Thursday, May 24, 2012

A New Challenge!

Hey Y'all!

If there's one thing I like to get, it's a challenge when it comes to my writing and earlier today I was presented with one.

My friend Ash, who's always reading and critiquing my stories asked a favor of me. She wants to know if I can write an all romantic erotica. With no swearing. Now I think even in the most romantic of circumstances, Michael would let at least a "damn" fly out his mouth, but I'm always up for a challenge and trying to work my mind for stories.

So, soon, I will be posting an all-romantic, erotica.

Stay tuned.


  1. I think a romantic would be nice but i agree, I picture Michael as more of a dominating/in-charge/cursing type of guy so good luck with that! I know you can do it though, you're an amazing writer Tiffie!
