Hey Y'all!
First of all, of course, I want to thank each and every one of you who takes time out of your day to swing by here and read the stories I write. It truly makes me so happy and proud my work is appreciated and enjoyed.
That being said, I'll get to the point of this post.
A friend of mine called me a "prolific" writer, because of the number of stories I have popped out and posted not only onto this blog but a couple of others, depending on the subject matter.
The thing about me is, at any given time, I'm else brainstorming new ideas or organizing a story in my head. This is all the time, all day and all not if I'm not actively focused on something else.
For instance, this morning at 6 am, I woke up with an idea. And it's not unusual for me to be struck at 2, 3, or 4 am, earlier later, my thought process knows no bounds.
The thing is, not all my stories are "original".
Now before you go to hollering I'm plagiarizing, let me explain that I'm actually NOT.
I come up with ideas so quickly sometimes that I cannot write them all and instead have a special document to hold ideas until I can get around to them or feel inspired to work on them.
And in the process, stories meant for a certain Jackson might and/or will wind up being used for another.
This morning I was inspired for a story specifically for the youngest member of 3T: TJ Jackson.
I always kind of struggle with coming up with stories for TJ, not because he isn't good looking or anything, its just most of my eroticas are kind of on the raunchy side and TJ strikes me as more the romantic type, so I try to put stories revolving around him more into that sort of vein. Mushy and lovey-dovey... and I'll be honest, that romantic stuff is a challenge for me. I don't really like romantic stuff and I just am not drawn to romance like most women are. Perhaps I'm more blunt, I don't need. The whole roses and boxed chocolates route never really resonated with me, and I just think it's a waste of time and money. You want me, tell me. Don't ply me with dying plants and a heart-shaped box of calories I don't need.
I digress.
This is where the rearranging of ideas came in at. The outline for the TJ story I put to paper, was actually the third incantation of an idea I had YEARS ago. Before my foray into 3T-themed eroticas, I wrote Michael Jackson ones. (I will go back to MJ eventually, I'm just tuned into to 3T at the moment)
The idea I had initially involved Michael Jackson and his older brother Jermaine.
As I'm very looks oriented, I selected how I had wanted Michael to appear in the story :
But I got taken with other projects and eventually this look for Michael was instead used for an erotica called "Testimony" which also featured pop star, Prince.
At some point between then and now, the story evolved to still include Michael Jackson, but instead of his brother Jermaine, I had switched it up for Taryll Jackson, his nephew, and TJ's older brother.
Perhaps it's nepotism, but EVERY 3T solo erotica starts as a Taryll story and then I kind of break it down and say "No, this is better suited for Taj" or "This would do better with TJ" Taryll is my favorite so he kind of gets special treatment.
But I'm always trying to change it up and challenge myself, and with this particular idea I wanted one of the uncles (you will never catch Tito and one of his sons together in my eroticas, I gotta draw that line somewhere!!!!) to be mean to this particular girl, and TJ basically is the hero, swooping in to save her. I just can't imagine Michael Jackson as a villain in any story, he's so nice, so I chose a different uncle. I won't say who, it'll spoil the story, but I chose a different uncle and threw TJ in there .
I do rearrange and augment different stories like that all the time.
My first 3T erotica "Trouble in Paradise" was supposed to be a Taryll solo, but since it was my first try at a story with them, I decided to make it a full 3T erotica instead. People liked it so I know I made the correct choice.
I have tons more ideas I want to work on and at the moment I am starting a 3T horror story for Halloween, so stick around. That should be going up soon.
Again, thank you so much from reading!!! Much love!
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