Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Method To My Madness

Hey Y’all!


Between the Michael Jackson fanpage Eternal and my Erotica blog, I have posted about a dozen stories about The King of Entertainment. And question I keep getting asked over and over by both members of the MJ community and non-MJ-ers, is:

“How do you come up with the ideas, Tiffeny?”

I want to answer that question today. Believe it or not, there is a method to my madness.

My mind is always going, going, going with ideas, whether they be for eroticas, my long form fan fiction or my horror stories. I cannot turn it off. There have been times I’ve woken up out of a dead sleep at 3 in the morning and had to jot down an idea. They hit me anywhere. At home, the grocery store, the mall. I can’t turn it off. It’s just there.

I’ve been told I have a broad imagination. I am an only child and when I was little, I always played alone, so I had to I guess play pretend to stay occupied. I first started writing my own stories when I was nine because I had read EVERYTHING in the library at school. I started with eroticas when I was 14. I cannot put my first erotica online because I have a teenager running around with a 40-something Michael. LOL.

Back to my process. For my eroticas nowadays, I make a point of using a photograph of Michael Jackson to lead my stories. There are actually two ways that this goes:

ONE: The unprovoked idea. Like I said, an idea can strike me at any time. When I have an unprovoked idea, it means, I have an idea for an erotica, but I have no clear idea exactly what era Michael Jackson to use. I could have an idea about Michael running out of gas in the desert and screwing his girlfriend to kill time. Now I just said it was Michael. It could be 19 year old Michael with an afro, 22 year old Michael with a curl, or 48 year old Michael with long straight hair. When I decide which Michael I want, I first go looking for photos, because I always base Michael’s appearance in the story on the photo. Essentially, Michael is buck naked in my mind until I find a picture that would go with my story, and then I dress him, only to strip him again in the story, of course. I have a several MJ photo sites I frequent, plus my own archives of over three thousand pictures. Yes, THOUSAND. I love to look at Michael, he’s beautiful and why not? LOL.

TWO: The provoked idea: This is actually kind of like a reverse of the preceding paragraph. I don’t have a clear cut idea really, so I actually go looking to photos for inspiration. And a lot of the time a picture would just leap out at me, speak to me in a way and I can say, gosh this, that and the other should happen. Literally, I have a folder set aside specifically for pictures to do with my eroticas, and I can just look at a picture and know what story it goes to. I don’t know how I keep track, but I do.

And then there’s a special case when it comes to my eroticas. Every so often, I get a bit bored with Michael off to himself with a woman, and so for a little mix up, I throw one of his brothers into it. I mentioned before that I do have a problem with favoritism towards Michael’s brother Marlon. What the hell can I say? I like Marlon Jackson. I don’t care if he’s 55, I still think he’s as sexy as he was when he was 25. Come on, I posted a video of him and said his pot belly was cute. Now you know you gotta like someone to like their fat! Anyway, you can only get Marlon and Michael naked so many times before it gets stale, so I am slowly trying to branch out Michael’s other brothers. I recently completed a story with Michael and Randy, and I hope to put it up on Eternal very soon. So I’m trying. I guess Marlon is my cushion. He’s a joker and I frequently use him as comic relief in a story.

The only real challenge I face with working with Michael’s brothers is I like some more than others. I’ve already glossed over the fact I am not really attracted to Jermaine in any way, but plan to write a story for him because I was asked so kindly.

The thing is when I write a story, I , of course, have to imagine someone with no clothing on. Michael Jackson, that’s as natural as breathing air to me. Marlon and Randy are easy too to an extent. I’ve never gone for the other three so much, and in a way, I kind of have to turn myself on to that particular brother for the few hours I’m writing about him if he plays a sexual part. Not to say that the other three Jacksons aren’t attractive, they are, I just never thought of them that way.

I have a particularly bothersome problem with Tito Jackson. I don’t know if I’d ever be comfortable writing a sexual part for him, because when I first started doing eroticas, I used to write them about 3T--Taj, Taryll and TJ--Tito’s three SONS. While that was years ago, and the stories are so sedate , a kid could read them, I’d still know I’d have written for both sons and father, and it kind of makes my flesh crawl to think of that. Ha-ha.

It once crossed my mind to use 3T with Michael in a story and I got NO’s all across from people who didn’t like the idea.

I might include Tito in a story where I have all six of the Jacksons playing a part, but that’s all still in the early stages. I have so many stories outlined, I wonder if I will ever write ALL of them. (Another one with Marlon is on my mind) But I’ll keep trying because writing is my hobby and I thoroughly enjoy it.

And I want to thank all of my readers from the bottom of my heart. Without you guys, my work would still be unknown.

Tiffeny B.

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