked, fanning his lashes at her.
Talia struggled to stifle a
How could she ever say no Michael
Or any
Jackson, for that matter.
Following Day
Though Talia Enfield had been
gifted one of the largest guest suites within all of Michael
Jackson's fifty-three room manse, and allowed to decorate it as she
saw fit with no budget whatsoever, she hardly ever spent the night
sleeping in her own bed.
As was part of the her routine
with her boss and benefactor, Talia more often then not, would awaken
in the third floor suite from a deeply restful slumber.
While most days, Michael Jackson's
work schedule had him waking and being on the move just after dawn,
his little companion was afforded the luxury of sleeping in as late
as she liked, her daily activities scheduled around just when—or
if—she chose to rise.
That particular Saturday morning
was no different, Michael long gone, the only soul to be found in the
room filled with antiques and family portraits among more modern
conveniences such as a seventy-two inch big screen television and a
half-dozen game console, an entire wall taken up with games, giving
the room an elegant, albeit cluttered, air, was Talia.
Tucked beneath the embroidered
duvet and silk sheets, Talia, draped in a lace nightie, had been
awake some twenty minutes already, but hat reused to open her eyes.
Michael was in the tiresome habit
of opening all six of the windows that looked out over the back of
the property, flooding the space with retina-blistering natural
But Talia knew she'd have to
welcome Michael's nephew, Taj in his absence, once he arrived from
Germany by private plane; she couldn't loaf about all day.
Surrendering, Talia made a point
of rolling so her back was to the windows, and finally, allowed her
lids to flutter open.
After a five minute interval, of
blindness, marked with every swear word in the book, her vision
managed to focus and she could feel her lips curling.
On the pillow beside her lay a
white rose and a pink sticky note.
The smile faded to a thin line of
worry, as the note, rendered in Michael's frenetic hand stated,
arrives at 8:30 a.m.”
More swears ensued as a glance at
the crystal clock on the bedside table revealed the time as half past
nine. If Taj had arrived on time, and with the use of one of the
family's four planes, it was almost guaranteed, Taj had been by his
lonesome for over an hour now.
How disappointed Michael would be
to hear she hadn't greeted his own flesh and blood at the gate with
open arms as was expected of her.
Instantly, the covers were kicked
askew, Talia laying a hand on the receiver of the phone, in polished
brass, much different than the silver French phone used for placing
general landline calls, and was ringing the butler.
She didn't give him a chance to
“Monty, this is Miss Enfield”
She declared the obvious hurriedly. “I want you to go find Mr.
Jackson's nephew and tell him--”
“Mr. Jackson's nephew is in
the guest cottage taking a nap, following his flight ma'am.”
Came the deadpan, monotone reply. “He requests you excuse him,
but he wanted to rest before he came in to meet you, ma'am.”
“Oh...” That was a load off
her shoulders; Taj was sleeping. At least now he wouldn't feel
slighted at not receiving a hug to his body and a kiss to his cheek
as was expected of her when meeting Michael's family. “Very well
then, thank you Monty.”
“You're welcome, ma'am.”
Talia was relieved, with Taj
knocked out by the Sandman for a while, it meant she wouldn't have to
rush her morning routine and could take her time primping and
A few months back, one of his
younger brothers, Taryll, had shown up unannounced and she'd had to
whittle what usually took upwards of two hours down to twenty
minutes and had resented him ever since.
Perhaps she would like this Taj
character better.
An hour and forty-five minutes
later, Talia exited the huge spa that sufficed as the bathroom she
shared with Michael, steam, heavily perfumed with the custom
fragrance she always wore—a mix of vanilla, jasmine and
musk—billowing out after her.
Following a luxurious bubble bath,
in the sunken claw-foot marble tub, large enough to hold ten, Talia
had take care to hot roll and tease out her red mane, accenting her
face with pale, shimmery nude tones in makeup, and slipping into a
dusky pink satin matching strapless bra and panty set.
Her last stop was the closet, to
select her outfit and accessories for the day.
The closet had once been three
adjoining rooms on the third floor that Michael had renovated,
firstly to store all of his clothing, and recently, reorganized to
accommodate Talia's ever-expanding wardrobe, which now took up a
solid half of the expanse.
Michael's half consisted of somber
suits, alligator shoes and designer silk ties for work and for
leisure, slacks, jeans, button downs, and black loafers while Talia's
side was an eclectic mix of dresses, skirts, shorts and trousers,
with heels of every color and pattern at her disposal.
Michael Jackson liked for his
companion to stay well-dressed and spared no expense for her—even
her plain white tee-shirts cost over a hundred dollars!
She may have been playing hostess
to Taj Jackson, but as she was aware that sometime that day she'd
also have to contend with her tempestuous piano instructor and how
she still couldn't fully grasp the art of playing a Chopin Mazurka,
Talia was going to dress stylishly, yet comfortably to receive him.
She had no problem in reaching a
sleeveless white blouse, and a pair of dark-rinsed, wide-legged denim
trousers, but when it came to retrieving the sandals she wanted to
wear, a pair of six-inch, brightly colored floral wedges, no matter
how she grunted and strained, rising on tiptoe it remained
precariously just beyond her fingertips.
“Oh for crying out loud--”
She began bitterly, and lost her voice completely, as from behind
her, a large hand reached with ease, retrieving the sandals, holding
them over her bare shoulder.
She...wasn't alone?
Taking the shoes, she slowly
turned, and found herself facing an unfamiliar man.
Half his face was hidden by a
cascade of small, deep brown, braids, a few coppery strands woven in
for good measure. He was tall and lanky, of a bronze complexion, with
dark, gold-flecked, sleepy eyes, under straight groomed brows.
A glance downward revealed him to
be wearing an oversized black tee with the Disney cartoon character
Goofy on it and black and white plaid pajama bottoms with sneakers.
Such a strange, laid back outfit.
In a place where Talia was used to Michael walking around in
crystals, sequins and leather no matter what.
This man was really wearing
pajamas—as outerwear?
Her eyes came back to that face.
He was so...unconventionally
handsome, looking something like a teddy bear with softly rounded
cheeks, an upturned nose, and full, pouted lips that seem to protrude
though they were held in a thoughtful manner.
Ears jutting out on both sides
through his plaits.
Talia's eyes met the stranger's
once more. Her heart rate increased slightly, when she noticed he
didn't blink.
Why didn't he blink?
It was so lingering, so unnerving,
and undivided his gaze, Talia unwillingly dropped her own gaze down
to his shoes and her painted toenails.
“Are...are you Taj?” She
questioned meekly, the first time she'd ever felt so, since meeting
his uncle so long ago.
“Yes.” His voice was an
octave or so lower than Michael's and crackled a bit with a men's
version of “vocal fry”.
“Are you...Talia?”
“Mmm-hmm.” She nodded
unable to comprehend how she'd swiftly grown so shy in his presence.
“It's so nice to finally meet
you. My Uncle Michael has spoken highly of you.”
His eyes were searching her face.
Seeming to take in ever last feature down to her eyelashes.
That quickly he was ambling away,
to the door of the closet.
He paused,his back still to her.
“I will be out in the
solarium.” He informed her. “We can take lunch there.”
It wasn't a question; it was a
And with neither a yay nor nay,
Taj was gone.
Talia sinking back against the
racks, drained.
Completely drained and she had no
clue as to why.
Then it dawned on her like the sun
just met this man in nothing more than her underwear!
Yet, never once did his eyes ever
look anywhere but into her face.
Not at her cleavage or legs or
hips or anything.
Only her face.
Like his uncle, Taj was a
Or...so it seemed on the surface,
at least.
* * *
The winding, seemingly endless
labyrinth of halls, corridors and alcoves, traversing the nearly
thirty thousand square feet of the Main House, usually filled with
some sort of classical piece, as piped through hidden speakers in
each room; in the absence of the master of the maison, sat still and
eerily silent.
Indeed, even as Talia, in those
hard-soled wedges, navigated her way through the house, aiming to
join Taj in the solarium, she produced no sound from the inlaid
marble floors.
It was a very rare even to have
company staying for an extended period of time.
So much, too much of the time, it
was only Michael and herself—and the help.
As she was Michael's companion, he
came first in her life. Got all of her attention, affection.
Everything just shy of the ultimate act.
Sure, she got on with Michael's
family and had various instructors of all the skills he insisted she
nurture and cultivate...
Yet, outside of that...
There was nothing outside
of that!
Talia's was alonely existence. It
had its perks, of course, but it was lonely.
Michael Jackson's whole world,
whole bubble of life, was one of imposed solitude.
And Talia had been consumed by it.
Yes, she had been exposed to a
world unlike any she had ever dreamed—affluence, luxury, the
The name Jackson meant something.
Any time she went out with him or
word merely preceded her of her association with Michael, people were
kowtowing to her in an effort to keep her happy and pleased.
It was all a well-crafted facade.
And cracks were beginning to show,
ever so slightly.
The leaded, stained-glass doors of
the solarium, situated at the rear of the Main House, stood shut as
Talia made her approach, and for a moment, she thought she'd
misunderstood Taj about joining him there.
As she drew closer, though,peered
through one of the richly colored Tiffany panels, the center of which
depicting a landscape of hills and trees surrounded by a wide,
interwoven design of greens, blues, yellows and browns, hunting the
familiar, lurking silhouette of her house guest.
From what she could tell, the
solarium was empty; it would be incredibly easy to pick him out in
the black and white ensemble he'd been wearing--
“Looking for me?”
Her breaths stilled in her lungs,
the abject silence of the hall broken by the gentle, articulate
Turning slowly, she found Taj
standing, a few away.
Features set, staring into her
face through those braids draping his so attractively.
His gaze was just as piercing as
it had been in that walk-in closet.
And remained on her as he, brushed
past her, opening one of the doors, allowing her into the space.
Built as a towering octagon, not
to be confused with Michael Jackson's conservatory for his roses, the
solarium housed exclusively green plants, ivies, small trees, ferns,
with an almost three-hundred-and-sixty degree view of the back end of
the property through french doors which could be—and that day, had
been—left open to allow a breeze to trickle through.
Here and yonder, busts and figures
of nude ladies were partially visible, tucked in the corners and out
of the way.
In the center of the room a wicker
table had been set for two, a book setting next to one of the places.
“I...hope you don't mind...”
Taj spoke up softly, a following Talia a few paces behind, the
pair making their way to the table,
“I have the chef preparing some
roasted lamb for us. All I had on the flight here from Berlin was a
single knockwurst and some sauerkraut. I'm famished.”
“That's fine--” Talia started
to pull at the unoccupied chair and found Taj holding it back for
“--thank you”.
He hadn't been there a good three
hours yet, and already Taj Jackson was running the show on his
uncle's estate.
(That wasn't so strange. The few
instances they'd entertained guests, Michael's staff had been ordered
about by them without a single eye being batted. It was practically
expected and the same had occurred at the various other estates of
his relatives they'd visited. )
Talia had expected Taj to take the
accompanying chair at the table once she was seated; instead, he
Over to one of the open French
doors, the breeze causing his braids to sway gently and fronds of the
nearest palm to dance over his head.
Several moments passed without a
sound, during which Talia began to feel quite awkward and tried to
foster a conversation, inquiring politely,
“Eh—Michael tells me
you and your brothers have been in Germany filming a documentary,
Taj...what's it about?”
“It's about Black Germans who
were caught in the country when Adolf Hitler came to power in the
early thirties. Germany colonized parts of Africa at the turn of the
last century and well...there was race mixing...with some of these
blended families, if you will, returning to Germany. Of course, when
the Nazis took over, they were segregated, exiled...”
Taj sighed loudly, his hands
looping behind his back, knuckles cracking, with him further
“...My brothers and I sought to
track down the few, if any, of these people who survived the
atrocities and discuss how it affected them and their
families...People only know of the Jewish side of the Holocaust, but
many other populations were persecuted, and murdered for their
perceived 'error of birth': Gypsies, homosexuals, the
mentally-handicapped. Everyone deemed 'unfit' and Non-Aryan. We
wanted to touch on something uncommon, that not many people knew
about. It's been three years in the making. We went all over Germany,
even into Austria, finding people, shooting hours of tape, gaining
all the information we could.”
He leaned against the door frame,
arms folding over his chest adding,
“My youngest brother, TJ, is the
most fluent in German, so he did most of the talking, but it was
still a pain in my ass hiking all over here and yonder with all my
filming equipment strapped to my back. No one lived in one of the
bigger cities like Berlin, Munich or Hamburg, they were all out in
little rural villages. Up mountains, down mountains, skiing in
Austria—Taryll got rammed by a ram—rain, heat, snow. We
went through it all. But it was worth it to shoot the footage we
needed. And now I'm here to do the editing and piecing it together
into a cohesive program while the other two find a distributor for
Talia was thoughtfully quiet as
the chef, a squat, hulking fellow in a pristine white uniform, a
starched toque on his bald, reddened scalp, appeared, setting out a
pair of long-stemmed glasses, popping the cork on a vintage bottle of
Riesling, pouring the dull gold liquid into the glasses.
“Mr. Jackson?”
Taj, apparently lost in his own
thoughts, as he gazed over the rolling green hills, offered a mere
“hmm?” at his name.
“I shall bring the lamb to you
and Miss Enfield just as soon as the potatoes become tender, Sir. I
apologize for the delay.” The chef was bowing away as he spoke,
making a speedy exit, shutting the doors behind him.
Seeing Taj had no intention of
furthering the conversation about his film project Talia reached for
her glass to take a sip.
“You're my uncle's
His head had turned in her
direction and while she couldn't see his eyes for his hair, she could
certainly feel them on her.
Her hand faltered, falling to the
linen table cloth and she heard herself mumble meekly in correction,
“I'm...I'm his companion.”
“And how does one...differ from
the other?”
Taj returned to the table,
slipping into his seat, hands folding on the tabletop.
A shake of his head cleared the
braids from his face and showed his straight brows raised in
interest, eyes sparkling.
A rarity, Talia was at a loss for
words, as this was the first time she'd ever been asked to describe
the nature of her relationship with Michael Jackson.
Up until then, it had been pretty
much implied or overlooked by the rest of the Jackson family. No one
had ever come outright and tried to discuss the matter with her
The silence, as Talia searched the
annals of her mind for a way to properly disclose the details, was
deafening and drowning out the pounding of her heart, as Taj took his
time to have a gulp of wine, his right brow cocking upwards.
There was a sly, little smirk
twisting his plump mouth off to the side, those eyes running up and
down her as he said with a sigh,
“I have a fair idea, Talia. I've
known my uncle all my life. I know his quirks, his tendencies. My
brothers mentioned they'd met you, but didn't really get to talk to
you...even Taryll when he stayed overnight here that time. How you
were stuck to Uncle Michael....”
A second sigh left him as he
trailed off, the chef rolling a low cart in.
He remained quiet while platters
with hunks of moist lamb and lightly charred vegetables, accompanied
by a small Caesar salad was placed before them.
And he remained so until the chef
had vacated the room.
“I was a kid when my uncle got
married both times. I was ring bearer at the first wedding and a
mini-groomsman at the second.” He was smacking on his lamb, a trait
Talia typically found annoying ,but coming from Taj, she didn't mind.
“And I was around when shit went
sour both times. With Brooke, it was a clean break. Basically 'pack
your shit, get out'. He was upset naturally but he was happier to
have her gone. With Diane, I guess, because he thought she was his
second chance, he let it drag on longer. Longer than it should have.
He was beating the hell out of a dead horse, really. Four years...”
He paused to sprinkle salt over
his food.
“Brooke caused the cracks....but
Diane...she shattered him, Talia.”
Talia stared down at her plate
unsure of what to say.
In all the time she'd been with
Michael, he'd never really spoken at length about his previous
In a way, she felt as though she
were invading his privacy.
“So...exactly how seriou--”
“Begging your pardon, Miss
The flame-haired head turned from
the round face with its jaw jumping as chunks of lamb were quickly
disappearing, and found Monty at her side.
Her glittering, pink-crystal
encrusted Blackberry in his hands.
“Mr. Jackson is on the phone for
you, ma'am, he says it's urgent.”
“Oh!” Immediately, her
fork was thrown to the plate and the device mashed to her ear.
For the next few moments, Michael
Jackson was chattering wildly, firstly something about the board of
directors over the hospital to be built in El Segundo, secondly
begging Talia to pull clothing for him—he'd been asked to stay for
dinner in the city and was likely going to stay the night there—and
was sending a messenger to retrieve his belongings.
trust your taste in dressing me, Honey.”
Thirdly, he asked to speak to his
“Yes...of course...I don't mind.
You have your work to do. No, Michael, it's fine—really.
He's right here. Stop fretting! Michael Jackson! Stop
The phone was passed off with her
standing to excuse herself.
“Hi, Uncle Michael...no the
flight was fine...they gave me a knockwurst and sauerkraut...”
* * *
“...you already took his
monogrammed slippers down to the car right? Those go with his red
silk pajamas...”
“Yes, Miss Enfield.”
Sometime later, a rather harried
looking Talia sat on her knees in the corner of the huge walk-in
closet, carefully stacking a pair of brightly colored shoe boxes on
top of one another.
A few feet away, the messenger, a
solemn faced boy who appeared in his late teens looked on anxiously,
ignoring the beads of sweat trickling down his brow as he'd made no
less than half a dozen trips up and down to the third floor suite
retrieving outfits and accessories for Michael Jackson's stay over in
El Segundo.
Passing the boxes to the boy, she
instructed curtly,
“The black patent tasseled
loafers go with Mr. Jackson's navy wool suit with the watered silk
vest, and the grey suede loafers go with the grey cotton-blend suit
and the plaid vest! Are you sure you have everything? His toiletries,
his underthings, socks, belts, suspenders, his Louis Vuitton
“Yes, Miss Enfield, I carried
everything to the car myself.” The boy nodded a second time hugging
the box to his chest clumsily.
“And you be careful with those
shoes! They cost more than some people make in a year!”
Talia called after him as the boy scurried away.
Though this was not the first time
such a request had been made of her, Talia did dislike it so when
Michael called upon her to pull outfits for him at a moment's notice,
when sudden events emerged with no prior warning.
And now she sat in the closet,
which half an hour earlier had been neat and orderly, now looked as
though a small cyclone had rifled through it, leaving a mess of
designer duds scattered here and there, to be picked up later by one
of the maids.
Talia reclined against one of the
slats that divvied up the fifty or so cubbies that contained some of
Michael's shoes near the back end of the closet, thoroughly
She sat there a moment, allowing
her eyes to shut.
She needed to be still...if only
for a moment.
Michael Jackson was so incredibly
finicky about his appearance, Talia knew ever piece of each outfit
had to be just so, or he'd call again asking for another shirt,
another tie, another pocket square.
It was his way.
With a wardrobe as vast as his, he
could afford to have it his way.
After such an endeavor, Talia
desperately wanted to crawl back into bed and take a nap; but she
knew she couldn't, she still had to practice that damn Mazurka with
Monsieur Dufarge in about an hour.
Both he and Michael would hit the
roof if she canceled on such short notice.
Also she couldn't sleep, she had
to entertain Taj.
He was a guest and she was the
Michael would have been even more
upset if she slacked on her duties.
Relegating herself to being up
several more hours without a break, Talia began to stir, with the
intention of ringing the kitchen for a strong cup of coffee.
She stopped short, eyes widening.
Across the floor, at the large
island that contained both hers and Michael's accessories for daily
wear, stood Taj, examining a fine striped necktie which had been cast
aside during the scramble earlier.
How long had he been there?
“You know...” She forced
herself to chuckle, though she was rather shaken that he had the
stealth skills of a ninja, “...we really must stop meeting up in
this closet!”
A shy, sheepish little curl that
crept on to his mouth, with Taj responding,
“There's a French man downstairs
asking for you--”
“Belgian.” Talia petted
his shoulder indicating he follow her. “And don't you dare forget
it. He certainly won't let you! That's Monsieur Dufarge, my piano
instructor. I have a lesson today.”
Reaching the doors that led to the
private stair, again, Taj hastened to hold it open for her.
He was such a gentleman.
“I won't disturb you...” Taj
announced lagging behind her. “I was going to go out to the guest
house and start viewing some of the footage and trying to make a
rough cut of the documentary. Oh...”
His hand wrapped her bicep,
pulling her to a stop mid-way down.
“I wanted to give you your phone
back. Thank you for letting me use it.”
From a hidden pocket on those
baggy pajama pants, he produced the glitzy Blackberry.
“No problem...”
He was staring at her so
So intensely.
His gaze so sharp it could cut a
“You're...” He took a step
forward and in the small hallway, automatically had Talia backed
against the opposing wall.
His dark eyes were locked with her
amber ones, his tongue slipping out to moisten his lips.
“You're a lot nicer than my
uncle's previous girlfriends...” He started, leaning closer, only
to have Talia remind him, a knee-jerk reaction,
“I'm his companion.”
“You've said that before...what
exactly does that mean?”
His breath was so warm...smelling
brightly of Altoids.
Her knees were weakening.
“Madomoiselle Enfield!”
She went stiff as a board, a
dismayed accented voice crying her name.
At the bottom of the stairs, a
tall, lean man, dressed down in a plaid suit was squinting up at the
pair of them through the small spectacles perched on the large nose
hanging over an even larger handlebar mustache.
“You are late for your piano
lesson! Allons-y! Tout suite!”
“Oui Monsieur Dufarge!”
Quickly, skipping two steps at a time, Talia ran after her
The last thing she saw as she
turned the corner, was Taj sagging, his forehead pressed to the wall.
* * *
Talia didn't see Taj the rest of
the evening.
But he stayed on her mind, no
matter how she tried to focus on other matters.
As a result her lesson with
Monsieur Dufarge had been a disaster, as she managed to play her
Mazurka even worse than she had the week before, causing the
temperamental teacher to nag her for a solid hour in his native
tongue, and her to curse back at him under her breath.
There was something about Taj.
Something special, something
He...he awakened feelings in her
that had laid bubbling just beneath the surface.
The feelings she'd had to repress
for so long...that had been geared towards Michael.
Deflected by Michael Jackson.
Feelings that seemed...to be
reciprocated by Taj Jackson.
Feelings that wouldn't let her
Feelings that wouldn't let her
And before she could stop herself,
Talia found herself walking.
Down from the third story Master
Down through the Main House, its
twists and turns weaving in and out until she passed back through the
Into the back yard and onto to the
bricked path, lit every few feet by an old fashioned lamp atop a tall
post, leading the way out to the Guest Cottage, a one story replica
of the three story manse preceding it on the opposite side of the
swimming pool.
Though it was nearly midnight,
through the windows, she could see all of the lights were on.
Perhaps Taj was still awake.
Talia had no idea of what she was
going to say or do once she was inside the cottage...
It was crazy. It was ridiculous.
And yet, she couldn't turn away.
In her mind she told herself,
she'd try the knob.
If it were locked, she'd turn and
go back to bed.
If it opened...
A sweat-drenched palm slid against
the polished brass of the knob on the front door.
To her surprise, it swung.
Opening directly onto a
classically furnished living room.
Taj was nowhere to be found, yet
she heard what sounded like muffled speaking, as though a television
were playing somewhere nearby.
The kitchen right off the living
room was also empty,but had been used; a pot of coffee was still
steaming in the maker on the counter by the sink.
Talia ventured to the back of the
house where four bedrooms were were situated, the door to one of them
wide open.
Again, no Taj, but it was clear it
was the room he was going to sleep in.
Luggage was strewn about, a few
outfits hanging in the closet, a book about filmography on the foot
of the neatly made, canopied bed, all in shades of goldenrod and
A peek in the bathroom revealed
bottles of cologne, an electric toothbrush and bottle of Scope.
Moving back out into the hall,
Talia continued to hear the speaking and returning to the kitchen she
was able to make it out...just barely...but it was the sound of a
man, speaking, rather hoarsely in German.
“...they were beating
him...and beating him...I never thought they'd stop beating him...”
Her mind translated the foreign words and she noticed the door,
leading down to the cutting room sat ajar.
“...they eventually
stopped...when the commandant shot him in the head...all
because he'd refused to say Heil!,,”
Automatically, Talia found herself
easing down the dim stairs towards the flickering light below.
“...My name is Hildegarde
Olga Graff, and I was twelve years old in nineteen thirty-three...”
The first thing Talia saw was the
screen, taking up much of the far wall in the long room, where an
elderly woman was speaking in German.
A few feet from the large screen,
was a massive console full of buttons, knobs, flashing lights and
smaller, lit monitors, showing what had to be footage from other
“...I was what they called a
'Rhineland Bastard'--”
Abruptly, the tape stopped, and
there was the sound of paper rattling and violent scribbling.
It was then, Talia noticed that
the chair in front of the console was swaying ever so slightly, and
moving closer, she could make out Taj's legs, now in white pajama
bottoms covered with Looney Tunes characters, his bare feet patting
the carpet.
The tape started again,
“...my father was from
Niger...my mother was from Berlin...”
The tape stopped and there was
more scribbling.
Taj must have been painstakingly
going word for word, translating the German into English for
subtitles for his documentary.
Talia found herself beside the
chair, but no longer mentally converting language.
She simply lacked the ability to
do so.
The tables had turned and she
found herself staring at Taj.
He was hunched over a notepad,
pencil in hand, writing hastily.
And in the weak light from the
screen, she could see that Taj was topless.
Her breath became even weaker as
she could make out the smooth, bronze skin of his back, a small mole
on his right shoulder, the lightly defined shoulder blades and
triceps that rippled with each pass of the lead.
He was so slim, but so delicately
She hadn't noticed it before, but
he'd possessed a long, thin neck...and with him sitting bent as he
was, she could make out each vertebrae pressing against his dermis.
“...my parents met just after
the end of World War One in nineteen-twenty...”
Taj sat bolt upright, pencil
clasped in his hand, staring straight at the screen and it took
everything in Talia not to cry out from being startled.
The braided head whipped around.
“Oh God!” He gasped
with potent relief the exclamation coming out as a whoosh.
“It's you Talia! For a minute I
thought I was going bonkers...smelling vanilla all of a sudden.”
“That's...that's my perfume...”
She whispered, mouth going cottony as Taj stood, hand sliding along
the wall behind him, flicking a switch.
Flooding the room with fluorescent
And giving her an uninterrupted
view of his upper torso.
The slick, glossy, moisturized
skin, the pert, proudly small, yet erect nipples, a darker, fleshier
brown standing out in the cold room...the hint of six-pack abs
featuring an “innie” belly button...
As he took a step forward, Talia
noticed the tiny, almost imperceptible tattoo of an open clapperboard
just below the bend on the inside of his left arm.
Was he that dedicated to
his film-making?
At the same time, his eyes were
passing over her.
The flaming hair, held from her
face by a wide lavender strip of satin ribbon, tied in a bow,
matching the sleeveless pajamas clinging to her body.
The swelling of a mature bosom
below an inset of ecru lace.
How her hips swayed as she shifted
from one foot to the other in her high-heeled, marabou trimmed
How beautiful she was...how exotic
with those light, golden eyes, the high nose,the plump mouth...and
how her mane set it all off so well.
He was still approaching her.
Soon, he was so close, she could
visibly see his nostrils flaring as he didn't bother to hide the fact
he was inhaling her fragrance.
And she could smell the interwoven
scent of lemongrass and lavender on him.
Such a gentle, unobtrusive scent.
“I....I....” Taj started a
hand rubbing at his chest as he was now on her so, the two of them
bumped. “I like your perfume, Talia.”
“Thank you--” Nervously she
took a step back, his eyes drifting over her.
“You...never answered my
question from earlier today...”
His eyes met hers and Talia had to
lean against the console to support herself.
Her heart was in her ears and her
breaths non-existent.
“What...” She had to close her
eyes. “...what question was that?”
“About you being my
His breath, smelling of hazelnut
coffee blew against her cheeks causing her to tremble in her
size-seven shoes.
“What does that mean?”
“It--” She stopped short, Taj
raising his arms and tightening the bow in her red tresses.
The unrestrained breasts beneath
the silky fabric bounced, with her inhaling sharply, Taj answering
for her in a matter-of-fact manner,
“I know what it means. I
inquired specifically when I spoke to Uncle Michael on your phone
today. And he explained to me what all
His hands fell to quivering
“And what it lacked.”
There was a coy, rude smile on his
“You've been with my uncle,
here, for sixteen months. And for sixteen months you've done
everything that belongs in a relationship...barring one crucial
Any feelings of lust and wanton
were momentarily overridden by pure fear.
She had to get away.
“I have to go now...”She was
sliding past him, shaking his grip off, her own hands going clammy.
“I have a tennis lesson, very early in the morning--”
She was scared of him, and
If she didn't stop him right
“Fine.” Taj put his
hands up and moved back a few paces.
With a fling of his braided head
he indicated the staircase leading back up to the guest house.
She gave him a parting glance and
His taunting voice flooded her
ears as she mounted the stairs.
“I know you had a reason for
coming down here...other than being out for a midnight stroll!”
* * *
Talia was hiding.
And had been ever since her run in
with Taj the night before.
She didn't quite know what to do,
as she'd never been in a predicament like this.
This was a problem...and one that
had been mounting for serveral months though she had trie vainly and
valiantly to ignore it.
She'd tossed and turned half the
night and walked the floor the rest because of it.
Because Taj Jackson, knowing her
less than twenty-four hours, had managed to put his finger so
directly on the issue, it was sheer insanity.
Talia had lacked and severely
missed the intimacy that went with normal relationships.
Yes she was fond of and did care
for Michael Jackson; in many contexts she did love him, but she could
no longer deny it.
She seemed caught in a forever
game of foreplay with Michael.
Kissing, caressing, even
undressing...but always stopping just shy of the act where such
movements should have ended up.
She was frightened of Taj Jackson.
Even worse, she was frightened of
her feelings towards Taj Jackson.
Talia was attracted to him.
The way he seemed both shy and
confident at the same time.
The ways his eyes were alternately
shifty behind his hair.
The queer, open, jarring way he
would leer at her without shame.
How handsome he was; his strange,
tensely quiet ways.
His polite, articulate manner of
speaking, belying the genius film-maker he truly was.
She had seen him translating
German by ear.
It was assured he was
multi-lingual as was most of the rest of the Jackson family, as many
were well-traveled and had dated or married people from various
Taj had been right when he called
her out the night before, as she had fled the film cutting room.
She had had a reason for going
down there.
For venturing through the door of
the Guest House, seeking him.
Talia wanted to be near him, look
at him.
Have him look at her.
And it scared her terribly.
She was in a relationship with
Michael Jackson...and there was just no room for his nephew in the
Had she stayed in the basement of
the Guest House, would she have ended up on the cutting room floor
Talia had her suspicions as to the
answer, but didn't want to admit it to herself.
She also couldn't stay in the
closet much longer.
At exactly ten a.m., she had to be
down on the tennis court, ready for her lesson with Mrs. Rambova.
It was a lesson she couldn't skip;
Michael expected her to play mixed doubles with him in their county
club's tennis tournament that summer.
Talia didn't want to run into Taj.
She hoped he was locked away, down
in that basement, working on his documentary.
Talia was certain he was down
there; that morning when she'd risen to bathe and change, a glance
out of one of the bay windows revealed him on the porch of the little
cottage, receiving a silver domed platter containing his breakfast
from the chef.
She didn't even eat breakfast on
the off chance he'd wander into the dining room.
Drawing a deep breath, Talia
regarded herself one last time in the three- way, full-legnth mirror
near the door of the closet.
She was outfitted simply in a
sleek, black tennis dress, her initials embroidered on the hem of the
skirt and matching black sneakers.
Of course, as Michael Jackson's
companion, she was impeccable with natural makeup, a diamond
tennis bracelet circling her slender wrist, and studs in her ears, as
revealed by her tresses having been pulled back into a low ponytail
fastened with a black bow.
The time on her phone showed ten
minutes to ten...just enough time to make it out to the court.
The trek from the third-story
suite through the house and out to the rolling back lawns was terse
and nerve-wracking, as with every corner she turned, Talia expected
to find Taj there.
She didn't have the authority to
bar him from the house or the property. He was a guest and moreover
he was Michael Jackson's blood kin.
It just wasn't done.
Walking the long, winding
cobblestone path on her lonesome, Talia began to loosen up somewhat.
It was a beautiful day, bright and
warm, just a hint of a breeze.
The perfect sort of day for a two
hour lesson with Mrs. Rambova, the former Ukrainian tennis pro whom
Michael had procured to whip her into shape for that tournament.
Sure she was hard, demanding and
screamed...but so did just about all of Talia's instructors,
insisting on the best from her.
She was a part of the Jackson's
world—only the best would do.
The court was coming into view,
the wire fence around a black asphalt playing ground—Michael
thought the green courts looked tacky and opted for black instead.
Nearing it, she could make out a
figure leaning against the open gate.
Several feet from it, Talia
Enfield came to a rapid halt.
Taj Jackson leaned against the
gate, arms folded over a Mickey Mouse tee, staring back at her.
Though unnerved, he was staring
not at her face, but at her body, as he had down in the basement,
rudely seeking out every dip and curve to her.
Now she hated her dress was so
clingy, the skirt so short.
She hadn't intended to give him a
peep show.
But she couldn't let him get to
No, not after the way he'd
flustered her the night before.
Tossing her head with defiance,
Talia announced as she made her way to the gate,
“My tennis lessons are a private
affair. Only Michael has permission to watch when Mrs. Rambova
coaches me--”
“Mrs. Rambova?” Taj cocked his
head to the side, his braids moving and showing he was raising a
straight, plucked brow. “Was that who that woman was? White,
blonde, fifty-ish, with a heavy accent?”
Talia felt her own brows raising
in suspicion at the spot on description.
“Yes...” She stammered,
noticing Taj's eyes on her thighs, as he calmly cracked his knuckles
telling her,
“I saw that woman on the court
after I finished my breakfast a while ago—I dismissed her.”
Pale pink, glossed lips quivered
in a quick anger over white teeth with Talia sneering,
“How....how dare you send my
instructor away! You have no right! I have a tournament I'm
preparing for! You've been trying to run this estate ever since you
got here! This is not your house--”
“It's not yours either, but from
what I can gather you've been running it as well.” Taj broke in
smoothly, his eyes traveling up and meeting her with a cool
“It is my home--” Talia
sputtered to which Taj smiled, teeth glowing in his tanned face.
“You're a guest, just like I am.
Only on a...” His gave her a sweeping glance. “...more
intimate level. At least that's what my uncle makes-believe
anyway. ”
“What in the hell is wrong with
you?” Talia losing her grip on her temper cried. “Why do you seem
to have this...this aversion to my relationship with Michael? Why
does it bother you so much?”
He was on her again, like he had
been in the basement, eyes piercing to her very core.
“Pardon me...I only felt you
deserved more...than what it is you're getting.”
Chills lit her as Taj tucked his
hands into the pockets of his loose fitting jeans and began
sauntering away.
Talia watched him go, mouth
twisting into a scowl, with her trying to think of an appropriate
comeback and failing.
After a moment, she tossed her
racket to the ground and slowly began to follow him.
By the time she reached the Guest
Cottage, Taj had long since disappeared inside.
Talia hesitated at the doors.
What was she doing?
Why had she returned here?
She no longer knew...
Crossing the threshold, she
spotted Taj almost instantly.
He was seated atop the table in
the kitchen, eating a peach.
With a shaker, he sprinkled a bit
of salt on it and went to his mouth with it.
Mid-bite he noticed her.
Slowly,ever so slowly, he withdrew
the peach from his mouth, lips remaining puckered with a cool,
tempered arrogance.
Timidly, leaning against the door
frame, Talia gulped in hesitation, her mouth again dry and rough as
sandpaper. Her voice wa s hardly a whisper, with her asking hoarsely,
“What... exactly is the
'more'... you think I deserve, Taj?”
His right brow raised, Taj helping
himself to another bite, juices running down his hand as he replied
between chews,
“I think you know already,
The red-head tossed and she
laughed, meaning to be flippant, “And you think you're the man to
make up the difference for me?”
His left brow joined the right and
he quipped,
“You're in here again—aren't
Suddenly, feeling exposed, Talia
went rigid repeating,
“You canceled my tennis lesson!”
Another bite.
“If you're so desperate to hit a
ball, I have a couple you're welcome to take a whack at.”
“I know my name.” He hopped
down from the table, sauntering in that nonchalant way over to her.
Gaze never breaking.
He leaned into her, whispering,
“I like the sound of you saying
my name...but I bet it would sound even better shouted.”
Out of pure reflex, Talia raised
her hand to strike for such a lewd comment.
No one dared speak to her in such
a manner.
Quickly, Taj took her hand and was
pressing, plump, juicy, sticky lips to the top if it.
His eyes blazing behind his
How his mouth ventured from her
hand to her lips, Talia did not know.
All she did know was he had the
sweetest, most tender mouth she'd ever encountered, exceeding even
that of his uncle.
“I've...” He pulled back just
far enough to confide into her face,
“I've wanted to do that since I
first laid eyes on you.”
“Mmm-hmm...” Talia mumbled,
pressing her head against his chest, listening to the quickened pace
of his heart, as it rose and fell with each of his tempered breaths.
“Are you...” He was twisting
the little serpent in the top of her earlobe. “...content to be
only a companion to my uncle...”
He stopped eyes widening at the
paling face staring back up at him with a wild, crazed expression.
“Or would you like to be with
“I want to!” Talia cried
suddenly, clinging to him tightly. “I want to! I...I need! I need
Her mouth was pecked and Taj
“I know, I only wanted to hear
you say it. Yesterday, when I took your phone to speak to my uncle
you came up, I inquired about you. And well...my uncle said I could
have you...with your consent of course.”
Talia was shocked into
speechlessness Taj continuing holding her closer to him,
“My uncle knows what it is
you're missing. What you need. And for a while, he's been scared you
would wander from him, like the other two did. He...he somehow felt
better letting you loose near me. He'd rather you be with someone he
knew and trusted, rather than some random stranger. But like I
He cupped the flushing, reddened
face in his hands, and pecked her forehead.
“I need your consent--”
“You have it!” Talia
all but spat the statement at him.
And she was in his arms, cradled
against him, carried through the cottage.
Towards the open door of his
For the last thirty-odd minutes,
the quilted, leather padded headboard of the king-sized bed had been
steadily, and rhythmically smacking the wall behind it, as powered by
each throw of his unyielding, powerful, yet graceful hips.
Talia was helpless, each strike
causing her to moan uncontrollably, staring up at the deep yellow
fabric swaying over head.
Feeling the full weight of Taj's
nude body pressing her's into the mattress and pillows.
The smell of him, the feel of his
dampening perspiration on her skin.
His lips, plump warm and moist,
sucking at the bare, tender flesh of her throat with such force she
was certain he was leaving a string of hickies in his wake.
His braids, sweeping across her
face as he held her down by her wrists, on either side of her head,
leaving her open to the welcome pounding he was delivering upon her.
“Oh! Oh! Mmm-hmm!” She
whimpered, body arching as again, his fur-trimmed pubis met her shorn
one, the massiveness of his shaft, forcing its way in, spreading her
to impossible widths.
She had only glimpsed him a
moment...seen his plaid boxers falling to his ankles...taken in his
toned, proportioned body atop the stocky hips and thick legs.
Seen that manhood rising upwards,
in all of its glory, its pinkish tip stretching beyond the foreskin,
winking at her.
She had been besieged like an
undefended fort by a storming cavalry.
How could she resist him?
How could she resist herself? The
things she had wanted, longed for.
Yearned for all these months.
Yes...Michael Jackson provided
well for her, beyond her wildest dreams.
But affluence, prominence and the
finer things didn't replace that one basic instinct.
The need for a man.
And what a man Taj Jackson was.
“You... you like this...don't
you?” He teased those lips slipping against her and sucking on her
“Yes...yes...yes!” She
was able to gasp, Taj falling onto her, their arms wrapping each
other to the point neither could tell where the other began or end.
Mouths, bodies, souls connected
into one.
“Please! Please!” Was
all Talia could seem to vocalize in between her frantic gasps and
moans...but Taj showed a prowess and innate sense for fulfilling her
He threw his hips harder, that
bush on him meeting her smooth skin with more force, all of him
surging deeper, deeper, yet deeper into her moist welcoming folds.
She was so good to him, so warm,
alive, lithe...so tight.
But his deepest pleasure came from
feeling her, touching her, listening to her.
It took a bit of effort, but he
managed to raise himself so he could fully take in the majesty that
was Talia laying beneath him.
The tawny skin kissed with a sheen
of sweat, the full, round bosom bouncing im response to his every
connection with her.
The flushed cheeks, the glossy
lips curling around the white teeth. The beautiful amber eyes,
nothing more than slits in the carved face, as he continued to
gleefully assault her other slit...feeling her struggling to contain
him all.
So few women were able to.
But he could the little cavorting
vixen among that exclusive few.
The way her auburn tresses spread
out over the pillows.
Was he really enjoying this lovely
“Oh God!” Talia whined,
feeling his hands grabbing onto her mounds, plying and kneading them.
“Taj! Taj! Oh--Taj, please!”
Continuing to pound away at her,
Taj threw his head back, bearing his teeth and snarling at the
can't stop! I won't stop!”
It was swiftly becoming apparent
to Talia that Taj was proving too much for her.
The entire situation was too much
for her...
And before she could warn him, it
Taj's thrusts slowed as the gasp
of ecstasy popped from those lips and lower, a flow or warm wetness
sprang from her little love pocket.
“Yes! I like that! Yes, girl!
That's what I want!” Taj hissed, easing himself from Talia.
All was calm for a few moments,
the only sound was the pair of them breathing heavily.
And then the silence of the late
afternoon was broken by a shriek.
Pushing up onto her elbows in
alarm, Talia stared down her body, staring at the top of Taj's head,
pomade glistening on his scalp, his face completely hidden in her
And as the head began to bob up
and down, his tongue lashing against her already swollen clitoris,
Talia could only fall back onto the pillows, her eyes snapping shut
from the sensation.
Gripping on her bosom, her first
reaction to such a feeling, such a sensation, was for her lgs to snap
shut, but they were prevented by the strong palms of Taj's hands on
her inner thighs, pressing and forcing them to remain open.
Allowing him to continue making a
meal of her...sucking, biting, nibbling and licking after the bud and
moist opening quivering in is wake.
“Right there! Right there! Right
there! AH! Right there!”
The rush was on her again, thighs
quivering as her body down to her very soul was wracked again, Taj
managing to pull his face back, an arch of lust liquid arcing into
the air, splatting the carpet below and part of his bare shoulder.
“That's what I like to see! Get
it all out, Baby...”
Two fingers were venturing inside
her, his thumb flush against her clit rubbing her, and encouraging
her onto another orgasm.
“AH! AH! AH!”
More dampness gushed forth and the
bed shook, Taj crawling closer to her, resting on his knees by her
His breathing heavy, his eyes
fixed on her, glinting glowing and widened with madness from his
behind his braids.
Beads of sweat sparking on his
chest and abdomen, a few droplets glittering from the thatch of curls
surrounding the stiff rod he was slowly forcing past those shimmering
Talia could no longer resist
him—how had she ever resisted him to begin with?
The taste of him, the smell of
him, the feel of that bush repeatedly bumping her lips...it was
“You're too good...oh
shit...” He hissed at her through grit teeth, snarling.
shit.... oh shit....oh shit....”
Marking each exclamation he was
punching against the headboard, causing the bed to rattle.
His hands found her breasts,
gripping them tightly, the red head bobbing back and forth
relentlessly into his crotch.
With one final drowning scream of
passion, his cock, wet and dewy with saliva popped loose from her
mouth running up onto her cheek.
Three rapid, hard bursts exploded
from his tip, streaking off into her hair and onto the pillows under
her head.
God...oh my God...Jesus...Oh...shit....”
Taj gasped, still clutching the
reddened distressed face, those pale eyes huge at him.
Gently, delicately, slowly, he
bent over her, pressing his lips to hers, kissing her deeply.
He drew back, pecking the snake in
her earlobe only far enough to hear Talia whisper weakly,
“Thank you...”
That night, dinner, taken in the
grand dining hall was a quiet, calm affair.
Michael, fresh from his jaunt to
El Segundo was his usual self, sweet, cheery, and quite chatty about
the deal he'd closed and the building he'd overseen presided from the
head of the table, Talia to his left, Taj to his right.
And though she was quite
attentive, clutching Michael's hand through all six of the lavish
courses, time and and again, her eyes drifted to and met those of the
man across the table from her.
If Michael noticed at all, he
remained silent on the matter...of course, the union of the two
flanking him had been done by his own hand.
A touch of a sacrifice had been
made in 'sharing' the young love of his life, but granted, it was for
only one aspect of so many that went into a healthy, long term
Yes, the three at the table,
finishing up bowls of sorbet were happy, all for different reasons,
stemming from the same root.
There were no longer any actions
with which a misinterpretation could be gleaned.
Not anymore.